Prof. Dr. Ing. Andrei Szuder Tel. Fax. www.labsmn.pub.
ro szuder_at_labsmn.pub.ro
3What is a transducer?
- Converts (transduces) variations in measurand to
variation in - voltage
- current
- resistance
- position of a pointer
- height of a liquid column
- fluid pressure
- Also known as
- probe
- gauge
- sensor
4Why do we need additional sensors?
- Our sensors require contact, or at best operate
at short range - Examination of the sensory homunculus indicates
that we rely mostly on touch (lips, fingers
tongue) - Our eyes are sensitive to a very small band in
the EM spectrum - Our ears are sensitive to a small range of
vibrations - We use additional sensors to extend both the
frequency sensitivity and dynamic range of our
existing senses
5Why our Eyes are Sensitive between 400 and 700nm
6Definition of a Sensor and a Transducer
BEARING A KNOWN RELATIONSHIP TO THE INPUT. - Many measuring and sensing devices including
loudspeakers, thermocouples, microphones and
phonograph pickups, may be termed transducers.
7Using the Electromagnetic Spectrum
8Some EM Applications
9Using the Acoustic Spectrum
10Automobile Electronics
11(No Transcript)
12Automotive Sensors
Oxygen Sensor
Airflow Sensor
Oil Pressure
Water Temperature
CO Sensor
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
- Transducers convert energy or information from
one form to another. - They are important in measurement systems because
a better measurement of a quantity (e.g.,
temperature, strain, or light intensity) can be
made if it can be converted to another form that
is more easily or accurately displayed.
- A device that transforms one physical effect into
- Transducers that are used in measurement systems
are often called sensors. - Sensors that convert measurands (e.g.,
temperature, strain, or light intensity) into
electrical signals make up the vast majority of
sensors used today.
18Selection Criteria
- What is to be measured
- Magnitude, range, dynamics of measured quantity
- Required resolution, accuracy
- Cost
- Environment
- Interface Requirements
- Output quantity (voltage, current, resistance,)
- Sensitivity
- Signal conditioning
- A/D requirements (bits, data rate)
19Basic Concepts
- Accuracy the deviation of the instruments
reading from a known input, usually expressed as
a percentage of full scale - Precision (repeatability) the ability to
reproduce a certain reading with a given accuracy - Resolution (least count) smallest detectable
difference in measured quantity
20Performance Descriptors
- Range, Span min to max values of input, span
max-min - Error actual value measured value
- Accuracy extent the measured value might be
wrong - ex. 2C or 2 of full scale
- Sensitivity (gain) linear output/unit input
ex. 5 mv/psi, 0.5?/ C - Hysteresis error output value depends on
whether input is rising or falling - Non-linearity error error resulting when
assuming that the output is linearly related to
input - Repeatability/reproducibility same output for
repeated same input? - Stability drift of output over time for
constant input - Dead band/time- range of input for no measurable
output - Resolution (least count) output steps, smallest
measurable change in input - Output impedance how sensor output is effected
by the electrical characteristics of what it is
connected to
21Static / Dynamic
- Dynamic input changes with time. Static does
22Static and Dynamic Characteristics
- Response time time to 95 of final value for
step input - Time constant time to 63.2 (1-e-1) of final
value - Rise time time to rise some specified
percentage of s.s. output - Settling time time to get to within 2 of the
s.s. value
23Frequency Response
- Overall behavior of system to the frequency of a
dynamic input.
24Linear Freq. Response
- The ratio of output to input amplitudes remains
the same over input frequency range.
25Natural Frequency
- The frequency where the output to input amplitude
ratio increases greatly if system is under
Natural Frequency
26Phase Shift
- When the output is delayed in time from the
Phase Shift
27Linear Amplitude Response
- The ratio of output to input amplitudes remains
the same over input amplitude range.
28Rise Time or Delay
- Time for the output amplitude to rise to the
input level after a change in input level.
Input signal
Output response
Rise Time
29Slew Rate
- The rate of change of the output amplitude.
Input signal
Output response
Slew rate
30Time Constant
- The time required for the output to change 63.2
of its total change.
Input signal
Output response
Time constant
Piezo electrics
Photo electrics
Thermo electrics
32Parametric transducers
33Parametric transducers
- Resistive
- Inductive
- Capacitive
34Resistive transducers
- The starting resistance of the strain gage is R.
- As the strain gage is strained (stretched or
compressed), the resistance changes by an amount
DR. DR can be or - . - The strain is given by
- Where S is a property of the strain gage called
the gage factor.
35Beam Elongation with Tensile Load
36Electrical Properties of the Resistance Gage
37Strain Gage
- Most strain gages consist of thin film metal
wires bonded to a plastic backing. - This complete chip is usually glued to the
structure whose strain you want to measure.
38Strain Gage
- The gauge length limits the spatial resolution of
the sensor. - Connection to the bridge is made at the solder
tabs. - The backing material needs to be made of
something that can - Withstand the temperatures encountered
- Transmit strain but electrically insulate
- Accept the bonding adhesive
39Gauge Factor
For most strain gauges, n 0.3 and GF 2.
Strain gauges are calibrated by their
manufacturer in a biaxial strain field generated
by the bending of a standard beam. Therefore,
the GF value includes some sensitivity to lateral
40Gauge Factor Errors
If we use the gauge in a strain field with a
different lateral strain, we will get an error
described by
Where ea, eL axial and lateral strains npo
Poissons ratio of member used for calibration,
usually 0.285 eL error as percent of axial
strain Kt lateral sensitivity of the strain
41Strain Gage Sets
42Resistive transducers
43Resistive transducers
44Semiconductor Strain Gauges
The semiconductors gauges are dominated by the
piezoresistive component of the change in
resistance and have several advantages and
- Pros
- Very high gauge factors (up to 200)
- Higher resistance
- Longer fatigue life
- Lower Hysteresis
- Smaller
- High frequency response
- Cons
- Temperature sensitivity
- Nonlinear output
- More limited on maximum strain
Mostly used for construction of transducers
45Inductive Transducers
A current I will produce a magnetic field in
the loop represented by B with a unit of tesla
or gauss. I T 1 newton/ampere-meter 104 gauss.
The magnetic flux F produced by current I in a
loop with area A BA
Inductance is defined as the change in the
magnetic flux per unit change in current in a
For one turn coil ,
For N turn coil ,
From Faradays Law of Induction,
46Inductive Transducers
For an N turn coil of length x and diameter d,
the magnetic flux density B is given by
where µ is the permeability in air 4px10-7
if xgtgtd
47Inductive Transducers
48LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
49LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
50LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
51LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
52LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- A sensing shaft is attached to an iron core
- The shaft moves within a cylinder
- The cylinder has one primary coil, two secondary
coils - An AC voltage is applied to the primary coil
- The secondary coils are connected in a specific
53LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- When the sensing shaft is at the centre, no emf
is induced in the secondaries - Away from centre, an emf is induced
- The amplitude of the induced emf is related to
the displacement - The phase of the induced emf depends on the
direction of motion - Produces an output voltage which is proportional
to the sensing shaft position - Have to measure amplitude and phase of induced
voltage - Also have rotary version (RVDT)
- Can be purchased with signal conditioning - DC
input, output proportional to position
54Proximity inductive transducer
55Capacitive Transducers
where Q is charge, e relative permitivity e0
8.8x10-12 faraday/m
Either A, d or e can be varied.
Differential capacitor system linear and more
56Capacitive Transducers
57Energetic (Active) transducers
58Passive Sensors
- Passive sensors directly generate an electric
signal in response to a stimulus. - They do not emit radiation.
- Cannot be detected (covert)
- Rely on a locally generated or natural source of
radiation (sunlight) or a field (gravity). - Can operate from ELF (lt3x103 Hz) to gamma rays
(gt3x1019 Hz). - Prone to feature ambiguity and errors of scale
- Availability is not guaranteed (contrast, light
levels etc.) - Good reliability due to simplicity
59Passive Sensor Collage
60Active Sensors
- Active sensors require the application of
external power for their operation. This
excitation signal is modified by the sensor to
produce an output. - Often matched to the target characteristics -
efficient - Restricted to frequencies that can be generated
and radiated fairly easily. This excludes part of
the far IR, the UV and gamma ray spectra. - Ambiguity constrained by range and angle
- Easy to detect because they radiate (not covert)
- Long range operation possible
- More complex than passive sensors so less reliable
61Active Sensor Collage
62Photovoltaic Detectors
- Photovoltaic effect consists of the generation of
a potential difference as a consequence of the
absorption of radiation - The primary effect is photo-ionisation, or the
production of hole-electron pairs that can
migrate to a region where charge separation can
occur. - This charge separation usually occurs at a
potential barrier between two layers of solid
material. These can include semiconductor PN
junctions and metal-semiconductor interfaces - For a material with a conversion efficiency ?,
the average current (amps) produced by a light
beam with optical power P is as follows - A
- As the output current is proportional to the
input power, this is a square law detector
63Heating Detectors
- Micro Bolometers operate by lattice absorption
resulting in increased vibrational energy and
hence changes in resistance - Metal types have a ve temperature coefficient of
resistance - Semiconductor (thermistor) types generally have a
ve temperature coefficient of resistance - Pyroelectric sensors produce a change in
electrical polarisation with changes in
64Heating Detectors
- Golay Cells rely on the expansion of a gas when
heated to measure thermal radiation intensity - Crookes radiometer relies on thermally induced
motion of gas molecules to measure radiation
intensity - Thermocouple operation relies on the temperature
dependent potential difference that exists
between dissimilar metals in contact - Thermal detectors measure the rate at which
energy is absorbed and are therefore insensitive
to frequency over a wide range
- Thermistors change their resistance with changes
in temperature in a rather exaggerated way. - Two types positive temperature coefficient (ptc)
and negative temperature coefficient (ntc). - ptc thermistors the resistance increases with
increasing temperature (as it does for a pure
metal), however, the response is usually
extremely nonlinear - ntc thermistors, the resistance decreases with
increasing temperature.
- Electro-optical thermal imagers include the
following - Forward looking Infrared (FLIR)
- Thermal imaging systems (TIS)
- Infrared search and tracking (IRST)
- Generally use the temperature gradient across an
object to produce TV like images - Should not be confused with image intensifiers,
though the boundaries between the two
technologies are becoming blurred.
67Example of a Thermal Imager Some Images made
using an Uncooled Sensor
68Thermal Infrared Detectors
- Absorb photons to elevate an electron from the
valence band to the conduction band of the
material, and so change the conductivity of the
detector. To detect far IR (8-12?m) radiation
they must be cooled to eliminate the noise
generated by thermally generated carriers - PHOTOVOLTAIC DETECTORS
- Absorb photons to create an electron-hole pair
across a PN junction to produce a small electric
current or potential difference - MICRO BOLOMETERS
- Absorb thermal energy over all wavelengths, heat
up slightly and change their resistance. Do not
require cooling.
69The Thermocouple principles
- Operation based on Seebeck effect
70- Which results in the thermoelectric emf if the
circuit is cut in half
71How do we measure thermoelectric emf?
- Any DVM that we might use has copper (possibly
tin-plated or nickel-plated) therminals!
72 73Thermocouples
- All work with spring-mass-damper arrangement
- Mass moves relative to case in proportion to the
acceleration - A variety of transduction methods are used to
measure this movement
75Piezoelectric transducers
- When pressure is applied to a crystal, it is
elastically deformed. This deformation results in
a flow of electric charge (which lasts for a
period of a few seconds). The resulting electric
signal can be measured as an indication of the
pressure which was applied to the crystal. - These sensors ca not detect static pressures, but
are used to measure ra idly changing pressures
resulting from blasts, explosions, pressure
pulsations (in rocket motors, engines,
compressors) or other sources of shock or
76Piezoelectric transducers
77Photoelectric Sensor
- A photoelectric sensor is an electrical device
that responds to a change in the intensity of the
light falling upon it.
Ultrasound Transducer
79Radiation detectors phototube,
photodiodes, phototransistors
Phototube, photomultiplier tube
Photocathode is made of photoemissive materials
like antimony (Sb) or cesium (Cs) that emit
electrons when struck by light photons. The
electrons then are accelerated toward the anode
to gain more energy.
See Fig. 2-18 on p74 for spectral characteristics
of a few materials
80Photodiodes reverse biased p-n junction
The reverse current Ir is proportional to the
incident light intensity
Light intensity 0
Light intensity gt 0
Si is most sensitive in the the infrared region
81Displacement, proximity, position, level
- Potentiometer (rotary and linear)
- Strain Gage
- Proximity switch (mechanical)
- Piezo-ceramic, piezo-resistive
82Non-Contact Sensors
- Ultrasonic
- Optical
- Magnetic (Inductive, Reed, Hall Effect)
- Laser vibrometer, interferometer
- Capacitive
- Eddy current
- Accelerometer (piezo-electric)
- Optical Encoder absolute or incremental
position, direction - Tachometer shaft velocity, typically a PM DC
- Strain gage
- Piezo-electric (AC coupled)
- Piezo-resistive, piezo-ceramic
- Microphone
- Diaphragm
- Tube, Bellows
- Manometer
86Flow measurement
- Orifice plate, venturi
- Turbine meter
- Float
- Rotameter
- Hot-wire anemometer
- Laser interferometer
- Pitot tube
- Positive displacement meter (rotary vane)
- Thermometer
- Thermocouple
- Thermistor
- Solid state sensor (thermodiodes and transistors)
- Pyro-electric sensor
- Bimetallic strip
- Optical pyrometer
- Photo-voltaic cell
- CdS sensor (R output)
- Phototransistor
89Position transducers
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Optical
- Other
90Mechanical position transducers
- Rule
- Caliper/
- Vernier caliper
- Micrometer
- Dial gauge
- Float
- Precision comparators
91Optical position transducers
- Encoders
- Gratings
- Interferometer
- Triangulation
- Imaging
- Laser Radar
- Holographic
92Other position transducers
- Ultrasonic
- Radio waves
- Radioactivity
93Potentiometric transducers
- A resistive wire is wound round a core
- A pointer is attached to a sensing shaft
- The pointer contacts the wire
- The resistance between A C varies as the shaft
moves - Vac varies with the sensing shaft position
- The variation is reasonably linear over most of
the range
94Potentiometric transducers
95Potentiometric transducers
96Potentiometric transducers
- resolution spacing of turns
- accuracy -gt manufacture
- Also have rotary versions
- Simple operation- cheap
- 1. Estimate likely values for range
- 2. Estimate likely values for resolution
- 3. Estimate dynamic response
- 4. What sort of problems occur in operation?
98Digital position transducers
- The position is indicated by a series of pulses
- Each pulse represents one unit of movement
- May be linear or rotary (more common)
99Methods of producing pulses in of digital
position transducers
- Conducting
- Inductive
- Optical
- As the shaft moves along, the voltage turns on
and off
- Induced EMF changes with position
- Used on machine tools
- Uses a glass or plastic disc or strip
- Light source and light detector
- The patterns are deposited photographically
- Can use two gratings to reduce errors
- Question
- What are the relative advantages and
disadvantages of resistive/ inductive/ optical
digital position transducers?
103Different types of digital position transducer
- Tachometer encoder
- Incremental encoder
- Absolute encoder
104Tachometer encoder (digital position transducer)
- The pulses are counted to indicate displacement
- It is not possible to tell the direction of
motion - No indication of the origin is given - it
measures relative motion only
105Incremental encoder
- Two or three sets of tracks and detectors
- One track is 1/4 of a cycle behind the other
- Indicates direction as well as magnitude of the
motion - A 3rd track may count cycles
- Indicates direction of motion but not origin - no
absolute measurement
106Incremental encoder
107Absolute encoder - (shaft encoder)
- Several tracks
- Each track has a light source and detector
- Each position has a unique binary code
- The absolute position is determined from the
combination of values in each track - Used in machine tools, CMMs, robots etc.
108Absolute encoder - (shaft encoder)
109SAQ 18
- An angular encoder has 16 tracks with a total
angular range of 360o. Its angular resolution is - a) 5o
- b) 0.5o
- c) 0.05o
- d) 0.005o
110SAQ 19
- The accuracy with which an encoder cam measure
angle is determined by - a) the number of tracks
- b) the size of the tracks
- c) the accuracy of manufacture of the tracks
- d) the separation of the tracks
111Non-contact position and displacement measuring
- Vision systems
- Laser scanning
- Optical triangulation
- Laser interferometer
- Moire methods
- Radar techniques
112Vision systems.
- An image is formed by a video camera.
- It is input to a computer
- Image processing software is used
- It can identify components automatically (for
automatic assembly systems, robot handling) - It can detect faults
- It can make measurements
113Optical triangulation
- The position of the surface changes in the
z-direction - The position of the laser spot image on the
detector moves - Used with video cameras
- Measures z-position of surface
- Used to monitor thickness of gypsum board as it
is extruded. - Also used in CMMs (co-ordinate measuring
machines) to measure profile rapidly
114Laser interferometry
- The motion of one mirror gives a changing
intensity at the detector. - Used to calibrate machine tools
- Used to measure straightness and flatness
- Also used as a position transducer in a surface
finish measuring instrument
115Radar techniques.
- Send out a pulse
- Measure time taken for it to return.
- Can use
- Laser
- Ultrasonics.
- Radio waves
- Particularly useful for robotic sensors,
automatic guided vehicles
- Strain change in length per unit length.
- Important for
- testing structures
- use in other transducers
117Sensing methods.
- Change of electrical resistance, i.e. strain
gauging. - Brittle lacquer
- Photoelasticity
- Holographic and Moire methods.
118Resistive strain gauge
- The resistance, R, of a piece of wire is
inversely proportional to its length - If the wire is stretched
- l increases
- R increases
119Gauge factor
- We define the gauge factor ? by
- 6 for metal gauges
- May be up to 150 for semi-conductor gauges
- Question
- What is significance of the gauge factor?
120Measuring strain using strain gauges
- Metal wire gauges most commonly used.
- Why is a long thin wire required?
- A thin wire is attached in a zigzag or circular
pattern to a substrate. - Produced by photochemical etching.
- Multi-element gauges (rosettes) are used to
measure strain in more than one direction.
121Bonding of strain gauges.
- Requires care and expertise
- Require maximum mechanical coupling
- Specialised adhesives available - discuss with
122Temperature dependence of strain gauges.
- Resistance varies with temperature
- Why does this affect strain gauges?
- Must be taken into account in strain gauging.
- Use dummy gauge
- Use two or four active gauges
123Other points
- Dynamic response of strain gauges can be up to
100kHz. - Strain gauges may operate down to 7oK and up to
1500oC - special techniques required for
adhesion. - Used in difficult environments, e.g. monitoring
movement of undersea oil rigs.
124Other strain measuring methods.
- Brittle lacquer
- Holographic interferometry
- Speckle interferometry
- Moire methods
- Photoelasticity
125Strain gauges in position sensors
- Usually use four on a moving member
- Two expand, two contract
- Use a bridge
- The output voltage is related to the displacement
126Force transducers
- Some sensing mechanisms
- balancing the force against the gravitational
force of a known mass - Applying the force to an elastic member and
measuring the deformation - Measuring the change in frequency of a wire
tensioned by the force
127Force transducers
- Using force balance - schematic diagram
128Force transducers
- Use an elastic member
- May use position transducer to measure total
displacement - May use strain gauges to measure change in form
129Temperature transducers
- Sensing methods
- thermal expansion
- change in shape or size with temperature
- thermocouples
- two wires of different materials formed into a
loop produce a current when one junction changes
temperature - resistive devices
- electrical resistance changes with temperature
130Temperature transducers
- Thermal expansion - bi-metallic elements
- Two metals with different thermal expansion
- Structure deforms as temperature changes
131Pressure transducers
- Sensing methods
- Manometers - varying liquid level in a tube
- Elastic devices (similar to force transducers)
132Pressure transducers
- Various elastic devices
- Shape changes in response to change in pressure
- Change in shape may be detected by a position
transducer or strain gauges
133Other transducers
- Velocity
- Flow
- Torque
- Level
- Humidity
- Sound level
- Light level
- and many others
134Mutual Inductance
Coil 1
Coil 2
Example Non-contact monitoring of respiratory
Coil 1
Coil 2
135Inductive Displacement Transducer linear
variable differential transformer (LVDT) which is
a 3-coil system consisting a primary coil and two
secondary coils with high permeability alloy
slug. Its advantage is higher sensitivity and
better linearity. Its disadvantage is that the
output is phase sensitive.
Inductive Transducers are most ideal for
radiotelemetry i.e. non-contact transmission of
radio signals.
Excitation voltage 3 10 v at 60 Hz to 20 kHz,
sensitivity 0.2 5 mv/0.001 in/v, displacement
0.005 to 1 in