Title: EFSA European Food Safety Authority
Communication on food safety perspective and
experience of EFSA
Anne-Laure Gassin Director of Communications
Safe Foods Meeting Rome, 3-4 March 2008
- EFSA's role in risk communications
- How we work
- risk perception consumer understanding
- importance of co-operation with key actors
- A practical example
- animal cloning work in progress
- Provide appropriate, consistent, accurate and
timely communications on food safety issues to
all interested parties, stakeholders and the
public at large, based on the Authoritys risk
assessments and scientific expertise
4Risk Communications
Source WHO/FAO 1997
Need for close co-operation between risk
assessors and risk managers
5EFSA Risk Communication What are we trying to
achieve ?
- Visibility for EFSA as Europe's food safety
watchdog - (risk assessment)
- Open and transparent access to all EFSA outputs,
largely via website (www.efsa.europa.eu) - Timely and accurate public announcements on risk
assessments and key EU-wide issues - Accessible and relevant messages on food safety
issues - Close co-ordination of communications with
- Member States to achieve more consistent and
culturally sensitive output (eg Advisory Forum
Working Group on Communication) - European Commission and other risk managers to
achieve overall coherence in risk communications
6Defining a Communications Strategy key
- Scientific significance of the risk assessment
findings - Nature of the risk (emerging, possible,
identified and confirmed) - Potential public health impact, taking into
account exposure of vulnerable groups - Public perception and anticipated reactions
- Legislative and market contexts, as appropriate
7Two different worlds meet
- Facts and data
- Authoritative statements and opinions
- Precise scientific terms
- Cautious advice
- Identify and explain where uncertainties lies
- No definitive conclusions where evidence is
- News facts (objective report)
- But also (subjective) interpretation
- A story has to SELL
- News what is different (deviates, the
sensational, the negative, angle) - No Jargon
- Interesting, relevant, quotable
- Concise Statements
- Quick response
- Easily accessible information
- Other points of view
8Tailor Communications approach to information
- All opinions published on the EFSA website
- Explanatory/web context notes
- Web news stories
- Publications (eg EFSANews)
- Press statements/releases for sensitive
opinions - Press briefings for highly sensitive opinions
- Webstreaming to expand reach
Who does EFSA communicate with?
General Public
Risk Assessors (e.g. MS)
Risk Managers (EC, EP, MS)
Stakeholders (Environment, Consumer,Health NGOs,
Policy Makers (EU beyond)
Stakeholders (Scientists/ Academics)
Media (Food, Health, EU Affairs)
Concerned Individuals
10Growing media interest
EU agency asked to rule on cloned meat and milk
11How we work
- Understand CONSUMER PERCEPTION of food and food
safety risks(Eurobarometer report, Feb 2006)
- Bridge the GAP between science and the consumer
- (Advisory Group on Risk Comm)
- Promote COHERENT risk communications(Advisory
Forum WG on Comm Pre-notification of
press releases)
12Risk perception (Eurobarometer, 2006)
Top concerns
PESTICIDES Greece, Italy, Hungary, France,
Portugal, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Finland
Luxembourg, Slovakia
The Netherlands
GMOs Austria
RESIDUES IN MEAT Cyprus, Greece, Belgium
ADDITIVES Lithuania, Estonia
Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Spain
13Coherence in communications
- Advisory Forum Working Group on Communications
since November 2003 - Network of communications units from EFSA, Member
States and Commission - Key to promoting coherence in communications
- Co-ordination of risk communications exchange
information evaluate efforts develop best
practices - Early warning on emerging/topical issues
- Pre-notification of press releases sent under
14EFSA Risk Communications
- Animal Cloning
- a practical example of work in progress
15Animal cloning
- The European Commission requested EFSA to advise
on food safety, animal health, animal welfare and
environmental implications of live animal clones
obtained through somatic cell nuclear transfer
(SCNT) technique, their offspring and of the
products obtained from those animals.
February 2007
16Animal Cloning EFSA timetable
- Acceptance of mandate and timeframe after
discussion with EFSA Scientific Committee April
2007 - Request for scientific data April May '07
- Draft opinion endorsed for public consultation on
19 December 2007 - Public consultation 11 Jan 25 Feb 2008
--dedicated Stakeholders meeting (7 Feb) - Final opinion of Scientific Committee (expected
May 2008)
17Animal Cloning background
- EFSA does not have a mandate to consider ethical,
moral or other societal issues beyond its
scientific remit but focuses on the scientific
risk assessment and its final opinion will help
inform risk managers in considering any future EU
measures - The European Group on Ethics in Science and New
Technologies (EGE) provided the EC with an
Opinion which complements EFSAs work (16.01.08) - USA the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
issued an Opinion on the food safety risks (risk
assessment risk management) 15.01.08
18Communications approach
- Proactive, clear and open communications with
regular updates at each stage - From mandate, to public consultation, stakeholder
meeting etc - Website, media relations, stakeholder engagement
- Dialogue with key actors and interested parties
- Stakeholder Consultative Platform
- Participation in EGE roundtable on ethical
aspects of animal cloning in the food supply
(Sept '07) - Scientific discussion at EFSA Scientific Forum
Nov '07 - Dedicated stakeholder meeting (7.02.08)
- Ongoing dialogue with European Commission
19Communications approach
- Prerequisite for effective risk communications
understand both science and public perceptions - Advice sought from social scientists to help
- Assess public(s) perceptions and anticipate
reactions - Underpin appropriate communications strategies,
messages and stakeholder dialogue - ?Workshop organised (June 07) with social science
experts - ?Report to EFSA on consumer perceptions of food
products from cloned animals (published Feb 08)
20Cloning on EFSAs Website
21Media coverage cloning timeline Jan 07-Feb 08
- EFSAs draft scientific opinion - FDA
opinion - EGE report on ethical aspects of cloning
- EFSA received mandate from EC
22Media coverage cloning per country
23Key messages mandate March 2007
- EFSA has received a request from the EC to assess
possible implications of cloning for food safety,
animal health, animal welfare and environment in
the EU. Priority will be given to this work - EFSAs Scientific Committee will lead the work as
animal cloning issues cut across different
scientific panels - EFSA understands the EC request for opinions both
from EFSA and the EGE as cloning involves ethical
aspects - At present in Europe cloning is not a commercial
practice and there is no specific regulation on
the autorisation of food products from cloned
animals for human consumption. EFSAs opinion
will help inform any future EU measures for
cloned animals and their products
24Key messages draft opinion January 2008
- EFSAs draft conclusions suggest that it is not
likely that food from cloned animals or their
offspring would introduce any new food safety
issues compared to food derived from
conventionally bred animals. EFSA recognises that
uncertainties exist, particularly due to limited
data, and acknowledges that there are health and
welfare issues for animal clones - EFSA is now publicly consulting on the draft
opinion and hope to receive feedback before
finalisation of conclusions in the spring -
- EFSAs work will help inform any future European
measures in relation to animal clones and their
products such as milk and meat
25Overview of media coverage January 2008
- Significant level of coverage with several peaks
in January due to - Topical and sensitive issue
- New technology
- Ethical resonance
- Animal welfare concerns
- Other actors in media
- Close proximity of the draft with the FDAs final
report - Close follow-up of the EGE opinion
- Risk management concerns, eg
- Questions re regulatory framework/authorisation
- Consumer information requirements
- Possible US/international trade implications
26EFSA risk assessment January 2008
Cloned animal meat is safe to eat, says EU food
Europe rules eating cloned animals is safe
La UE aprueba el consumo de animales clonados (EU
approves consumption of cloned animals)
Food From Cloned Animals Seems Safe, a Panel Finds
'Dolly burgers' a step closer
27Other actors in the media European Commission
- News from the Press and Communication Service's
midday briefing - Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service
Presse et Communication - 17/01/2008
- Commission receives scientific and ethics
opinions regarding food from cloned animals
EU probes food safety of animal clones (15
Januray 2008) The public will be able to have a
say when the European Commission carries out a
survey of attitudes towards cloned food
USA, OK alla carne clonata. E in Italia è giÃ
allarme (16 January 2008) LUnione Europea non
si è ancora espressa ufficialmente in merito. Ma
se è vero che per oggi ha incaricato il proprio
Comitato etico di esprimersi in merito e che
entro lanno avvierà una consultazione fra tutti
i cittadini del continente..
28Other actors in the media EGE
EU ethics panel opposes cloning on livestock
Panel doubts animal cloning ethics
EU ethics group advises against cloning animals
for food
LEurope se divise sur la viande clonée
29Other actors in the media FDA report
17 January 2008
30Communications challenges
- Address media interest in diverging views and
knowledge gaps regarding role of institutions. - Clarify positioning of EFSA with respect to
- Risk Managers in the EU and globally ie
- EFSA (risk assessor) different from FDA (risk
assessor risk manager) - Other consultative bodies (EGE) no diverging
views but different mandates - DRAFT opinion at that stage
- Stakeholders reactions (criticism from some
industry groups and NGOs)
31Pursuit of communications activities
- EFSA statement published welcoming EGE opinion,
addressing important ethical and societal
concerns outside EFSA's scientific remit - Technical meeting with stakeholders on EFSA draft
opinion involving all key actors EFSA, EGE,
European Commission. Opportunity for open
dialogue and to further clarify - content and conclusions of EFSA opinion,
remaining information gaps and next steps in
finalising opinion - Respective remits of EFSA, EGE and European
Commission - Report published on EFSA website (with agenda,
presentations etc..)
32Conclusions work in progressthe story will
- New technology, likely to be socially sensitive
- Best practice openness and transparency at all
stages - Coherence importance of proactive and
coordinated communications - Dialogue between and with all interested parties
is key - EU food safety system (RA/RM) still needs to be
explained - A European and a global issue