The Dream of the Rood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dream of the Rood


One of the central documents of Old English Literature ... and the other a military society dependent on comitatus relationships. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Dream of the Rood

The Dream of the Rood
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The Dream of the Rood
  • Introduction

  • The earliest dream-vision poem in the English
  • One of the central documents of Old English
  • The 8th century, the most probable date of
  • The influence on later works in Old and Middle

  • The most complete form in the Vercelli Book
  • The monologues and subsequent dialogue between
    the Dreamer and the Rood
  • Fresh words and phrases
  • An inanimate object with personality and the
    power of speech
  • Three parts

  • The Dreamers account of his vision of the Cross
  • The Roods monologue describing the Crucifixion
  • The Dreamers resolution to seek the salvation of
    the Cross

The Vercelli Manuscript
  • The Vercelli Book, old English manuscript written
    in the late 10th century. It is parchment and
    contains one hundred and thirty-six folios.
  • The book is so named because it was found in the
    cathedral library at Vercelli, northwestern
    Italy, in 1822

  • Marginalia in the manuscript indicate that the
    manuscript was in English use in the 11th
    century. It was probably taken to Italy by one of
    the numerous Anglo-Saxon pilgrims on the way to
  • Along with The Dream of the Rood, five other
    poems, Andreas, The Fates of the Apostles, Soul
    and Body I, Homiletic Fragment I, and Elene, are
    contained in the Vercelli Book.

  • Though the poems were not initially provided with
    titles in the manuscript, an English historian,
    John Mitchell Kemble, named the poems in 1835.
  • The Vercelli Book provides a fascinating glimpse
    of Anglo-Saxon spirituality. Thorough a focus on
    and close examination of the Vercelli codex is
    a good way to study Anglo-Saxon literature and

Vercelli Book Folio 104v          Vercelli Book
Folio 105r   
Major Theme
  • Some critics have contended that the poet had
    knowledge of the imagery of warfare.
  • Others believe that the composer of the poem must
    have been well acquainted with religious and
  • The diction in the poem is one of the most
    fascinating features of the text.

Major Theme
  • The representation of the Crucifixion as a
  • In the metaphoric battle within the poem, Christ
    and the Cross are warriors.
  • whose deaths are victories, and whose burials
    are preludes to the triumph of their

  • 2. Some later critics called attention to a
    number of reasons for attributing the poem to
    Cynewulf (c. 770-840).
  • The general feeling and vocabulary of the poem
    suggest affinities with the school of Cynewulf
    rather than that of Cadmon.
  • Some supporters of the Cynewulfian theory were
    convinced that the ending lines of the poem were
    a personal signature of Cynewulf, while other
    supporters believed the third portion of the poem
    was a late addition created by Cynewulf.

  • There is no known source or author of The Dream
    of the Rood.
  • In the early days of Rood scholarship, a theory
    developed in which Cadmon was asserted to be the
    author of the poem.
  • b. In 1866, the Runic Scholar, William Stevens
    claimed that the Ruthwell Cross was inscribed on
    the upper panel with the phrase Cadmon made me.
    This assertion, however, was soon called into
    question by others who were unable to find any
    convincing traces of cadmons name on the cross.

  • 3. But, contemporary critics remain unconvinced
    that Cynewulf was the author of any portion of
    the poem, because several other poems attributed
    to him are vastly different in technique from the
    long epic lines of The Dream of the Rood.

Anglo-Saxon Societys Influence on the poem
  • According to Robert E. Diamond, two types of
    societies in Pre-Conquest England have been
    established one steeped in the life of the great
    monasteries and the other a military society
    dependent on comitatus relationships.
  • Though Christianity would have been in England
    for approximately 100 years prior to the
    composition of the poem, the blend of
    ecclesiastical and heroic elements in the piece
    reveals that the poet was well acquainted with
    both the pagan and Christian segments of
    Anglo-Saxon society.

  • Within the poem, there is a struggle between the
    heroic values and Christian ethics in which the
    poet serves as a mediator.
  • By depicting Christ as warrior, and through use
    of both heroic and ecclesiastical diction, the
    poem serves as an instrument of mediation in the
    struggle between the two dominant segments of
    Anglo-Saxon society.
  • As some scholars assert, heroic themes were
    sometimes of interest within ecclesiastical
    walls, and a common Anglo-Saxon convention was to
    treat Christian subject matter in terms of heroic

  • The Cross is a loyal retainer and Christ
    represents an earthly lord, the connection
    between the two major components of Anglo-Saxon
    society were obviously on the mind of the poet as
    he utilized the formulas of heroic poetry and
    applied them to Christian subjects.
  • The veneration with which the Old English poet
    glorifies Christ as an earthly lord and warrior
    cannot be considered in itself a derivative
    solely of the poetic imagination, as the poet
    drew upon the two dominant segments of his
  • Essentially, the poet did not rely on one part
    of Anglo-Saxon society or the other in composing
    the poem, rather, he skillfully borrowed from
    both worlds in order to strengthen the message of
    Salvation in The Dream of the Rood.

Critical Reception
  • Critical analysis of The Dream of the Road has
    been abundant for over 150years, and the final
    lines have prompted significant debate.
  • Bruce Dickens Alan S.C Ross
  • J.A Burrow

Bruce Dickens Alan S.C Ross
  • They supported that the last few lines of the
    poem were added by other person when the poem was
    transcribed for the Vercelli Book.
  • They argue that the latter portion of the poem
    seems definitely inferior and it is significant
    that the passages found on the Ruthwell Cross all
    correspond to passages in the first half of the
    Vercelli text"

J.A. Burrow
  • J.A. Burrow have maintained that the lines are
    indeed a part of the original poem despite their
  • Burrow argues that it would be "natural to choose
    passages from the speech of the Cross for
    inscription on the Ruthwell Cross"
  • He asserts that it is not difficult to see that
    the themes of the earlier part are developed
    consistently(??) and meaningfully (242).

The Changes of The Phases of Road-criticism
  • Scholars have managed to analyze the poem in
    light of (1) the author, (2) ecclesiastical and
    pagan influences,(3) diction, (4) structure, and
    (5) history.
  • Early critics focused on the authorship, but
    modern scholars have concluded that there is not
    enough evidence to make a conclusion about the
    poems author.

The Changes of The Phases of Road-criticism
  • 1. In the 1940s scholars investigated the
    doctrinal influences of the poem.
  • 2. Liturgical(?????) influence on the poem had
    been discussed by Howard Patch in early 20th

The Changes of The Phases of Road-criticism
  • 3. Rosemary Woolf, added valuable analyses about
    the history of the Church, early heretical(????)
    views, the impact heresies had on the Church in
    Anglo-Saxon England, and the Churchs overall
    influence on the poem.
  • 4. The investigation of the religious aspects of
    the poem continued to flourish well into the late
    1960s with scholars like John V. Fleming, who
    explored the poem in relation to the monastic
    society of Anglo-Saxon England.

  • 5. In the 1960s, critics like Robert E. Diamond
    and Stanley B. Greenfield examined the heroic
    diction and images within The Dream of the Rood.
  • 6. Diamond assert that the blend of Christian and
    military images and diction in Old English poetry
    was typical by the time of the composition of the
    Rood, so the poet was "in some sense a captive of
    traditional diction".

  • 7. In 1960s, Louis H. Leiter and Faith H
    introduced Structuralist readings to the poem,
    and they looked at the structural patterns and
    connections within the Rood and how such patterns
    work together.
  • 8. Critics of The Dream of the Rood continued to
    examine the religious and heroic elements of the
    text during the 1970s and 80s.

  • 9. In 1980s, critics like Edward B. Irving and
    C.B. Pasternack analyzed the poets style in
    relation to the representation of the
  • 10. P. Clemoes introduced a fresh approach to the
    poem with a psychoanalysis of the Rood-poet, and
    an investigation of the connections between
    thought and language within the Rood.

  • 11. Pauline E. Head incorporated theories such as
    hermeneutics(????) into their examination of the
    text .

  • Despite the numerous ambiguities within the text,
    The Dream of the Rood is clearly one of the best
    poems of the Passion ever composed and "above all
    others, it relays the spirit of tender yet
    passionate veneration of awe and adoration for
    the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory

?As one of the first and most successful
treatment of the theme of crucifixion in the
English language, the blend of Christian and
Germanic elements gives The dream of the
Rood great depth and complexity. ?The layers of
themes and the clues that shed light on
Anglo-Saxon society make the poem not simply a
literary piece of historical importance, but
such layers within the text reveal the Old
English poets ability to compose with
stylistic grace and skill.
?In the very process of depicting both the
Dreamer and the Cross with consciousness, the
poet attempts, through his art, to move his
audience to the same virtuous state as those
of the main character. ?With the
conscience-arousing experience that goes on
when reading the poem, readers see how The
Dream of the Rood superbly illustrates what
substance and efficacy an Anglo-Saxon poet
could give to an important Christian topic, such
as that of the Crucifixion.
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