Lyric Poetry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lyric Poetry


Thought of as a song. Opposed to narrative and dramatic forms of poetry. An objective genre, not dependent on. Attitude. Theme. Rhetoric. Samuel Taylor Coleridge ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lyric Poetry

Lyric Poetry
  • The Cultural Life of a Concept

Historical Definitions
  • Thought of as a song
  • Opposed to narrative and dramatic forms of poetry
  • An objective genre, not dependent on
  • Attitude
  • Theme
  • Rhetoric

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • A lyric must be one, the parts of which
    mutually support and explain each other, all in
    their proportion harmonizing with, and supporting
    the purpose and known influence of metrical

Edgar Allen Poe
  • The lyric must be brief
  • Philosophy of Composition

William Wordsworth
  • The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.

  • An intensely subjective and personal expression.

John Stuart Mill
  • The utterance that is overheard.
  • 'Lyric poetry' is 'more eminently and
    peculiarly poetry than any other.' (1833
    discussion of Wordsworth)

Frances Turner Palgrave
  • Lyrical has been here held essentially to
    imply that each Poem shall turn on some single
    thought, feeling, or situation. In accordance
    with this, narrative, descriptive, and didactic
    poemsunless accompanied by rapidity of movement,
    brevity, and the colouring of human passionhave
    been excluded.
  • Preface to The Golden Treasury (1861)

John Drinkwater
  • The characteristic of the lyric is that it is
    the product of the pure poetic energy
    unassociated with other energies, and that lyric
    and poetry are synonymous terms.
  • The Lyric (1920)

Eunice Tietjens
  • "The lyric deals first of all with the heart,
    and the other forms of poetry, to a greater or
    less degree, with the mind. And fashions in
    thought change with unchanging rapidity. But the
    heart does not change. . . . The first essential
    of a lyric is therefore that it shall deal with a
    fundamental, a universal emotion of the human
    heart. The lyrist must be able to see through
    the swathings of thought the eternal core of
  • 1923

J.C. Squire
  • "Contemporary poetry, the best of it, is
    lyrical. That is to say, it deals very little
    with ideas. . . . It is with simple matters that
    most good modern English verse is concerned and
    a simple lyric may outlive many ambitious
  • Poets of Our Time (1932)

Herbert Read
  • "clarity, succinctness, simplicity
  • Nature of Metaphysical Poetry (1938)

M.H. Abrams
  • Any fairly short poem consisting of the
    utterance by a single speaker, who expresses a
    state of mind or a process of perception,
    thought, and feeling. Many lyric speakers are
    represented as musing in solitude.

Helen Vendler
  • A lyrics function is to give aesthetically
    convincing representations of feelings felt and
    thoughts thought.
  • The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets, 1997

Sharon Cameron
  • Unlike the drama, whose province is conflict,
    and unlike the novel or narrative, which connects
    isolated moments of time to create a story
    multiply peopled and framed by a social context,
    the lyric voice speaks out of a single moment in
  • The heart of the lyrics sense of time might be
    specified, at least preliminarily, by its
    propensity to interiorize as ambiguity or
    outright contradiction those conflicts that other
    mimetic forms conspicuously exteriorize and then
    allocate to discrete characters who enact them in
    the manifest pull of opposite points of view.
  • Lyric Time, 1979

George T. Wright
  • In their pure forms the lyric presents one
    speaker, the drama more than one. We call
    lyrical, therefore, those dramas in which one
    character (with his point of view) so
    predominates that his confrontations of other
    characters seem falsified the meetings with
    other personae are merely opportunities for their
    spiritual domination by the hero.
  • Similarly, the lyric is or becomes dramatic when
    it presents not a single point of view but a
    struggle between conflicting points of view. The
    deliberate placing of a distance between the poet
    and his lyric persona effectively dramatizes the
    substance of the poem.
  • The Faces of the Poet

Lyric Poem
  • short
  • personal expression of an I
  • usually ruminative and retrospective,
  • minimally narrative
  • sudden, epiphanic moment of realization at the

Hugh Holman, Closure
  • The principle that structured things do not
    just stop, they come to an end with a sense of
    conclusion, completeness, wholeness, integrity,
    finality, and termination.

The Road Not Taken
  • TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
  • And sorry I could not travel both
  • And be one traveler, long I stood
  • And looked down one as far as I could
  • To where it bent in the undergrowth
  • Then took the other, as just as fair,
  • And having perhaps the better claim,
  • Because it was grassy and wanted wear
  • Though as for that the passing there
  • Had worn them really about the same,
  • And both that morning equally lay
  • In leaves no step had trodden black.
  • Oh, I kept the first for another day!
  • Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
  • I doubted if I should ever come back.
  • I shall be telling this with a sigh
  • Somewhere ages and ages hence
  • Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
  • I took the one less traveled by,
  • And that has made all the difference.
  • Robert Frost, 1916

  • Between my finger and my thumb
  • The squat pen rests snug as a gun.
  • Under my window, a clean rasping sound
  • When the spade sinks into gravelly ground
  • My father, digging. I look down
  • Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds
  • Bends low, comes up twenty years away
  • Stooping in rhythm through potato drills
  • Where he was digging.
  • The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft
  • Against the inside knee was levered firmly.
  • He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge
  • To scatter new potatoes that we picked,
  • Loving their cool hardness in our hands.
  • By God, the old man could handled a spade.
  • My grandfather cut more turf in a day
  • Than any other man on Toners bog.
  • Once I carried him milk in a bottle
  • Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up
  • To drink it, then fell to right away
  • Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods
  • Over his shoulder, going down and down
  • For the good turf. Digging.
  • The cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and
  • Of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge
  • Through living roots awaken in my head.
  • But Ive no spade to follow men like them.
  • Between my finger and my thumb
  • The squat pen rests.
  • Ill dig with it.
  • Seamus Heaney, 1966
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