The%20Shell%20Model%20and%20the%20DMRG%20Approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Original formalism based on real space lattice sites, also applied - though with ... Jorge Dukelsky (Madrid) Nicu Sandulescu (Bucharest, Saclay) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20Shell%20Model%20and%20the%20DMRG%20Approach

The Shell Model and the DMRG Approach
  • Stuart Pittel
  • Bartol Research Institute and Department of
    Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware

  • Will discuss approach for hopefully obtaining
    accurate solutions to nuclear shell-model
    problem, in cases where exact diagonalization not
  • Method is based on use of Density Matrix
    Renormalization Group (DMRG).
  • The DMRG
  • - Introduced by Steven White in the early 90s
    to treat quantum lattices.
  • S. R. White, PRL 69, 2863 (1992) S. R. White,
    PRB48, 10345 (1993) S. R. White and D. A. Huse,
    PRB48, 3844 (1993).

  • Enormously successful, producing for g.s energy
    of the spin-one Heisenberg chain results accurate
    to 12 significant figures.
  • Subsequently applied with great success to other
    1D lattices (spin chains, t-J, Hubbard models).
  • Original formalism based on real space lattice
    sites, also applied - though with less success
    to some 2D lattices.
  • Subsequently reformulated so as not to work
    solely in terms of real space lattice sites,
    replacing sites by energy (or momentum) levels.

  • Reformulated versions have proven useful in
    describing several finite Fermi systems (e.g., in
    quantum chemistry, in small metallic grains, and
    in 2D electron systems).
  • Suggests possible usefulness of the method in the
    description of another finite Fermi system, the
  • Recent review article on the subject
  • - J. Dukelsky and SP, The density matrix
    renormalization group for finite fermi systems,
    J. Dukelsky and S. Pittel, Rep. Prog. Phys. 67
    (2004) 513.

  • Briefly review key steps of DMRG algorithm.
  • Discuss nuclear physics calculations of
    Papenbrock and Dean.
  • Describe the angular-momentum-conserving JDMRG
    approach we are developing and show first test

  • Jorge Dukelsky (Madrid)
  • Nicu Sandulescu (Bucharest, Saclay)
  • Bhupender Thakur (University of Delaware graduate

Brief Review of the DMRG
  • DMRG a method for systematically taking into
    account all the degrees of freedom of a problem,
    without letting problem get numerically out of
  • Method rooted in Wilson's original RG procedure,
    whereby we systematically add degrees of freedom
    (sites or levels) until all have been treated.

Wilsons RG Procedure
  • Assume we've already treated a given number of
    sites (L) and that the total number of states we
    have kept to describe them is p. Refer to that
    portion of the system as the block.
  • Assume that the next layer (the L1st) admits s
    states. Thus, enlarged block has ps states.
  • RG procedure implements truncation of these ps
    states to p states, exactly as before enlargement.

  • Process continues by adding the next layer and
    implementing again a truncation to p states.
  • This is done till all layers are treated.
  • Calculation done as function of p, the of
    states kept, until change with increasing p is
    acceptably small.

Key construct for block enlargement
  • At each step of process, evaluate matrix
    elements of all hamiltonian sub-operators
  • and store them.
  • Having this info for the block plus the
    additional level/site enables us to calculate
    them for the enlarged block.

How to do the truncation
  • Wilson Diagonalize hamiltonian in states of
    enlarged block and truncate to the lowest p
  • White's DMRG approach Consider the enlarged
    block B in the presence of a medium M that
    approximates the rest of the system. Carry out
    the truncation based on the importance of the
    block states in states of full superblock.

Implementation of DMRG Truncation Strategy
  • Hamiltonian is diagonalized in superblock,
    yielding a ground state wave function

where t denotes the number of states in the
  • Ground state density matrix for the enlarged
    block is then constructed and diagonalized.
  • Truncate to the p eigenstates with largest
    eigenvalues. By definition, they are the most
    important states of the enlarged block in the
    ground state of the superblock, i.e. the system.

The finite vs the infinite algorithm
  • So far, have described infinite DMRG algorithm,
    in which we go thru set of sites (degrees of
    freedom) once.
  • Will work well if correlations between layers
    fall off sufficiently fast.
  • Usually won't work well, since truncation in
    early layers has no way of knowing about coupling
    to subsequent layers.

  • Can avoid this limitation by using a sweeping
  • - After going thru all layers, reverse direction
    and update the blocks based on results stored in
    previous sweep. Done iteratively until acceptably
    small change from one sweep to the next.
  • - Requires a first pass, called the warmup
    stage. Here we could, e.g., use the Wilson RG
    method to get a first approximation to the
    optimum states in each block. Since they will be
    improved in subsequent sweeps, not crucial that
    it be very accurate approximation.
  • Called the finite algorithm. Usually needed when
    dealing with finite fermi systems such as nuclei.

Work of Papenbrock and Dean
  • The best calculations to date using DMRG in
    nuclei reported recently by Dean and Papenbrock.
    lanl preprint nucl-th/0412112.
  • The approach they follow is based on the
    finite-algorithm approach.
  • - Partition neutron versus proton orbitals.
    Neutron orbits on one side of the chain and
    proton orbits symmetrically on the other.
  • - Use orbits that admit two particles (nljm and
  • - Such an m-scheme approach violates
    angular-momentum conservation, which may be
    severe if truncation is significant.
  • - Order the orbits so that most active (i.e.,
    those nearest the Fermi surface) are at the
    center of the chain. This is based on work of
    Legeza and collaborators.
  • - Use closed shell plus 1p-1h states to define
    output from warmup phase.

Their Results for 28Si
Also did calculations for 56Ni, but results not
as good.
Our approach
  • We are developing a DMRG strategy that works
    directly in a J-scheme or angular momentum
    conserving basis. We call it the J-DMRG. An
    example of a non-Abelian DMRG I. P. McCulloch
    and M. Gulacsi, Europhys. Lett. 57 (2002) 852.
  • It is our hope that by not violating angular
    momentum conservation in the truncation steps, we
    can get more accurate results, with smaller
    matrices. This is experience from other
    non-Abelian DMRG work.
  • Code being developed by Nicu, Jorge and I is in
    absolutely final throes of testing. Very first
    preliminary test results obtained Friday. More
    general code being developed by my graduate
    student, Bhupender Thakur.

Key new construct for JDMRG
  • Now we must calculate reduced matrix elements of
    all coupled sub-operators of H

Our implementation of J-DMRG
  • Input
  • (1) Model space
  • (2) number of active neutrons and protons
  • (3) shell-model H
  • (4) single-shell reduced matrix elements for all
    active orbits and all sub-operators of H.

Warm-up phase
  • Calculate and store initial reduced matrix
    elements for all possible sets of orbits, e.g. j1
    ? j2, j1 ? j3, , j1 ? j5 , for neutrons and
    correspondingly for protons.
  • Here, we have treated first two orbits, both for
    neutrons and protons.
  • Now add third neutron level j3, using proton
    block to define medium for enlargement of neutron
    block and truncating based on resulting g.s
    density matrix.
  • Continue till all neutron and proton blocks

The sweep phase
  • Sweep down and then up through neutron and proton
    orbits separately. In each case, use remainder of
    orbits (from warmup or previous sweep stage) plus
    the full set of orbits of the other type as the
    medium for density matrix truncation.
  • Here we have just treated proton orbits 9 and 10
    forming a block. We add proton orbit 8, creating
    enlarged proton block consisting of 8 ? 10.
  • We use neutron orbits 7 and 6 to define neutron
    medium and entire proton block to define the
    proton medium.
  • Superblock obtained by coupling enlarged proton
    block to the two parts of medium.

  • As always, truncation is to same number of states
    as before enlargement.
  • Sweep down and up through one type of particle,
    then thru the other. This updates information on
    the optimal truncation within blocks, taking into
    account information about the medium from the
    previous sweep.
  • Sweep as many times as needed till change from
    one sweep to another is acceptably small.
  • Program has been written, checked and preliminary
    tests have been carried out. Will report first
    test results.

Test results
  • Tests carried out for 2 neutrons and two protons
    in f-p shell subject to an SU(3) hamiltonian.
  • Exact result
  • - EGS-180. Complete basis of 0 states has 158
  • Results for p18
  • - Warmup gives EGS-180 with all 158 states.
  • - Any number of sweeps give the same results
    since full space always used.

  • Results for p10
  • - After first sweep, obtain EGS-180 with a
    basis of 38 states
  • Results for p8
  • - After first sweep, get EGS-180 with a basis
    of 32 states

  • First reviewed basic ingredients and ideas behind
    the DMRG method, with nuclei specifically in
  • Then described calculations of Papenbrock and
    Dean, which work in m-scheme. Showed reasonably
    promising results for 28Si, albeit less so for
  • Then discussed how to implement an angular
    momentum conserving variant of the DMRG method,
    including sweeping. Preliminary test results
    seem promising and we will now continue to do
    more tests and then hopefully some serious
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