Title: WorkRelated Attitudes
1Chapter 6
2Work-Related Attitudes
- Comprised of 3 major components
- An evaluative component
- A cognitive component
- A behavioural component
- Definition of Attitude stable clusters of
feelings, beliefs and behavioural intentions
toward specific objects, people, or institutions. - Work-related attitudes
- Job satisfaction
- Organizational commitment
- Prejudice
3Job Satisfaction Attitudes towards your job
- Definition Peoples cognitive, affective, and
evaluative reactions towards their jobs. - 87 of Canadians satisfied with jobs (Angus Reid)
- General trends
- White collar more satisfied than blue collar
- Older employees more satisfied than younger
employees - More experienced employees more satisfied
- Minority groups less satisfied
- Some individuals more prone to job satisfaction
(Staw Ross study)
4Measuring Job Satisfaction
- Rating Scales and Questionnaires
- Efficient and easy to administer
- Benchmarks available for comparison
- Critical Incidents
- Highlighting good and bad
- More subjective approach allowing common themes
to emerge - Assessment of results more cumbersome
- Interviews and Confrontation Meetings
- Time consuming
- Employee cooperation required up front to ensure
honest answers are given
5Job Satisfaction The Theories
- Herzbergs Two Factor Theory
- Hygiene factors (conditions surrounding the job
environment) lead to job dissatisfaction - Motivators (factors associated with the work
itself) lead to job satisfaction - Lockes Value Theory
- Discrepancy between aspects of job one wants and
one has - The higher the discrepancy, the lower the
satisfaction - The lower the discrepancy, the higher the
satisfaction - Aspects may not be the same for all people
6Job Satisfaction Exercise Are you happy where
you are?
- Complete the Skills Portfolio on p. 194.
7Consequences of Job Dissatisfaction
- Employee withdrawal escape from adverse job
situations - Reduced task performance weak correlation
- Little room for changes in performance
- Job satisfaction and performance may not be linked
8Promoting Job Satisfaction
- Pay people fairly
- Improve the quality of supervision
- Decentralize the control of organizational power
- Match people to jobs that are congruent with
their interests
9Organizational Commitment
- Definition The extent to which an individual
identifies and is involved with his or her
organization and/or is unwilling to leave it. - 2 basic dimensions
- Foci of commitment entity committed to
- Bases of commitment why committed
10FOCI OF COMMITMENTCommitment Profiles (Becker
- Side-bets Orientation
- Lost investment
- Goal Congruence Orientation (Porter)
- Continuance commitment
- Affective commitment
- Normative commitment
12Consequences of Low Organizational Commitment
- High levels of absenteeism and voluntary turnover
- Unwillingness to share and make sacrifices
- Negative personal consequences
13How to enhance commitment
- Enrich jobs
- Fords Employee Involvement Program
- Align the interests of the employees with those
of the company - Profit sharing plans
- Recruit and select newcomers whose values closely
match those of the organization
14Prejudice DiscriminationNegative
attitudes/behaviors towards others
- Prejudice negative attitudes towards the members
of specific groups based solely on the fact that
they are members of those groups - Race, sexual orientation, age, position
- Discrimination Behaviour consistent with a
prejudicial attitude
15Discussion Question 1
- Read the Case Preview on p. 166 Bank of
Montreal - Do you think the Workplace Equality Program will
help minimize discrimination in the company, or
create a more unequitable environment?
16Prejudices can create.
- a source of serious friction or conflict
- adverse affects on the careers of people who are
targets of such attitudes (glass ceiling) - covictimization
17Forms of Groupism
- Age
- Physical condition
- Sexual orientation
- Women
18Diversity Management Programs
- Awareness-based diversity training
- Skills-based diversity training
- Cross-cultural understanding
- Intercultural communication
- Facilitation skills
- Flexibility and adaptability
19Notes of Caution
- Do not focus on stereotypes (positive or
negative) - Encourage employees to accept range of people
- Ensure you have complete management support
20Problems to avoid
- Heightening of emotional tension
- Polarization
- Providing a venue for people with axes to grind
- Personal attacks
- Blaming white males
- Poor timing
- Doing it because everyone else is doing it