Constructivism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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( Piaget is probably the most well-known contemporary constructivist. ... level of potential development) under adult guidance or in collaboration with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Constructivism

  • Mr. Dominador D. Mangao
  • Specialist (Science)
  • Training Programme Division

What Influences Science Teaching Today?
  • Constructivist approach to science teaching and
  • inquiry-based instruction in science
  • interweaving of assessment and instruction
    (multiple assessment)

  • A focus on cooperative learning and collaborative
  • The belief that diverse learners and those with
    special needs can be full participants in an
    effective science classroom
  • Integration of technology
  • Standards movement in education

  • National Science Education Standards , 1996
  • Benchmarks for Science Literacy ( AAAS,1993)
  • National Educational Technology
  • Standards(International Society for Technology in
    Education, 2000)
  • Standards for Technological Literacy Content for
    the Study of Technology (International
    Technology Education Association, 2000)

  • The Constructivist Manifesto
  • If I had to reduce all of educational
    psychology to one principle, I would say this
    The most important single factor influencing
    learning is what the learner already knows.
    Ascertain this and teach . . . accordingly.
  • Ausubel, David (1968). Educational Psychology- A
    Cognitive View.

  • "a theory about knowledge and learning.
  • knowledge is "temporary, developmental,
    nonobjective, internally constructed, and
    socially and culturally mediated.
    ( Fosnot,1996)

  • learners actively construct their own knowledge
    by anchoring new information to preexisting
  • Learning does not occur in isolation, either.
    Learners interact with the knowledge, the
    learning environment, and with other learners
  • knowledge is viewed "as something created,
    discovered, and experienced

  • "knowledge as an active construction built up by
    the individual acting within a social context
    that shapes and constrains that knowledge but
    does not determine it in an absolute sense
    (Applebee and Purves)
  • Constructivist teaching empowers the learner to
    construct and interpret his/her understanding of
    knowledge and reality.

  • Constructivism is anchored on cognitive
    psychology but from a practical perspective has
    roots in the "progressive" model of John Dewey.

  • learners are active participants in knowledge
    acquisition, and engage in restructuring,
    manipulating, reinventing, and experimenting with
    knowledge to make it meaningful, organized and
  • Learning is an internal process and influenced by
    the learner's personality, prior knowledge and
    learning goals(

  • Piaget is probably the most well-known
    contemporary constructivist.
  • the idea that students, as well as all humans,
    actively construct their understandings of the
    world and these constructions are significantly
    influenced by prior knowledge, beliefs,
    attitudes, and experiences.

  • Jean Piaget and John Dewey developed theories of
    childhood development and education, what we now
    call Progressive Education, that led to the
    evolution of constructivism.

  • Piaget ( cognitive development)concluded that
    knowledge cannot be transmitted intact from one
    person to another people must construct their
    own knowledge and their own understandings.
    Learning does not occur by transmitting
    information from the teacher or the textbook (or
    the video or the demonstration) to the childs

  • each child constructs his or her own meaning by
    combining prior information with new information
    such that the new knowledge provides personal
    meaning to the child ( Cobern, 1993).

  • Piaget believed that humans learn through the
    construction of one logical structure (schema)
    after another.
  • concluded that the logic of children and their
    modes of thinking are initially entirely
    different from those of adults.
  • The implications of this theory and how he
    applied them have shaped the foundation for
    constructivist education.

  • added new perspectives to constructivist learning
    theory and practice
  • Lev Vygotsky,
  • Von Glasersfeld,
  • Jerome Bruner, and
  • David Ausubel.

  • Vygotsky introduced the social aspect of learning
    into constructivism ( social constructivism).
  • Defined the zone of proximal learning, according
    to which students solve problems beyond their
    actual developmental level ( but within their
    level of potential development) under adult
    guidance or in collaboration with more capable

  • Bruner initiated curriculum change based on the
    notion that learning is an active, social
    process in which student construct new ideas or
    concepts based on their current knowledge (
    Discovery learning).

  • See comparison of theories and perspectives of

Constructivist View of Learning
  • Learning outcomes depend not only on the learning
    environment but also on what the learner already
    knows, that is, pupils conceptions, purposes and
    motivations influence the way they interact with
    learning materials in various ways.

  • Learning involves constructing meanings of what
    people hear or see by generating links between
    their existing knowledge and new phenomena
    attended to.
  • New experiences are interpreted by generating
    expectations based on present knowledge and these
    are actively tested out.
  • Everyone has sets of beliefs about how things
    happen and expectations which enable us to
    predict future events.

  • construction of meaning is a continuous and
    active process.
  • This is to say that in learning situation,
    learners are actively hypothesizing, checking,
    and possibly changing their ideas as they
    interact with phenomena and with other people.
  • In some cases, pupils do adapt and evolve their
    thinking to accommodate new experiences

  • Although pupils may successfully construct an
    intended meaning, they may be reluctant to accept
    or believe it.
  • Learning involves not only constructing the
    intended ideas but also accepting them.
  • Difficulties in learning science may arise at
    either the construction or acceptance stage.

  • Learners are responsible for their own learning
    in that they have to direct their attention to
    the learning task, draw on their present
    knowledge to construct meaning and evaluate that
  • Unfortunately, many learning situations do not
    encourage pupils to make scientific sense of what
    they are expecting but rather to pursue the
    right answer to the teachers questions,
    textbook problems, or laboratory exercises.

  • By presenting science as a set of right
    answers, pupils cannot make new experiences
    meaningful to them and readily substitute
    external authority and rote learning for internal
    authority and understanding.

  • These science educators agree with Piaget that
    knowledge is constructed and theorize that
    students are builders of knowledge structures.
    They have developed a number of alternative
    models that have direct implication for teaching
    science to secondary school students.

Common Characteristics
  • Importance of content Knowledge
  • Integration of skills and content
  • Intrinsic nature of motivation
  • Role of learning groups

  • See comparison of traditional and constructivist

Characteristics of Constructivist Teaching
  • Encourage and accept student autonomy and
  • Use raw data and primary information sources with
    manipulative, interactive, and physical materials
  • Use cognitive terminology such as classify,
    analyze, predict, and create
  • Allow student responses to drive lessons, shift
    instructional strategies, and alter content

  • Inquire about students understandings of
    concepts before sharing their own understanding
    about the concepts
  • Encourage students to engage in dialogue, both
    with the teacher and with one another
  • Encourage student inquiry by asking thoughtful,
    open-ended questions and encouraging students to
    ask questions of each other
  • Seek elaboration of students initial responses

  • Engage students in experiences that might
    engender contradictions to their initial
    hypotheses and then encourage discussion
  • Allow wait time after posing a question
  • Provide time for students to construct
    relationships and create metaphors
  • Nurture students natural curiosity through
    frequent use of the learning cycle mode,

How constructivism impacts on learning
  • Curriculum
  • Constructivism calls for the elimination of a
    standardized curriculum.
  • Instead, it promotes using curricula customized
    to the students' prior knowledge.
  • Also, it emphasizes hands-on problem solving.

  • educators focus on making connections between
    facts and fostering new understanding in
    students. Instructors tailor their teaching
    strategies to student responses and encourage
    students to analyze, interpret, and predict
    information. Teachers also rely heavily on
    open-ended questions and promote extensive
    dialogue among students.

  • Constructivism calls for the elimination of
    grades and standardized testing. Instead,
    assessment becomes part of the learning process
    so that students play a larger role in judging
    their own progress.

Implications for teaching
  • First, teaching cannot be viewed as the
    transmission of knowledge from enlightened to
    unenlightened constructivist teachers do not
    take the role of the "sage on the stage."
  • Rather, teachers act as "guides on the side" who
    provide students with opportunities to test the
    adequacy of their current understandings.

  • Second, if learning is based on prior knowledge,
    then teachers must note that knowledge and
    provide learning environments that exploit
    inconsistencies between learners' current
    understandings and the new experiences before

  • This challenges teachers, for they cannot assume
    that all children understand something in the
    same way. Further, children may need different
    experiences to advance to different levels of

  • Third, if students must apply their current
    understandings in new situations in order to
    build new knowledge, then teachers must engage
    students in learning, bringing students' current
    understandings to the forefront.
  • Teachers can ensure that learning experiences
    incorporate problems that are important to
    students, not those that are primarily important
    to teachers and the educational system.

  • Teachers can also encourage group interaction,
    where the interplay among participants helps
    individual students become explicit about their
    own understanding by comparing it to that of
    their peers.

  • Fourth, if new knowledge is actively built, then
    time is needed to build it.
  • Ample time facilitates student reflection about
    new experiences, how those experiences line up
    against current understandings, and how a
    different understanding might provide students
    with an improved (not "correct") view of the

Examples of Constructivist Teaching Models
  • CLIS Model Childrens Learning in Science Model
  • proposed by the CLIS group in United Kingdom.
  • has five phases, namely, orientation, elicitation
    of ideas, restructuring of ideas, application of
    ideas, and review change in ideas

  • Five Es proposed by the Biological Sciences
    Curriculum Study (BSCS) team.
  • It has five phases namely, Engage, Explore,
    Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate

  • Generative Learning Model the Learning in
    science Project (LISP) at the University of
    Waikato, New Zealand, used this model proposed b
    y the team members, Osborne and Freyberg in 1985.
  • This model is centrally concerned with clarifying
    the students existing views and consolidating
    the scientific views with the background
    experience and values of the students. There are
    four phases, namely, preliminary, focus,
    challenge, and application.

  • Interactive Learning Model developed by the
    Making Sense of the World project by Biddulp
    and Osborne in 1984. This model requires the
    teacher to take into account the students prior
    knowledge and their questions.

  • . From the questions that arise, students are to
    plan and carry out own investigations, verify
    scientific concepts and critically evaluate
  • There are 7 phases in this model, namely
    preparation, before views, exploratory
    activities, students questions, investigations,
    after views, and reflection.

Benefits of Constructivism
  • Children learn more, and enjoy more when they are
    actively involved, rather than passive listeners.
  • Education works best when it concentrates on
    thinking and understanding, rather than on rote
    memorization. Constructivism concentrates on
    learning how to think and understand.

  • Constructivist learning is transferable. In
    constructivist classroom, students create
    organizing principles that they can take with
    them to other learning settings.
  • Constructivism gives students ownership of what
    they learn, since learning is based on students
    questions and explorations, and often the
    students have a hand in designing the assessments
    as well.

  • Constructivist assessment engages the students
    initiatives and personal investments in their
    journals, research reports, physical models, and
    artistic representations.
  • Engaging the creative instincts develops
    students abilities to express knowledge through
    a variety of ways. The students are also more
    likely to retain and transfer the new knowledge t
    real life.

  • By grounding learning activities in an authentic,
    real-world-context, constructivism stimulates and
    engages students. Students in constructivist
    classrooms learn to question things and to apply
    their natural curiosity to the world.

  • Constructivism promotes social and communication
    skills by creating a classroom environment that
    emphasizes collaboration and exchange of ideas.
    Students must learn how to articulate their ideas
    clearly as well as to collaborate on tasks
    effectively by sharing in group projects.

  • Students must therefore exchange ideas and so
    must learn to negotiate with others and to
    evaluate their contributions in a socially
    acceptable manner. This is essential to success
    in the real world, since they will always be
    exposed to a variety of experiences in which they
    will have to cooperate and navigate among the
    ideas of others.
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