Title: Some TPCH queries on Teradata and PostgreSQL
1Some TPC-H queries on Teradata and PostgreSQL
- Project Partners
- Amreek Singh (02329025)
- Chetan Vaity (02329901)
- Usage of real Database Systems
- Gain some experience in database tuning
- Work with Teradata machine in SIT
Test Setup
- Twin processors with 2GB RAM, proprietary
parallel storage system - Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Teradata v4.1.2
- Twin Xeon processors with 2GB RAM, RAID 5
- Linux Kernel version 2.4.18-10smp
- PostgreSQL v7.2.1
3TPC-H Schema
Part (200K rows)
Order(1500K rows)
Partsupp(800K rows)
Lineitem(6000K rows)
Supplier(10K rows)
Customer(150K rows)
Nation(24 rows)
Region(5 rows)
- A typical manufacturing concern database
- Approximately 1GB of data
4TPC-H Query 2
SELECT s_acctbal, s_name, n_name,
p_partkey, p_mfgr, s_address, s_phone,
s_comment FROM part, supplier, partsupp,
nation, region WHERE p_partkey
ps_partkey AND s_suppkey ps_suppkey
AND p_size 15 AND p_type like 'BRASS'
AND s_nationkey n_nationkey AND
n_regionkey r_regionkey AND r_name
'EUROPE' AND ps_supplycost (
SELECT min(ps_supplycost)
FROM partsupp, supplier, nation,
region WHERE p_partkey
ps_partkey AND s_suppkey
ps_suppkey AND s_nationkey
n_nationkey AND n_regionkey
r_regionkey AND r_name 'EUROPE'
) ORDER BY s_acctbal desc, n_name, s_name,
Teradata Query Plan
5- Analysis of query execution plans of both
systems - Added indexes (B-Tree indexes on all)
- Rewrote the query using explicit join clause
- Reduced query time from 40 minutes to 2 seconds
PostgreSQL Query Plan
6Query execution times
After adding secondary index on n_nationkey on
supplier table
After Collect statistics
7 - Conclusion
- Query plans are very useful in database tuning
- Parallel architecture under full DBMS control
performs - Bibliography
- http//www.tpc.org
- PostgreSQL Documentation
- Teradata Documentation
- Database Tuning, Dennis Shasha