An Overview of history from 1906 to 1924 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Overview of history from 1906 to 1924


Bengal was divided into two parts in 1905 due to some administrative reasons ... Sir Agha Khan was elected as President. Head Quarters in Lucknow ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An Overview of history from 1906 to 1924

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An Overview of history from 1906 to 1924
All India Muslim League(1906)
  • A founder Political Party of Pakistan.
  • Purely having Islamic ideological basis
  • Founded to protect rights of Muslims in British

Back Ground
  • Bengal was divided into two parts in 1905 due to
    some administrative reasons
  • Muslims were beneficiaries of this partition as
    they were in majority in East Province
  • Hindus considered it a deliberate action to harm
    their interests.

  • They agitated and demanded annulment of
  • Muslims considered this agitation against their
    own interest and realized that Hindus do not
    want to see their prosperity
  • In 1906, debate started in Britain about
    constitutional reforms in India.

  • Muslim Leaders decided to make an immediate move
    for protection of the rights of Muslims in new
  • A Muslim Deputation consisting of 36 members met
    to Lord Minto in Simla in October 1906 in this
  • Separate electorates were demanded.
  • Viceroy assured the delegation about their
    political rights in new Constitution.

  • Muslims thought about to have their own political
    Organization to struggle for their Rights
  • In November 1906, Nawab Saleemullah of Dhaka sent
    around a circular proposing the establishment of
    a Political Party.

  • Dignitaries were asked to prepare and discussed
    it in Annual Session of Mohammadan Educational
  • Session was held in last week of December
    attended by some 3000 delegates.
  • On 30 December, 1906, resolution was unanimously
    opted about the establishment of a Political

  • Organization was Named All India Muslim League
  • Sir Agha Khan was elected as President
  • Head Quarters in Lucknow
  • Six Vice-Presidents, a secretary and two joint
    Secretaries for a term of three years.
  • Initial membership was 400 in fixed proportion of
    the provinces.
  • Branches were setup in various Provinces

  • Constitution of the League known as Green Book
    was written by Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar,a
    renowned Scholar and a vocal Journalist.

  • Syed Ameer Ali Established a branch in London in
    1908, supporting the same objectives

  • Three Objectives-
  • To promote a sense of loyalty to the British
    Government among the Muslims.
  • To look after their Political Rights and
    interests and to represent to the government from
    time to time , their needs and aspirations.
  • To cultivate better understanding between Muslims
    and other Communities.

  • Hindu and many British historians alleged that
    the Muslim League was founded at Official
  • Lord Minto wanted to break the Congress and to
    minimize the strength of Indian Freedom Movement.

Lucknow Pact(1916)
  • First World War started in 1914.
  • Indians sacrificed a lot in terms of
    Lives,manpower,supplies,finances and patience
    with high prices for wheat,rice,kerosine etc.
  • The Muslims had reservations about Turkey and
    going to dispel their pro-British reputation

  • The growing mood of determination to participate
    in governing the subcontinent led to the Lucknow
    Pact between the Muslim League and the Congress
    in 1916.
  • Quid-i-Azam joined Muslim League in1913 which
    gave a new dimension to Indian Politics.
  • Muslim League had already demanded self rule for
    India as had the Congress.

  • Both parties were demanding same privileges.
  • Leaders from both sides agreed to co-operate to
    bring the government around to accept the demands
  • Both parties reached on an agreement in 1916 in
    Lucknow called Lucknow Pact.
  • The Congress conceded the Muslims demand for
    separate electorates

  • Hindus and Muslims should be guaranteed a certain
    number of seats in areas where they were a
  • Muslims gave up their claims to majorities in
    Punjab and Bengal in return of a promise of extra
    seats for Muslims in minority Provinces.
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah was principal negotiator of
    this pact and was entitled as Ambassador of
    Hindu-Muslim unity.

  • Jinnah visited Europe along with Gokhle after
    this pact
  • British recognized the problems, contributions
    and determinations of Indians and announced their
    intentions of granting gradual self-government
    within the Empire on 20 august 1917.

Khilafat Movement
  • Muslims of India had an emotional attachment
    with Caliphate.
  • They considered Ottoman Empire as their
  • Sultan of Turkey was considered as
    Ameer-ul-Momneen by Indian Muslims as they did
    not have their own identity and always saw
    towards ottoman Caliph

  • European powers curtail the Turkish Empire by
    occupying Eastern Thrace, Constantinople and the
    straits in Balkan wars in 1912-13.
  • Turkey joined Germans in 1st World War to avenge
    the European Powers.
  • Sympathies of Indian Muslims were with Turkey.

  • Germany Lost the War.
  • The British hoped to neutralize the status of the
    Caliph and the right of the Turks to their
  • The Peace settlement and the Treaty of Severs
    broke of the Ottoman Empire and reduced Sultan
    to the status of Vassal Prince.
  • Muslim Holy Places were placed under the hold of
    Allied Forces.

  • Holy Prophet had bidden the Muslims with dying
    breath never to surrender the Jazirat-ul-Arab(Arab
    ia,Iraq,Syria and Palestine) to any non-Muslim
  • Johar argued that for Muslims to accept mandate
    over Iraq, Syria and Palestine would amount to a
    total disregard of the wishes of the
  • A movement was launched in Sub-Continent to save
    the Ottoman Empire.

  • Majlis-i-Khilafat was made by traders in Bombay
    in 1919.
  • Muslim Conferences meeting held in Lucknow and
    decided to make it mass scale movement.
  • Seth Jaan Muhammad Chhutani elected president.
  • Muslims Of India launched this movement to fight
    Turkeys battle from India though they were
    thousands of miles from Turkey.

  • To maintain the Turkish caliphate
  • To protect the Holy Places of the Muslims
  • To maintain the unity of the Ottoman Empire

  • Riots started in Amritsar in April 1919 followed
    by Jalianwala Bagh tragedy on April13,1919
    killing 379 people.
  • In1920 terms of Treaty of severs were announced
    caused deep resentment among Muslims.
  • In June, 90 Muslim leaders wrote to viceroy about
    their non-cooperation with government from August
    if terms of treaty were not revised , but that
    was of no use.

  • Muslim Conference and Congress both were
    demanding the Independence of India.
  • Congress leaders decided to cooperate with
    Muslims in the time of need.
  • A Meeting held and decided to cooperate each
    other un-conditionally and to send a delegation
    to viceroy and to England to explain the matter.
  • Non-cooperation movement was started in 1920.

  • Khilafat Delegation to England
  • Khilafat delegation visited England under
    leadership of Moulana Muhammad Ali johar and met
    to Prime Minister Lloyd George, but he gave a
    cold shoulder and delegation met failure.

Hijrat Movement
  • Jamiyat Ulema-i-Hind proposed that when a land is
    not safe for Islam, a Muslim has two
    options-Jihad or Hijrat.
  • Fatwa was signed by 925 prominent Ulemas
  • May be idea was originated by Maulana Abul Kalam
  • Hundreds of Families sold their properties and
    migrated towards Afghanistan, but were not
    allowed to enter in the premises of the state.
  • This was a tragic event as Thousands of Muslim
    Families suffered.

  • Major Events
  • In 1921,Moplah uprising,4000 were killed and tens
    of thousands were injured.
  • Moplah train tragedy,66 were killed.
  • Hindu-Muslim communal riots particularly in
    Multan and Bengal.
  • Arrest of Ali brethren in sep.1921.
  • Feb 1922,Chaura Chauri incident, 21 policemen

  • Gandhi called off the whole movement making an
    excuse that the National Volunteers were
    responsible for the murder of policemen.
  • A sever blow to Khilafat Movement. When in 1924
    Turks announced an end to Khilafat and made a
    new government.
  • Khilafat conference and committee died down in a
    short time and there was nothing but the name

  • Movement failed to achieve its objectives but
    carried to political awakening to Muslims.
  • Made clear to Indian Muslims neither to trust
    the British nor the Hindus.
  • Movement was a sever blow to All India Muslim
    Leagues popularity.
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