Title: Algebraic specifications : formal definitions
1Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- The signature of an algebraic specification
consists of sorts of some data and some
operation symbols on them - Definition 1 (Signature) A signature is a pair
? ?S, F?. With S a set of sorts, and F
fs1,...,sn,s, with si ? F is a set of
SxS-indexed operation symbols. Each operation
is usually represented as f s1 x ...x sn
2Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Signature may be graphically represented as
graphs with - There are two kinds of nodes each sort in an
operation is node. Each operation is also
represented by a node. - There are two kinds of arcs. Indirected arcs from
argument sorts nodes to an operation node, and a
directed node from an opration to the resulting
3Algebraic specifications formal definitions
f s1 ... sn,s
4Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- (a) nat
- Sorts nat
- Ops 0 ? nat
- succ nat ? nat
5Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- (b) bool
- Sorts bool
- Ops true, false ? bool
- ? bool ? bool
- ?, ?, ... bool x bool ? bool
?, ?, ...
6Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- (c) nat1 bool nat
- Ops nat x nat ? nat
- ? nat x nat ? bool
?, ?, ...
7Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- (c) natstack nat1
- Sorts Stack
- Ops new ? stack
- push stack x nat ? stack
- pop stack ? stack
- top stack ? nat
8Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- (c) natqueue nat1
- Sorts queue
- Ops empty ? queue
- in queue x nat ? queue
- out queue ? queue
- front queue ? nat
9Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- There is a close relationship between signatures
? ?S, F? and context-free grammars. - G(?)G(?)s0 (N,T,s0 ,P) s0?S
- Non terminal symbols are N S
- The teminal symbols are T F ? (,) ? ,
where F is the disjunctive union of sets fs,s - The start symbol for G(?)s0 is s0 .
- The production rules are given by
- P s f(s1 ,..., sn) / f?F
- G(bool) bool true false ?bool
bool ? bool ...
10Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Definition 2 (Terms) given a signature ?
?S, F?, With S a set of sorts, and F
fs1,...,sn,s. - A set of (closed) terms of a sort s over F,
denoted TF,s are constructed as follows - Each constant of sort s is a term in TF,s.
- If t1, .., tn are terms of sorts s1, ..., sn
respectively and fs1,...,sn,s is in F then
f(t1,...,tn) is a term in TF,s - There no terms of sort s except those from 1. and
11Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- Nat spec. 0 succ(0) succ(succ(0)) ....
(succ(succ(0)),0) succ((succ(0),succ(succ(succ
(0))))). - bool spec. true ?true ?(true, ?true)
.... - Natstack spec. new push(push(push(new,0),0),s
ucc(0)) push(pop(new),top(pop(new))) .... - In addition of this prefix notations of terms, it
is also possible to use the usual infix , postfix
or mixfix notations succ(0) succ(succ(0))
succ(succ(0))!, if true then succ(0) else
12Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Terms with variables usually to express and use
terms we include in terms also variables. - Given a signature SIG ?S, F?, we generally
introduce a set Xs called a set of variables of
sort s. Such variables are assumed to be pairwise
disjoint and also disjoint with F. The union X
?s? S Xs is called set of variables w.r.t. SIG. - Terms (with variables) of sort s are constructed
as in definitions 2, with additionally in 1.
variables of sort s are also terms.
13Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Examples
- Nat spec. Xnat x, y Tnat(X) 0 succ(0)
succ(succ(x)) .... (succ(succ(0)),y)
succ((succ(x),succ(succ(succ(x))))) ... . - bool spec. Xbool z z, true ?true ?(z,
?true) .... - Natstack spec. Xstackst new
push(pop(new),top(pop(st))) .... - Terms without variables are called ground or
closed terms. 0 succ(0) ...
14Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Definition 3 An algebra A (SA, FA) of a
signature SIG ?S, F? , also called SIG-algebra,
is given by two families SA (As)s?S and FA
(fA) f? F , where - As are sets for all s?S, called base sets or
domains of A. - fA are elements fA ? As for all constant symbols
in F i.e. - f ? s and s?S , called constant.
- fA As1 x As2 x ... x Asn ? As are functions
for all operation symbols f s1...sn,s from F,
called operations of A, where x denotes the
cartesian product of sets. - If a signature SIG ?S, F? is given as a list
s1,..,sn of sorts and a list f1,..,fn of
constants and operation symbols a SIG-algebra is
represented as a list - A (As1,....,Asn, f1A,..., fnA)
15Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Example
- Nat-algebra NAT (Snat, Fnat) (natnat, 0nat,
succnat) - natnat 0, 1 , 2 , 3 , ..... , n,...
naturals - 0nat 0 (of the natural)
- succnat successor (of the naturals) naturals
? naturals . -
16Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Binary trees
- Binarytree-base
- sorts alphabet
- bintree
- opns K1,...,Kn alphabet
- LEAF alphabet ? bintree
- RIGHT bintree alphabet ? bintree
- BOTH bintree alphabet bintree ? bintree
- BINTREE-BASE (A , B , a1 ,.., an ,leaf,left,
right, both) where - A a1,...,an B the set of binary trees
- leaf A ? B is defined by leaf(ai) tree(ai)
for i 1,...,n - left B x A ? B adds a left subtree
- right A x B ? B adds a right subtree, and
- both B x A x B ? B adds a left and a right
subtree . -
17Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Define the terms of bintree, and give the term
corresponding to
18Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Now we are going to define the evaluation of
terms with and without variables in a given
algebra A. For terms with variables we have to
start an assignment for the variables. These - Definition 4 (evaluation of terms)
- Let TF be the set of terms of a signature SIG
?S, F? and A a SIG-algebra. The evaluation eval
TF ? A is recursively defined by - (i) Eval (f) fA for all constant symbols f ?
F - (ii) Eval(f(t1,...,tn)) fA(eval(t1),...,eval(tn
)) for all terms f(t1,...,tn) ? TF
19Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Given a set of variables X and SIG (S,F) and an
assignment ass X ? A with ass(x) ?As for x ?
Xs and s ? S. The extended assignment, or simply
extension ass TF(X) ? A of the assignment ass
X ? A is recursively defined by - ass(x) ass(x) for all variables x
- ass(f) fA for all constant
symbols f ? F - (ii) ass(f(t1,...,tn)) fA(ass(t1),...,ass(tn))
for all f(t1,...,tn) ? TF(X).
20Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- For X ? there is exactly one assignment ass
which the empty assignment, and we have ass
eval . - We have then families of functions
- eval (evals TF,s ? As)s?S
- ass (asss Xs ? As)s?S and
- ass (asss TF,s (X)? As)s?S
- The diagrams (1) and (2) commute
- That is TF,s ? TF (X) A TF A
- and X ? TF(X) A X A
21Algebraic specifications formal definitions
- Evaluate add(succ(n),m)), with Xnat n,m and
Assx(n)5 and assx(m) 3