Title: Optimization of DrugLike Properties During Lead Optimization
1Optimization of Drug-Like Properties During Lead
Biopharmaceutic Modeling and the Role of Dose
and Formulation on Oral Exposure
Brian R. Rohrs Michigan Pharmaceutical
Sciences Kalamazoo, MI Pfizer Global RD
AAPS Workshop Parsippany, New Jersey September
19-22, 2004
2When does Formulation Impact Early Drug
- As soon as you need in vivo exposure, the drug
delivery method has an impact - ADME Studies
- Efficacy Models
- Toxicity Studies
3What are the Consequences of Poor Exposure?
- Ambiguous or unusable study results
- Highly variable data
- Use up scarce API
- Molecule given low priority or discontinued
(perhaps rightly so?)
4Biopharmaceutic Models
- Many models available, from simple to very
sophisticated (and very expensive!) - MAD (Maximum Absorbable Dose)
- Microscopic Mass Balance Approach
- Intellipharm PK
- GastroPlus (ACAT)
- Models most often used for prediction of
bioavailability, but can also use them to guide
formulation approach to get better exposure
5Objective for Talk
- Give you a qualitative framework to understand
the relationships between dose, solubility,
permeability, and API particle size - Help you to answer the questions
- Why am I getting poor exposure?
- Will formulation help me?
- What technologies should be tried?
- Keep it simple
6Microscopic Mass Balance Approach (MiMBA)
- Developed by Gordon Amidon and others at U of
Michigan - Qualitative method for estimating fraction
absorbed from phys/chem data - Simple calculation of three dimensionless values
describing relative processes of solubilization,
permeability, and dissolution
Oh, D-M, Curl RL, Amidon GL. Pharm Res 10(2)
1993, 264-270.
7MiMBA Schematic
- Particles introduced at beginning of intestine
- Dissolution and absorption occur as particles
transit intestine
8Solubilization Process
- Described by Dose Number, Do
- Answers question, what fraction of my dose can
the solvent medium hold? - M0 Dose (mg)
- V0 Volume (ml)
- Cs Saturation Solubility (mg/ml)
9Solubilization Process (cont.)
- Variables V0 and Cs are dependent on the in vivo
environment, V0 species dependent - As dose number increases from 0 to 1, medium
becomes increasingly saturated greater than 1,
medium is saturated with solid left over
10Permeability Process
- Described by Absorption Number, An
- Ratio of absorption rate to GI transit rate
- Peff Effective permeability coefficient
(cm/min) - R, L Radius, Length of intestine (cm)
- Q Flow rate down GI tract (cm3/min)
11Permeability Process (cont.)
- As absorption rate gets slower than transit rate
(An lt 1), material passes through absorption
region before it can get absorbed - Variables Peff, R, L, Q all species dependent
- Estimate Peff from Caco2, rat permeability, etc,
but need correlation to species of interest - Absorption rate constant k (min-1) related to
Peff via geometric surface to volume ratio of
intestine - Peff k SA/Vol k 2/R
12Dissolution Process
- Described by Dissolution Number, Dn
- Ratio of GI residence time to complete
dissolution time - D Diffusivity of compound (cm2/min)
- r0 Particle radius (cm)
- Density of compound solid (mg/cm3)
- Cs, Q, R, L as previously defined
13Dissolution Process (cont.)
- As residence time exceeds dissolution time (Dn gt
1), all material in solution and available for
absorption - r0 can be estimated from microscopic image
- ? function of solid (most between 1 and 1.5)
- D function of molecular size (typically6 to 8 x
10-6 cm2/min)
14Equations Describing Dissolution and Absorption
- Calculate fraction absorbed Fabs from change in
particle radii and change in dissolved drug down
GI tract
15Calculate Particle Radii, Concentration and Fabs
16Bottom Line Can Map out Biopharmaceutic
17Amount (mg) Absorbed Plateaus as Dose ? and Fabs ?
18Three Regions of Limited Bioavailability (An
Where you are in the biopharmaceutic landscape
determines formulation approach for enhancing
19Estimating An, Dn, and Do
20Variables to Impact with Formulation
- Dose, Mo
- Solubility, Cs
- Particle size, r0
- Volume, Vo (to some extent)
21If Dissolution Limited
- Relative Dissolution Rate ? Sol/(r2)
- To speed up dissolution
- Reduce particle size
- Increasing solubility affects both Dn and Do
- Typically, if Dn gt 10, particle size reduction of
minimum value
22Particle Radii for Dn gt 10
23If Dissolution Limited
- Relative Dissolution Rate ? Sol/(r2)
- To speed up dissolution
- Reduce particle size
- Increasing solubility affects both Dn and Do
- Typically, if Dn gt 10, particle size reduction of
minimum value - Exception is for high permeability, low
solubility compouds
24Estimated Fabs for Rapid Dissolution (Dn gtgt 1)
25If Solubility Limited
- Relative Solubility ? Dose/Sol
- Enhance solubility to increase Fabs
- Strategies include ionization, surfactants,
co-solvents, high energy solids (including
salts), complexation agents, emulsions - Be aware of effect of chemical potential
26Chemical Potential
- Competition for Drug Molecules
27If Permeability Limited
- Flux ? Conc Peff
- If P-gp substrate, coadminister inhibitor
- Cremophor EL
- Vitamin E-TGPS
- Polysorbate 80
- Increase Solubility
- Supersaturate at absorption site
- Be aware of chemical potential
28Influence of Chemical Potential
Yu L, et.al. Pharm Res 16(12) 1999, 1812-1817
Nerurkar MM, et.al.. Pharm Res 13(4) 1996, 528-534
- To estimate where you are in the biopharmaceutics
landscape, use diagrams and simple calculations
presented here - Reducing particle size never hurts
- When using solubility enhancers, remember that
you can have too much of a good thing