Title: Secondary Structure Motifs of Proteins
1Secondary StructureMotifs of Proteins
2Their Diverse Functions Require Proteins to Have
Irregular Structures
- Kendrew's model of the low-resolution structure
of myoglobin shown in three different views. The
sausage-shaped regions represent ? helices, which
are arranged in a seemingly irregular manner to
form a compact globular molecule. (Courtesy of
J.C. Kendrew.)
3Types of Secondary Structure
- There are three common secondary structures in
proteins, namely alpha helices, beta sheets, and
turns. - That which cannot be classified as one of the
standard three classes is usually grouped into a
category called "other" or "random coil". This
designation is unfortunate as no portion of a
proteins three dimensional structure is truly
random and it is usually not a coil. - A common element of most secondary structures is
the presence of characteristic hydrogen bonds
e.g., CO of residue i to HN of residue i4 (i,
i4). They are formed when a number of
consecutive residues have the same phi and psi
- In a helical conformation, the relationship of
one peptide unit to the next is the same for all
alpha-carbons. This means that the dihedral angle
pairs phi and psi (phii, psii) are the same for
each residue in the helical conformation. - Helices are classified as repetitive secondary
structure since their backbone phi and psi angles
repeat - Two parameters describe the helix about this
axis - n - the number of residues per helical turn
- r - the rise per helical residue
- By convention, a positive value of n denotes a
right-handed helix. (Curling the fingers of your
right hand along the helical path, your thumb
will point in the direction of your fingertips if
the helix is right-handed.)
5Three Regular Polypeptide Helices
310 helix
phi psi a-helix -57.8 -47.0 310-helix
-74.0 -4.0 p-helix -57.1 -69.7 Idealized
model of the conformations of polyalanine are
6The Alpha (a) Helix
- Main-chain N and O atoms are hydrogen-bonded to
each other ? helices. There are 3.6 residues per
turn in an ? helix, which corresponds to 5.4 Å
(1.5 Å per residue).
7The Alpha (a) Helix
The Side chains project out from the alpha helix .
8The Alpha Helix has a Dipole Moment
Negatively charged groups such as phosphate ions
frequently bind to the amino ends of a helices.
The dipole moment of an a helix as well as the
possibility of hydrogen-bonding to free NH groups
at the end of the helix favors such binding.
- (a) The dipole of a peptide unit. Values in boxes
give the approximate fractional charges of the
atoms of the peptide unit. (b) The dipoles of
peptide units are aligned along the a-helical
axis, which creates an overall dipole moment in
the a helix, positive at the amino end and
negative at the carboxyl end.
9The Helical Wheels
- The helical wheel or spiral. Amino acid residues
are plotted every (360/3.6) 100 around the
spiral. - Green is an amino acid with a hydrophobic side
chain, blue is a polar side chain, and red is a
charged side chain.
10Helix Wheels
11Some Amino Acids are Preferred in a Helix
- Eight Most Common Residues as Helix Formers
- Glu, Met, Ala, Leu, Lys, Phe, Gln, Trp
- Eight Least Common Residues as Helix Formers
- Gly, Pro, Asn, Tyr, Cys, Ser, Thr, Arg
12310 Helix
- Only 3.4 of the residues are involved in 310
helices in the Kabsch and Sander database (1983),
and nearly all those in helical segments
containing 1 - 3 hydrogen bonds (96 4
residues). - The average of the backbone dihedral angles were
found to differ slightly from the ideal 310 helix
(-74.0, -4.0) with values of -71.0 and -18.0
degrees, for phi and for psi, respectively. It
has a larger radius (2.0 versus 1.9 Å) and a
larger number of residues per helical turn (3.2
versus 3.0). - The end result being a slightly better staggering
of sidechains along the helical axis. - Hydrogen bonds within a 310-helix also display a
repeating pattern in which the backbone CO of
residue i hydrogen bonds to the backbone HN of
residue i3.
- Hydrogen bonds within a p-helix display a
repeating pattern, in which the backbone CO of
residue i hydrogen bonds to the backbone HN of
residue i5. - The p-helix is an extremely rare secondary
structural element in proteins. - The infrequency of this particular form of
secondary structure stems from the following
properties - 1. the phi and psi angles lie at the very edge
of an allowed, minimum energy region of the
Ramachandran (phi, psi) map. - 2. the p-helix requires that the angle tau
(N-CA-C') be larger (114.9) than the standard
tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees. - 3. the large radius of the p-helix forms an
axial hole too small for solvent water to fill. - 4. side chains are more staggered than the
ideal 310 helix but not as well as the ?-helix.
- Beta sheets are another major structural element
in globular proteins containing 20 28 of all
residues (Kabsch Sander, 1983 Creighton,
1993). - The basic unit of a beta sheet is a beta strand
with approximate backbone dihedral angles phi
-120 and psi 120 producing a translation of
3.2 to 3.4 Å/residue for residues in
anti-parallel and parallel strands, respectively. - Due to the extended nature of the chain, there
are no significant intra-segment hydrogen bonds
and van der Waals interactions between atoms of
neighboring residues. This extended conformation
is only stable as part of a beta sheet where
contributions from hydrogen bonds and van der
Waals interactions between aligned strands exert
a stabilizing influence. - The beta sheet is sometimes called the beta
"pleated" sheet since sequentially neighboring Ca
atoms are alternately above and below the plane
of the sheet.
15Anti-parallel b sheet
- Main-chain NH and O atoms within a b sheet are
hydrogen bonded to each other. The amino acids in
successive strands have alternating directions
16Anti-parallel b sheet
A residue in an antiparallel beta strand has
values of -139 and 135 degrees for the backbone
dihedral angles phi and psi,respectively.
Antiparallel beta sheets are thought to be
intrinsically more stable than parallel sheets
due to the more optimal orientation of the
interstrand hydrogen bonds and that peptide bond
dipoles of nearest neighbors within a strand
cancel whereas in the parallel sheet, components
of the dipoles parallel to the strands align and
may interact unfavorably.
17Parallel b sheet
- The amino acids in the aligned strands run in the
same direction.
18Twisted ? Sheets in Thioredoxin
19Twist of b Sheet
- The classical beta sheets originally proposed are
planar but most sheets observed in globular
proteins are twisted (0 to 30 º/ residue). - Antiparallel beta sheets are more often twisted
than parallel sheets. This twist is always of the
same handedness, but unfortunately, it has been
described using two conflicting conventions in
the literature. If defined in terms of the
progressive twist of the hydrogen-bonding
direction, the twist is right-handed. - Two-stranded beta strands show the largest
- Another irregularity found in antiparallel beta
sheets is the hydrogen-bonding of two residues
from one strand with one residue from the other
called a beta bulge. - Bulges are most often found in antiparallel
sheets with 5 of bulges occurring in parallel
strands (Richardson, 1981). Bulges, like "Turns"
effect the directionality of the polypeptide
- Turns are the third of the three "classical"
secondary structures. Approximately one-third of
all residues in globular proteins are contained
in turns that serve to reverse the direction of
the polypeptide chain. - This is perhaps not so surprising since the
diameter of the average globular protein domain
is roughly 25 Å (an extended polypeptide
conformation would require 7 residues to
traverse the domain before having to change
directions). - Turns are located primarily on the protein
surface and accordingly contain polar and charged
residues. Antibody recognition, phosphorylation,
glycosylation, hydroxylation, and intron/exon
splicing are found frequently at or adjacent to
22Gamma Turn
- The hydrogen bond between CO of residue i and NH
of residue i2. - The dihedral angles of residue i1 are (70, -60)
and (-70, 60) for phi and psi of the classical
and inverse gamma turns.
23Type I Turn.
- The hydrogen bond between CO of residue i and NH
of residue i3. - The backbone dihedral angles are (-60, -30) and
(-90, 0) of residues i1 and i2, respectively,
for the type I turn.
- Proline is often found in position i1 in type I
turns as its phi angle is restricted to -60 and
its imide nitrogen does not require a hydrogen
bond. Glycine is favored in this position in the
type II' as it requires a positive (left-handed)
phi value.
24Type II Turn.
- The hydrogen bond between CO of residue i and NH
of residue i3. - The backbone dihedral angles are (-60, 120) and
(80, 0) of residues i1 and i2, respectively,
for the type II turn. - Glycine is favored in this position in the type
II' as it requires a positive (left-handed) phi
25Type III Turn.
- The hydrogen bond between CO of residue i and NH
of residue i3. - This is a single turn of right-handed (III) and
left-handed (III') 310 helix. The backbone
dihedral angles are (-60, -30) and (-60, -30) of
residues i1 and i2, respectively, for the
classical type III turn.
26Preferred Residues for b Sheet and Turns
- Eight most common residues for beta-sheet
- Val, Ile, Tyr, Trp,
- Phe, Leu, Cys, Thr
- Eight least common residues for beta-sheet
- Glu, Asp, Pro, Ser,
- Lys, Gly, Ala, Asn
- Eight most common residues for turns
- Gly, Asn, Pro, Asp,
- Ser, Cys, Tyr, Lys
- Eight least common residues for turns
- Ile, Val, Met, Leu, Phe, Ala, Glu, Trp
- In Leszczynski Rose (1986), out of 67 proteins
surveyed, they tabulated 26 helix, 19 sheet,
26 turns and 21 in loops. - These loop structures contain between 6 and 16
residues and are compact and globular in
structure. Like turns, they generally contain
polar residues and hence are predominantly at the
protein surface.
28b-hairpin Loop
- Adjacent antiparallel b strands are joined by
hairpin loops. Such loops are frequently short
and do not have regular secondary structure.
Nevertheless, many loop regions in different
proteins have similar structures.
29Schematic Structural Diagrams of Myoglobin
30Richardson Diagrams
Triosephosphate isomerase
Cylinder for a helices arrows for b strands,
which gives the direction of the strand from N
to C and the ribbons for the remaining part.
31Beta Sheet Topology Diagrams
- Beta sheets are usually represented simply by
arrows in topology diagrams that show both the
direction of each ? strand and the way the
strands are connected to each other along the
polypeptide chain.
32Super Secondary Structures (Motifs)
- Simple combinations of a few secondary structure
elements with a specific geometric arrangement
are called super secondary structures or motifs. - They may have functional and structural
significance. - Common motifs
- Helix-turn-helix
- b-hairpin, b-meander
- b-barrel, Geek key
- bab
33Helix-Turn-Helix Motif
- Two ? helices that are connected by a short loop
region in a specific geometric arrangement
constitute a helix-turn-helix motif. (a) the
DNA-binding motif and (b) the calcium-binding
motif, which are present in many proteins whose
function is regulated by calcium.
34EF-hand Calcium-binding Motif
- The calcium atom is bound to one of the motifs in
the muscle protein troponin-C through six oxygen
atoms one each from the side chains of Asp (D)
9, Asn (N) 11, and Asp (D) 13 one from the main
chain of residue 15 and two from the side chain
of Glu (E) 20. In addition, a water molecule (W)
is bound to the calcium atom.
35Amino Acid Sequences of EF-hand Motifs
1 3 5 7 9 12
The side chains of hydrophobic residues on the
flanking helices form a hydrophobic core between
the a helices
36The b Hairpin Motif
Snake Venom Erabutoxin
Bovine Trypsin Inhibitor
- The hairpin motif is very frequent in b sheets
and is built up from two adjacent b strands that
are joined by a loop region.
37Greek Key Motif
- The Greek key motif is found in antiparallel b
sheets when four adjacent b strands are arranged
in the pattern shown as a topology diagram in
(a). The three dimensional structure of the
enzyme Staphylococcus Nuclease shown in (b) in
blue and red is also a Greek key motif.
38Forming Greek Key Motif
- Suggested folding pathway from a hairpin-like
structure to the Greek key motif. - Beta strands 2 and 3 fold over such that strand
2 is aligned adjacent and antiparallel to strand
39b-a-b Motif
- Two adjacent parallel b strands are usually
connected by an a helix from the C-terminus of
strand 1 to the N-terminus of strand 2. - Most protein structures that contain parallel b
sheets are built up from combinations of such
b-a-b motifs.
40b-a-b Handedness
- The b-a-b motif can in principle have two
"hands." - (a) This connection with the helix above the
sheet is found in almost all proteins and is
called right-handed because it has the same hand
as a right-handed a helix. - (b) The left-handed connection with the helix
below the sheet.
41Domain Organization
- Small protein molecules like the epidermal growth
factor, EGF, are comprised of only one domain.
Others, like the serine proteinase chymotrypsin,
are arranged in two domains that are required to
form a functional unit. Many of the proteins that
are involved in blood coagulation and
fibrinolysis have long polypeptide chains that
comprise different combinations of domains.
- "Within a single subunit polypeptide chain,
contiguous portions of the polypeptide chain
frequently fold into compact, local
semi-independent units called domains." -
Richardson, 1981 - Domains may be considered to be connected units,
which are to varying extents independent in terms
of their structure, function and folding
behavior. - Each domain can be described by its fold. While
some proteins consist of a single domain, others
consist of several or many. A number of globular
protein chains consist of two or three domains
appearing as 'lobes'. - In other cases, the domains may be of a very
different nature. For example, some proteins
located in cell membranes have a globular
intracellular or extracellular domain distinct
from that which spans the membrane.
43Adjacent Motifs
- Motifs that are adjacent in the amino acid
sequence are also usually adjacent in the
three-dimensional structure. - Triose-phosphate isomerase is built up from four
b-a-b-a motifs that are consecutive both in the
amino acid sequence (a) and in the three
dimensional structure (b).
44Mosaic Proteins
- Mosaic proteins are those which consist of many
repeated copies of one or a few domains, all
within one polypeptide chain. - Many extracellular proteins are of this nature.
The domains in question are termed modules and
are sometimes relatively small. Note that this
term is often applied to sequences whose
structures may not be known for certain.