Title: Reaction
1Reaction Transition State
Computational Chemistry 5510 Spring 2006 Hai Lin
2Bridge the Gap
- Experimental rate constatnts (macroscopic)
- Quantum states (microscopic)
Boltzmann Distribution
Macroscopic rate constant is an average over all
microscopic rate constants weighted by the
probability of finding a molecule with a given
set of quantum numbers (e.g., electronic,
vibrational, rotational, translational, nuclear
spin ...)
3Transition State Theory
Saddle Point
- A reaction proceeds along a reaction path from
one minimum to another via an intermediate
maximum (first-order saddle point).
- The transition state (TS) passes through the
maximum and devide the hyperspace into reactant
and product.
Reaction Path
4Classical Reaction Energy Profile
Transition state DE
DE classical energy
DE 0
Perpendicular coordinates
s 0
Reaction coordinate
- Reaction coordinate leads the system from
reactant to product along a minimum energy path
(MEP). - Transition state theory places the transition
state at the maximum of MEP.
5Free Energy Profile
Generalized transition state DG
DG free energy
DE classical energy
DG 0
Perpendicular coordinates
s 0
Reaction coordinate
Variational effect
- Variational transition state theory (VTST) places
the transition state at the maximum of free
energy curve. - Transition state theory (TST) ignores the
variational effect.
6A Semi-classical Theory
- Motion along the reaction coordinate is treated
Reactive Trajectory
Minimum Energy Path
- Motions perpendicular to the reaction coordinate
are treated quantum mechanically.
Non-reactive Trajectory
- All trajectories originated from reactant and
passing through TS go to product.
Transition State
7TST Rate Constant
- There is an equilibrium energy distribution among
all possible quantum states along the reaction
path including at the transition structure point.
- The canonical TST rate constant k at a given
temperature T is
k (kBT/h) Exp(-DG /RT)
k (kBT/h) Exp(DS /R) Exp(-DH /RT)
Entropy contribution
Enthalpy contribution
kB is the Boltzmann constant, h is the Planck
constant, and R is the gas constant.
8TST Rate Constatnt (2)
- Canonical TST rate constant can also be expressed
k (kBT/h) (Q/QR) Exp(-DE /RT)
QR is the partition function for reactant. Q is
the generalized partition function for TS
(because the motion along the reaction coordniate
is an imaginary-frequency vibration). Please
note that we calculate the electronic partition
function for TS differently from the textbook
(Equ. 12.21) in that the Exp(-DE /RT) is
explicitly taken out.
9Partition Functions
- Partition function for a molecule
q Si gi Exp(-Dei /kBT)
qtot qelec ? qtrans ? qrot ? qvib etot eelec
etrans erot evib
- Partition function for M molecules
Qtot q1 ? q2 ? ... ? qM
for distinguishable particles
Qtot qM/M!
for non-distinguishable particles
10Partition Functions (2)
- Electronic partition function
qelec gGS Si gESi Exp(-DeESi /kBT)
where GS and ESi denote ground state and the i-th
excited state, respectively. Normally DeESi gtgt
kBT, and qelec gGS.
- Translational partition function
qtrans (2pMkBT/h2)3/2V
where M is the molecular mass, V is usually taken
to be the volume of one mole of ideal gas.
11Partition Functions (3)
- Rotational partition function for linear molecules
qrot (8p2I0 kBT) / (sh2)
where I0 is the moment of inertia.
- Classica rotational partition function for
nonlinear molecules
qrot p½ (8p2 kBT / sh2)3/2 (I1I2I3)3/2
where I1, I2, and I3 are moments of inertia along
the principal axes of inertia. (Using the
principal axes of inertia, the matrix of moment
of inertia is diagonal.) Symmetric number s is
determined by the molecular symmetry.
12Partition Functions (4)
- Vibrational partition function
qtot qvib1 ? qvib2 ? ... ? qvibF
At minima, F 3N 6(5) for nonlinear (linear)
molecule At transition state, F 3N 7(6) for
nonlinear (linear) molecule
- Harmonic oscillator approximation
qvibi 1 Exp(-hni /kBT)-1
13Reaction Coordinate Motion
Reaction coordinate
Transmission probability
14Transmission Coefficients
- A semi-classical treatment to improve the rate
kcorr k kTST
Account for all quantum contributions
Rate constant by TST calculation
Corrected rate constant with quantum contributions
- Value of k is usually between 0.5 and 2, but can
also be very large in some cases, e.g., at very
low T. - At high T, recrossing is important.
- At low T, tunneling is important.
Note Transmission coefficient here is not the
transmission probability in the previous slide!
15Variational Transition State Theory
- Optimize the location of transition state (not
necessarily at the saddle point). - Include multi-dimensional tunneling contributions
(can cut the corner at the concave side)
Sample Trajectory
Minimum Energy Path
Multi-dimensional Tunneling Path
Optimized Generalized Transition State
Saddle Point
16How Well Can We Do?
- Errors in DE 10 kcal/mol
- Meaningless rate constant calculations
- Refine the energies, please.
- Errors in DE 1 kcal/mol
- Good accuracy, difficult to get
- Harmonic oscillator and rigid rotor
approximations used commonly - Error in DG can be several kcal/mol.
- Errors in rate constants with a factor of 10 at T
300 K
- Errors in DE 0.1 kcal/mol
- Excellent accuracy, only possible for limited
cases - Anharmonicity to be considered
- Error in DG can be 0.2 kcal/mol.
- Recrossing and tunneling become important, and
advanced dynamics treatment are desirable - Errors in rate constants with a factor of 2 at T
300 K
17Optimize the Transition Structure
- The key a good initial guess for the geometry
- Newton-Raphson methods
- Check convergency
- Vibrational analysis to identify the TS
- one and only one imaginary-frequency mode that
corresponds to the motion of the reaction
- Verify that the minimum energy path passing
through the TS indeed connects the reactant and
product - Intrinsic reaction path (IRC) calculation
18Obtain a Good Guess
- Many ways to generate a reasonable initial guess
of the transition structure - None of these ways guarantees a good initial
guess - Some commonly used tricks
- Interpolate between the reactant and product
using internal coordinates
- Impose symmetry when possible
- Surface scan by constrainted optimization
19Constrainted Surface Scan
- Imagine that the OH is approaching the CH4
slowly, how does the CH4 continuously adjust
itself accordingly? - Successively change r1 by a small amount in the
optimizarion where r1 is constrainted, and
monitor the energy and r2.
Reaction coordinate
20Constrainted Surface Scan (2)
- Use lower-level of theory and larger step size to
get preliminary energy profile, and refine the
region close to the maximum with higher-level of
theory and smaller step size. - Scan for small model, and use the result to build
TS for large system.
- Reaction Energy Profiles
- Classical reaction energy profile
- Free energy profile
- Variation effect
- Transition State Theory
- Basis assumptions
- Partition functions
- Quantum contributions
- Optimize Transition Structure
- Initial guess
- Vibrational analysis at TS
- IRC verification
22Your Homework
- Read the slides.
- Read textbook (Take notes when you read.)
- 12
- 14.8
- Questions
- What assumptions does Transition State Theory
make? - What is the symmetric number for H2O and HOD?
- Which coordinate can be used as the reaction
coordinate for reaction Cl HF (1) rCl-H, (2)
rH-F, (3) dr rCl-H - rH-F, (4) R rCl-H
rH-F, or none of the above? - What is the recrossing and what is tunnelling?
Under what circumstance does one should consider
their contribution?