An introduction to Quantum Optics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An introduction to Quantum Optics


Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, UMR CNRS 8552 et Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, PARIS, France ... Quantum optics are concerned with the statistics of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An introduction to Quantum Optics

An introduction to Quantum Optics
  • T. Coudreau
  • Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, UMR CNRS 8552 et
    Université Pierre et Marie Curie, PARIS, France
  • also with Pôle Matériaux et Phénomènes
    Quantiques, Fédération de Recherche CNRS 2437 et
    Université Denis Diderot , PARIS, France

Why a course on quantum optics ?
  • Quantum optics are concerned with the statistics
    of the electromagnetic field (variance,
    correlation functions )
  • The statistics give an idea on the nature of the
    source thermal, poissonian...
  • The statistics may give an idea on the basic
    properties of astrophysical sources

  • Historical approach
  • Electromagnetism
  • Planck and Einstein
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Conclusive experiments
  • Statistical properties of light
  • Quantum optics with OPOs

  • Does light consist in waves or particles ?
  • 17th century Newton particle
  • 19th century Fresnel, Maxwell... wave
  • 1900s Planck, Einstein particle
  • 1920s Quantum mechanics
  • 1950s Quantum Electrodynamics
  • 1960s Quantum Optics

XIX th century
  • Young (1800) interferences, a light wave can
    be added or substracted
  • Sinusoïdal wave
  • Fresnel (1814-20) Mathematical theory of
    diffraction and interferences
  • Scalar wave
  • Fresnel - Arago (1820-30) polarization
  • Transverse vectorial wave
  • Faraday - Maxwell (1850-64) light as an
    electromagnetic phenomena
  • wave with with
  • Everything is understood but...

Some problems remain
  • The spectral behaviour of black body radiation is
    not understood
  • why the decrease at high frequency ?
  • Position of spectral lines

Some more problems...
  • Photoelectric effect (Hertz and Hallwachs, 1887)
  • UV light removes charges on the surface while a
    visible light does not
  • Planck energy exchange occur with multiples of
  • Bohr atomic energy levels

Light is made of particles
  • Light is made of unbreakable quanta of energy
    (Einstein 1905)
  • This was later checked by Millikan
  • The Compton effect (1923)
  • The particle (photon) possesses a given
  • Photomultiplier
  • light can be seen as a photon current

Interferences and photons
Taylor (1909) Young's slits with an attenuated
("a candle burning at a distance slightly
exceeding a mile)
Photographic plate
Exposure time
"each photon then interferes only with itself,
Quantum mechanics (1925)
  • Complete quantum theory of matter energy
    levels, atomic collisions
  • Atom-field interaction
  • Classical electromagnetic wave Quantum atom
  •  Semi classical theory
  • Energy transfers only by units of
  • Momentum transfers by units of

Consequences of the semiclassical theory
  • Photoelectric, Compton effects can be understood
    with a classical wave
  • Pulses recorded in the photomultiplier are due to
    quantum jumps inside the material and not to the
    granular structure of light
  • same for the photographic plate in Taylor s
  • Light remains a classical electromagnetic wave
  • Should Einstein be deprived of his (only) Nobel
    prize ?
  • And Compton ?

Quantum electrodynamics (1925-30)
  • Quantum calculations are applied to light in the
    absence of matter
  • In the case of a monochromatic light, the energy
    is quantified
  • contains n photons (quanta) En
  • contains 0 photons (quanta) E0
  • (Vacuum, absence of radiation, fundamental state
    of the system)

Consequence on the electric field
  • Existence of an Heisenberg inequality analogous
  • (for a monochromatic wave)
  • Consequences
  • There is no null field at all moments (see there
    is no particle at rest)
  • The electromagnetic field in vacuum is not
    identically null
  • The field is null only on average existence of
    vacuum fluctuations

Consequence on atomic levels
  • Excited levels of atoms are unstable
  • Through a quadratic Stark effect, the vacuum
    fluctuations displace the excited levels ("Lamb

QED remains a marginal theory (1930-47)
  • Reasons
  • 1) Problem of interpretation
  • 2) Problem of formalism many diverging
  • e.g. Vacuum energy
  • 3) Problem of "concurrence" the more simple
    semiclassical theory gives (generally) the same
  • 2) was solved in 1947 (Feynman, Schwinger
  • QED serves as a base and model for all modern
    theoretical physics (elementary particles)

Toward new experiments
  • Large success of quantum electrodynamics to
    predict properties of matter in the presence of
  • Agreement between theory and experiment 10-9
  • Progress in optical techniques
  • lasers
  • better detectors
  • non linear optics

Difference between wave and corpuscle
Wave Continuous Unlocalised, breakable
Photons Discontinuous Localised, unbreakable
  • A crucial experiment the semitransparent plate

50 reflected
50 transmitted
The plate does not cut the photon in two !
Experimental result
  • But a very faint source does not produce a true
    one photon state
  • the beam is a superposition of different states,
  • A faint source does not give a clear result

Prodution of a state
  • A single dipole (atom, ion) emits a single
    photon at a time

Kimble, Dagenais and Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39
691 (1977) First experimental proof of the
particle nature of light
One photon interference
To MZ2
To MZ1
Ca beam
Grangier et al., Europhys. Lett 1 173(1986)
Non linear optics experiments
  • With a pump at frequency ?0, the crystal
    generates twin photons at frequencies ?1 and ?2.
  • There is a perfect correlation between the two
  • Furthermore, the system behaves as an efficient
    source of single photon states
  • the resulting light cannot be described by two
    classical waves emitted by a crystal described

Interferences with twin beams
Hong, Ou and Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 2044
No interference fringes the crystal does not
produce classical beams but
Value predicted by classical theory
Perfect anticorrelations at zero phase shift
Particle interpretation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
  • (2) and (4) give which is not
    verified experimentally
  • the crystal does not produce classical particles

What have we learned ?
  • Light can behave like a classical wave
  • Classical interferences
  • Light can behave like a classical particle
  • One photon interferences
  • Light can behave like a non classical state
  • Two photon interferences

Non Locality in Quantum Mechanics
  • 1935 (A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen,
    Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935) ) Einstein, Podolski
    and Rosen worry about the non-local character of
    quantum mechanics.

A and B measure the spin of particles 1 and 2
along a given axis.
If the two observers choose the same axis, they
get an opposite result but if they choose
different axis, can they measure simultaneously
orthogonal directions ?
is there a supertheory (hidden variables) ?
Bell inequalities (1)
1965 (J. S. Bell, Physics 1, 195 (1965). ) J.S
Bell proposes a way to discriminate between a
local hidden variables theory and quantum
theory. One assumes that the experimental result
depends on a hidden variable and on the
magnets orientations but not on the other
The classical probability to obtain a given
result is given by
While the quantum theory prediction is written
Bell inequalities (2)
Classical, hidden variable theory
predicts P(Sa?Sb)P(Sb ?Sc)P(Sc?Sa) 1
2(P1P8) ? 1 while Quantum Mechanics predicts
P(Si?Sj) cos2(60) 1/4 so
that P(Sa?Sb)P(Sb ?Sc)P(Sc?Sa) 3/4 lt 1!
Bell inequalities enable us to
discriminate Among the first experiments A.
Aspect, P. Grangier, and G. Roger, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 49, 91 (1982).
Non locality tests with non linear media
Weihs et al. performed an experiment using
parametric down conversion and detectors 400 m
apart Weihs et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 81, 5039(1998)
Experimental result
Non local correlations exist ! They do not allow
superluminous transfer of information
QED an accepted theory
  • All measurement results (up to now) are in
    agreement with the predictions of quantum
  • (including experiments of measurement and control
    of quantum fluctuations)
  • No more mysteries
  • the actual theory explains without ambiguity all
  • but still "strange" behaviours
  • Physical images
  • several may work wave and particle
  • only one works wave or particle
  • none works neither wave nor particle
  • Vacuum fluctuations
  • Path interferences

Statistical properties of sources (1)
  • Different sources, single atoms, nonlinear
    crystals, are able to generate different types
    of fields.
  • What should we study ?
  • The statistical properties of the field
  • The properties of statistical variables are
    described by
  • Photon number probability distributions
  • 2nd order moment 2nd order coherence
  • (1st order interference)

Statistical properties of sources (2)
  • Spontaneous emission by a single dipole (atom,
    ion, )
  • variance and photon number distribution depend
    on pumping
  • antibunching
  • Spontaneous emission by an incoherent ensemble
    of dipoles
  • (Thermal / chaotic light)
  • bunching
  • (Hanbury Brown Twiss)

Statistical properties of sources (3)
  • Laser field (stimulated emission inside an
    optical cavity)
  • Poissonian distribution
  • N photon state

Quantum correlations with an OPO
At the output of an OPO, the signal and idler
beams have quantum intensity correlations.
Heidmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2555 (1987)
Result 30 noise reduction (now over 85 )
  • No more mysteries
  • QED explains without ambiguity all phenomena
  • but still "strange" behaviours
  • The results depend on the quantum state of the
  • Vacuum
  • n photons
  • statistical mixture
  • Statistical properties of light give an insight
    on the properties of the emitting object
  • OPOs provide an efficient source of non
    classical light
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