1ST CHAPTER Special theory of relativity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1ST CHAPTER Special theory of relativity


1ST CHAPTER Special theory of relativity ZCT 104/3E ENGLISH TEACHING 5 CHAPTERS WILL BE COVERED Special theory of relativity Wave nature of particles Particle nature ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1ST CHAPTER Special theory of relativity

1ST CHAPTERSpecial theory of relativity
ZCT 104/3E
  • Special theory of relativity
  • Wave nature of particles
  • Particle nature of waves
  • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
  • Atomic models

  • Failure of Newtonian mechanics

Revision Still remember Newton's 3 law of
  • An object at rest will always be in the wrong
  • An object in motion will always be headed in the
    wrong direction
  • For every action, there is an equal and opposite
  • b, just joking

Newtonian view of space and time
  • Space and time are absolute
  • Time flow independently of the state of motion of
    any physical system in 3-D space
  • In essence, time and space do not mix. The state
    of motion of a physical system does not affact
    the rate of time flow within the system

Inertial frames
  • Inertial frames of reference is one in which an
    object subject to no forcess moves in straight
    line at constant speed
  • E.g. of inertial frames the lab frame and the
    constant-speed car frame
  • Newtonian law of invariance (or called principle
    of Newtonian relativity) All inertial frames are
    equivalent, and the law of mechanics must be also
    take the same methematical form for all observers
    irrespective of their frame of references

Example of inertial frames of reference
Example of form invariance
  • In the aeroplane with constant speed wrp to the
    ground, Newton second law takes the form of F
    m a
  • In the lab frame, Newton 2nd law is F ma

The laws of mechanics must be the same in all
inertial frames of reference
  • Although the ball path is different in both
    inertial reference frames, both observers agree
    on the validity of Newtons law, conservation of
    energy and others physical principles

Galilean transformation
  • It relates the kinematical quantities, such as
    position, velocity, acceleration between two
    inertial frames
  • S stationary frame (uses x,y,z,t as their
  • S moving wrp to S with constant speed u away
    from S (uses x,y,z,t as their coordinates)
  • Galilean transformation for the coordinates (in
  • x x vt, y y, zz, t t
  • Galilean addition law for velocity (in 1-D)
  • vx vx - v
  • Simply a daily experience

Galilean transformation and Newtonian view goes
  • Galilean transformation assumes the notion of
    absolute space and time as hold by Newton, i.e.
    the length is independent of the state of motion.
    So is the flowing rate of time.

  • Apply GT on th previous example
  • The trajactories of the ball seen in the two
    frames, S (van) and S (ground observer) is
    related by GT as per

  • Using Galilean transformation of corrdinates, one
    can show that observer in S and S measure
    different cordinates for the ends of a stick at
    rest in S, they agree on the length of the stick.
    Assume the stick has end coodintaes x a and x
    a l in S.
  • Doraemiyan (S) measure the end points of the
    stick at the same time, t.
  • Using x x vt
  • x(head) x(head) vt a - vt
  • x(end) x(end) vt (al) - vt
  • x(end) - x(head) x(end) - x(head) l

x(h) a
x(t) l a
Galilean transformation when applied on light
means speed of light is not constant
Frame S travel with velocity v relative to S. If
light travels with the same speed in all
directions relative too S, then (according to the
classical Galilean velocity-addition) it should
have different speeds as seen from S.
Maxwell theory of light is inconsistent with
Newtons law of invariance
  • Consider a gadanken case in an inertial frame
    moving at the speed of light, the electromagnetic
    (EM) wave is frozen and not waving anymore
  • Maxwell theory of EM wave will fail in the
    light-speed frame of reference
  • ? Galilean transformation is inconsistent with
    Maxwell theory of light
  • ? Newtonian law of invariance fails for EM in the
    light-speed frame
  • ? Galilean transformation is going to fail when v
    is approaching the speed of light it has to be
    supplanted by Lorentz transformation (to be
    learned later)

Ether and Michelson-Morley Experiments
  • In early 19th century, its thought (incorrectly)
  • there exist an omi-pervasive medium called
    Ether in which light propagates at a speed of
    3x108m/s (analogue to sound propagate in the
    mechanical medium of still air at speed 330m/s)
  • Thought to be the absolute frame of reference
    that goes in accordance with Newtonian view of
    absolute space and time
  • The effect of the ehter on speed of light can be
    experimentally measured

Ether and Michelson-Morley Experiments
  • If exists, from the viewpoint of the light
    source, the Ether wind appears to drift with a
    relative speed of u wrp to Earth (One assumes
    that ether frame is fixed wrp to the Sun, hence
    one expects u 10-4c)
  • Consider a moving souce giving out two beams of
    light in different direction (say, 90 degree to
    each other)
  • Since the light source is moving through the
    omi-perasive ehter medium, the different
    directions of the two beams of light would mean
    that these two beams will move with different
    velocities when viewed in the frame of moving

Experimental setup
  • Both arms has same length L
  • According to the ether wind concept
  • For arm 1, the speed of light to is c-v as it
    approaches M2,
  • cv as it is reflected from M2

c c - v
c c v
Experimental setup
  • For arm 2, the speed of light to-and-fro M1 is

c v (c2 - v2)
  • The two light beams start out in phase. When they
    return and recombined by semi-transparent
    mirror Mo interference pattern will be formed
    due to their difference in phase, Df cDt /l,
    where Dt t1 - t2 Lv2/c3 is the time
    difference between the light beams when return to
    Mo (figure a)

  • Now, when the whole set-up is rotated through
    90?, arms 1 and 2 exchanges role
  • As a result, the interefence pattern will be
    shifted as the time difference between the beams
    after rotation now becomes 2Dt
  • The number of interefence fringes shifted can be
    estimated via
  • no. of fringe shift 2cDt /l 2 Lv2/lc2 0.40
  • (taking v 10-4c, L 11 m, l 500nm)
  • Very precise experiment

  • Fig. (b) shows expected fringe shift after a
    rotation of the interometer by 90 degree

NULL result
  • But MM sees only NULL result no change in the
    interference pattern
  • How to interprete the null result?
  • If Maxwell theory of light is right (as EM wave)
    the notion of ether as an medium in which light
    is propagating has to be discarded
  • Put simply ether is not shown to exist
  • Einstein put it more strongly the absolute frame
    of reference (i.e. the ether frame) has to be

PYQ (past year question), KSCP 2003/04
  • What were the consequences of the negative result
    of the Michelson-Morley experiment?
  • I. It render untenable the hypothesis of the
  • II. It suggests the speed of light in the free
    space is the same everywhere, regardless of any
    motion of source or observer
  • III. It implies the existence of a unique frame
    of reference in which the speed of light in this
    frame is equal to c
  • A. III only B. I,II C. I, III D. I, II, III
  • E. Non of the above

Ans B
Principle of special relativity
  • Einstein believes that pure thought is sufficient
    to understand the world
  • The most incomprehensive thing in the universe is
    that the universe is comprehensible

Classical EM theory is inconsistent with Galileao
  • Their is inconsistency between EM and Newtonian
    view of absolute space and time
  • Einstein proposed SR to restore the
    inconsistency between the two based on two

Postulates of SR
  1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial
    reference frames a generalisation of Newtons
  2. The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all
    observers independent of the motion of the source
    constancy of the speed of light

  • Postulate 2 simply means that Galilean
    transformation cannot be applied on light speed.
    It also explains the Null result of the MM
  • Speed of light is always the same whether one is
    moving or stationary wrp to the source its
    speed doesnt increase or reduced when the light
    source is moving

Einsteins notion of space-time drastically
revolutionarizes that of Newtons
  • The notion of absolute frame of reference is
  • discarded
  • The Newton notion that time is absolute and
  • flows independently of the state of motion (or
  • the frame of reference chosen) is radically
  • modified the rate of time flow does depends
  • on the frame of reference (or equivalently, the
  • state of motion).
  • This being so due to the logical consequence
  • of the constancy of the speed of light in all
  • inertial frame

PYQ (past year question), Final 2003/04
  • Which of the following statement(s) is (are)
  • I. The assumption of the Ether frame is
    inconsistent with the experimental observation
  • II. The speed of light is constant
  • III. Maxwell theory of electromagnetic radiation
    is inconsistent with the notion of the Ether
  • IV Special relativity is inconsistent with the
    notion of the Ether frame
  • A. III,IV B. I, II, III C. I, II, III,IV
  • D. I, II E. I, II,IV
  • ANS E, my own question

Simultaneity is not an absolute concept but frame
  • Simultaneity in one frame is not guaranteed in
    another frame of reference (due to postulate 2)
  • Two lightning bolts strike the ends of a moving
    boxcar. (a) The events appear to be simultaneous
    to the stationary observer at O but (b) for the
    observer at O, the front of the train is struck
    before the rear

Try to calculate it yourself
  • The breakdown of simultaneity means that the two
    lights from A and B are not arriving at O at
    the same time. Can you calculate what is the time
    lag, i.e. tA-tB, between the two lights arriving
    at O? t is the time measured in the O frame.

Time dilation as a consequence of Einsteins
  • In frames that are moving wrp to the stationary
    frame, time runs slower
  • Gedanken experiment (thought experiment)

Gedanken Experiment
  • Since light speed c is invariant (i.e. the same
    in all frames), it is used to measure time and
  • A mirror is fixed to a moving vehicle, and a
    light pulse leaves O at rest in the vehicle.
  • (b) Relative to a stationery observe on Earth,
    the mirror and O move with a speed v.

Ligth triangle
  • Consider the geometry of the triangle of the
  • We can calculate the relationship between Dt, Dt
    and v
  • l 2 (cDt/2 )2
  • d 2 (u Dt/2 )2

Lorentz factor, g
  • Due to constancy of light postulate, both
    observer must agree on c
  • Speed of light total distance travelled divide
    by time taken
  • For observer in O, c 2 d /Dt
  • For observer in O, c 2 l / Dt, where
  • l 2 d 2 (u Dt/2 )2
  • Eliminating l and d, Dt gDt, where
  • g (1 - u2/c2)-1/2
  • Lorentz factor, always gt or equal 1, so that
  • Dt gt Dt

Proper time
  • Try to discriminate between two kinds of time
  • Dt , proper time that measures the time interval
    of the two events at the same point in space
    (e.g. light emitted and received at the same
    point in the vehicle)
  • Proper time is the time measured by a clock that
    is stationary wrp to the events that it measures
  • Note that proper time is always shorter
    compared to improper time

  • The elapsed time Dt between the same events in
    any other frame is dilated by a factor of g
    compared to the proper time interval Dt
  • In other words, according to a stationary
    observer, a moving clock runs slower than an
    identical stationary clock
  • Chinese proverb
  • 1 day in the heaven 10 years in the human plane

  • The watch of a student in the class is running
    at a rate different than that of a student
    ponteng class to lumba motosikal haram.
  • The time of the student on the bikes is running
    at a slower rate compared to that of the student
    in the class
  • Onc can imagine that when the watch on the arms
    of the motocyclist ticks once in a second (as is
    concluded by the local, or rest, observer, i,e,
    the motocyclist), the student in the class
    (non-local observer) find the watch of the
    motocyclist ticks at 1.000001 second per second.

To recap
  • Dt gDt proper time interval, Dt Dt
  • The rate of time flowing in one frame is
    different from the others (frames that are moving
    with a constant speed relative to a give frame)
  • The relationship between the time intervals of
    the two frames moving at an non-zero relatively
    velocity are given by the time dilation formula
  • One must be aware of the subtle different between
    which is the proper time and which is the
    improper one

  • When you are measuring the time interval between
    your heartbeats (on your bed in you bedroom)
    using your watch, you are measuring the proper
    time interval
  • Say a doctor who is in a car traveling at some
    constant speed with recpect to you is monitoring
    your heartbeat by some remote device. The time
    interval between the heartbeat measured by him,
    is improper time because he is moving wrp to you

PYQ, Semester Test I, 2003/04
  • Suppose that you are travelling on board a
    spacecraft that is moving with respect to the
    Earth at a speed of 0.975c. You are breathing at
    a rate of 8.0 breaths per minute. As monitored on
    Earth, what is your breathing rate?
  • A. 13.3 B. 2.88 C.22.2
  • D. 1.77 E. Non of the above
  • ANS D, Cutnell, Q4, pg. 877

  • Suppose that you are travelling on board a
    spacecraft that is moving with respect to the
    Earth at a speed of 0.975c. You are breathing at
    a rate of 8.0 breaths per minute. As monitored on
    Earth, what is your breathing rate?
  • g 1/(1 u2/c2)1/2 1/(1 0.9752)1/2 4.5
  • Use Dt gDt
  • Given local interval between breaths Dt 1/8
    0.125 min per breath (proper time interval)
  • ? Dt gDt 4.5 x 0.125 0.563 min per breath
  • ? 1/ Dt 1.77 breath per min (as seen by the
    spaccraft observer)
  • To an oberver on the spacecraft, you seem to
    breath at a slower rate

Example (read it yourself)
  • A spacecraft is moving past the Earth at a
    constant speed 0.92c. The astronaut measures the
    time interval between successive ticks'' of the
    spacecraft clock to be 1.0 s. What is the time
    interval that an Earth observer measures between
    ticks'' of the astronaut's clock?

  • Dt 1.0 s is the proper time interval measured
    by the astronaut
  • Earth observer measures a greater time interval,
    Dt, than does the astronaut, who is at rest
    relative to the clock
  • The Lorentz factor g 1/(1- u2/c2) -1/2 1/(1-
    0.922)-1/2 2.6
  • Hence, Dt gDt 2.6 x 1.0s 2.6 s

Example Muon decay lifetime
  • A muon is an unstable elementary particle which
    has a lifetime t0 2.2 microsecond (proper
    time, measured in the muon rest frame) and decays
    into lighter particles.
  • Fast muons (say, travelling at v 99c) are
    created in the interactions of very high-energy
    particles as they enter the Earth's upper
  • Assume v 0.99c
  • In the muon rest frame, the distance travelled by
    muon before decay is
  • D (0.99c)t0
  • 650 m

  • A muon travelling at 99 the speed of light.
  • has a Lorentz factor g 7.09
  • Hence, to an observer in the rest frame (e.g
    Earth) the lifetime of the muon is no longer t0
    2.2 ms but
  • t g x t0 7.09 x 2 microseconds 15.6 ms
  • Thus the muon would appear to travel for 15.6
    microseconds before it decays
  • The distance it traversed as seen from Earth
  • is D (0.99c) x 15.6 ms 4,630 km (c.f. D
    650 m )

Muon are detected at a much lower altitude
  • Observation has verified the relativistic effect
    of time dilation muons are detected at a
    distance of 4700 m below the atmospheric level in
    which they are produced
  • Hence the dilated muon lifetime is confirmed

(No Transcript)
Length contraction
  • Length measured differs from frame to frame
    another consequence of relativistic effect
  • Gedanken experiment again!

  • Two observers O on Earth, O traveling to and
    fro from Earth and alpha centauri with speed u
  • Total distance between Earth - alpha centauri
    Earth, according to O (Earth observer), L0
  • O sees O return to Earth after Dt0
  • Observer O in a spaceship is heading aC with
    speed u and returns to Earth after Dt according
    to his clock

Use some simple logics
  • In O 2L0 uDt0
  • In O 2L0 uDt0
  • Due to time dilation effect, Dt0 is shorter
    than Dt0 , i.e. Dt0 gt Dt0
  • Dt0 is related to Dt0 via a time dilation
    effect, Dt0 Dt0 /g , hence
  • L0 / L0 Dt0 /Dt0 1 / g , or

  • L0 L0 / g
  • L0 is defined as the proper length length of
    object measured in the frame in which the object
    (in this case, the distance btw Earth and aC) is
    at rest
  • L0 is the length measured in the O frame, which
    is moving wrp to the object here refer to the
    distance between E- aC
  • The length of a moving objecte is measured to be
    shorter than the proper length length

  • If an observer at rest wrp to an object measures
    its length to be L0 , an observer moving with a
    relative speed u wrp to the object will find the
    object to be shorter than its rest length by a
    foctor 1 / g .

Example of moving ruler
  • A stick moves to the right with a speed v (as
    seen in a rest frame, O)
  • (a) The stick as viewed by a frame attached to
    it (O frame, Lp proper length)
  • (b) The stick as seen by an observer in a frame
    O. The length measured in the O frame (L) is
    shorter than the proper length by a factor 1/ g

Length contraction only happens along the
direction of motion
  • Example A spaceship in the form of a triangle
    flies by an oberver at rest wrp to the ship (see
    fig (a)), the distance x and y are found to be
    50.0 m and 25.0 m respectively. What is the shape
    of the ship as seen by an observer who sees the
    ship in motion along the direction shown in fig

  • The observer sees the horizontal length of the
    ship to be contracted to a length of
  • L Lp/g 50 mv(1 0.9502) 15.6 m
  • The 25 m vertical height is unchanged because it
    is perpendicular to the direction of relative
    motion between the observer and the spaceship.

  • An observer on Earth sees a spaceship at an
    altitude of 435 moving downward toward the Earth
    with a speed of 0.97c. What is the altitude of
    the spaceship as measured by an observer in the

Draw the diagram yourself
  • As a useful strategy to solve physics problem you
    should always try to translate the problems from
    text into diagramatical form with all the correct

  • One can consider the altitude see by
    thestationary (Earth) observer as the proper
    length (say, L'). The observer in the spaceship
    should sees a contracted length, L, as compared
    to the proper length. Hence the moving observer
    in the ship finds the altitude to be
  • L L' / g 435 m x 1- (0.97)2-1/2 106 m

PYQ, KSCP 03/04
  • How fast does a rocket have to go for its length
    to be contracted to 99 of its rest length?
  • Ans Rest length proper length LP length of
    the rocket as seen by observer on the rocket
  • L improper length length of the rocket as seen
    from Earth oberver
  • Always remember that proper length is longer than
    improper length

Lorentz Transformation
  • All inertial frames are equivalent
  • Hence all physical processes analysed in one
    frame can also be analysed in other inertial
    frame and yield consistent results
  • A transformation law is required to related the
    space and time coordinates from one frame to

An event observed in two frames of reference must
yield consistant results related by transformatin
Different frame uses different notation for
coordinates (because their clocks and ruler are
  • O' frame uses x',y',zt to denote the
    coordinates of an event, whereas O frame uses
  • How to related x',y',z',t to x,y,zt?
  • In Newtonian mechanics, we use Galilean
  • However, as discussed, GT fails when u ? c
    because the GT is not consistent with the
    constancy of the light speed postulate
  • The relativistic version of the transformation
    law is given by Lorentz transformation

Two observers in two inertial frames with
relative motion

I measures the coordinates of M as x,t
Derivation of Lorentz transformation
  • Our purpose is to find the transformation that
    relates x,t with x,t

  • Consider a rocket moving with a speed u (O'
    frame) along the xx' direction wrp to the
    stationary O frame
  • A light pulse is emitted at the instant t' t 0
  • when the two origins of the two reference frames
  • The light signal travels as a spherical wave at a
    constant speed c in both frames
  • After some times t, the origin of the wave
    centered at O has a radius r ct, where
  • r 2 x2 y2 z2

Methematical details
  • From the view point of O', after some times t
    the origin of the wave, centered at O' has a
  • r' ct' , (r )2 (x)2 (y )2 (z )2
  • y'y, z' z (because the motion of O' is along
    the xx) axis no change for y,z coordinates
    (condition A)
  • The transformation from x to x (and vice versa)
    must be linear, i.e. x ? x (condition B)
  • Boundary condition (1) In the limit of v ?c,
    from the viewpoint of O, the origin of O is
    located on the wavefront (to the right of O)? x
    0 must correspond to x ct
  • Boundary condition (2) In the same limit, from
    the viewpoint of O, the origin of O is located
    on the wavefront (to the left of O) ? x 0
    corresponds to x -ct
  • Putting everything together we assume the form x
    k(x - ct) to relate x to x,t as this is the
    form that fulfill all the conditions (A,B) and
    boundary consdition (1) (k some proportional
    constant to be determined)
  • Likewise, we assume the form x k(x ct ) to
    relate x to x ,t as this is the form that
    fulfill all the conditions (A,B) and boundary
    consdition (2)

Finally, the transformation obtained
  • Hence, with r ct , r ct , x k(x ct ),
    x k(x - ct) we solve for x',t' in terms of
    x,t to obtain the desired transformation law
    (do it as an exercise)

Space and time now becomes state-of-motion
dependent (via g)
  • the constant k is identified as the Lorentz
    factor, g
  • Note that, now, the length and time interval
    measured become dependent of the state of motion
    (in terms of g) in contrast to Newtons
  • Lorentz transformation reduces to Galilean
    transformation when u ltlt c (show this yourself)
  • i.e. LT ? GT in the limit vltltc

How to express x, t in terms of x, t
  • We have related x',t' in terms of x,t as per
  • Now, how do we express x, t in terms of x,

O moving to the right with velocity u is
equivalent to O moving to the left with velocity
The two transformations above are equivalent use
which is appropriate in a given question
Length contraction can be recovered from the LT
  • Consider the rest length of a ruler as measured
    in frame O is L Dx x2 - x1 (proper
    length) measured at the same instant in that
    frame, hence t2 t1
  • What is the length of the rule as measured by O?
  • The length in O, according the LT is
  • L Dx x2 - x1 g (x2 - x1) u(t2
  • The length of the ruler in O is simply the
    distance btw x2 and x1 measured at the same
    instant in that frame, hence t2 t1, hence L
    g L

  • Similarly, how would you recover time dilation
    from the LT?
  • Do it as homework

Lorentz velocity transformation
  • How to relate the velocity of the object M as
    seen in the O (ux) frame to that seen in the O
    frame (ux)?

  • By definition, ux dx/dt, ux dx/dt
  • The velocity in the O frame can be obtained by
    taking the differentials of the Lorentz

  • where we have made used of the definition ux

Comparing the LT of velocity with that of GT
Lorentz transformation of velocity
Galilean transformation of velocity
GT reduces to LT in the limit u ltlt c
  • Please try to understand the definition of ux ,
    ux , u so that you wont get confused

LT is consistent with the constancy of speed of
  • in either O or O frame, the speed of light seen
    must be the same, c
  • Say object M is moving with speed of light as
    seen by O, i.e. ux c
  • According to LT, the speed of M as seen by O is

  • That is, in either frame, both observers agree
    that the speed of light they measure is the same,
    c 3 x 108m/s
  • In contrast, according to GT, the speed of light
    seen by O would be

Which is inconsistent with constancy of speed of
light postulate
To recap
  • the LT given in the previous analysis relates ux
    to ux in which O is moving with u wrp to O,

From the view point of O
  • To express ux in terms of ux simply perform the
    similar derivation from the view point of O such
    that O is moving in the u direction .

Recap Lorentz transformation relates x,t ??
x,t ux ??ux
  • A boy is slapped twice on the face by his old
    girlfriend. This is happening in a hotel room (a
    rest frame we call O).

The two slapping occurs at t1 , t2 such that Dt
t2- t1 1 s, and Dx 0.
The time t as seen by O in terms of t is simply
related by
Hence the time interval as measured by his new
girlfriend in O, Dt in terms of Dt is simply
This is nothing but just the time dilation effect
calculated using LT approach
Example (relativistic velocity addition)
  • Rocket 1 is approaching rocket 2 on a
  • head-on collision course. Each is moving at
    velocity 4c/5 relative to an independent observer
    midway between the two. With what velocity does
    rocket 2 approaches rocket 1?

Diagramatical translation of the question in text
  • C.f. In GT, their relative speed would just be
    4c/5 4c/5 1.6 c which violates constancy of
    speed of light postulate. See how LT handle this

  • Choose the observer in the middle as in the
    stationary frame, O
  • Choose rocket 1 as the moving frame O
  • Call the velocity of rocket 2 as seen from rocket
    1 ux. This is the quantity we are interested in
  • Frame O' is moving in the ve direction as seen
    in O, so u 4c/5
  • The velocity of rocket 2 as seen from O is in the
  • -ve direction, so ux - 4c/5
  • Now, what is the velocity of rocket 2 as seen
    from frame O', u x ? (intuitively, u x must
    be in the negative direction)

  • Use the LT

i.e. the velocity of rocket 2 as seen from rocket
1 (the moving frame, O) is 40c/41, which means
that O sees rocket 2 moving in the ve direction
(to the left in the picture), as expected.
PYQ, KSCP 2003/04
  • A man in a spaceship moving at a velocity of 0.9c
    with respect to the Earth shines a light beam in
    the same direction in which the spaceship is
    travelling. Compute the velocity of the light
    beam relative to Earth using (i) Galilean
    approach (ii) special relativity approach 6
    marks. Please define clearly all the symbols
    used in
  • your working.
  • Ans
  • O is the moving frame travelling at v 0.9c
    with respect to the Earth. Speed of the light
    beam as seen in the frame O is u c. O is the
    Earth frame. We wish to find the speed of the
    light beam as seen from frame O, u.
  • (i) According to Galilean transformation, u u
    v c 0.9c 1.9c.(ii) Use

Relativistic Dynamics
  • By Einsteins postulate, the onservational law of
    linear momentum must also hold true in all frames
    of reference

Conservation of linear momentum classically means
m1u1 m2u2 m1v1 m2v2
Modification of expression of linear momentum
  • Classically, p mu. In the other frame, p m
    u the mass m (as seen in frame O) is the
    same as m (as seen in O frame) this is
    according to Newtons mechanics
  • However, simple consideration will reveal that in
    order to preserver the consistency between
    conservation of momentum and the LT, the
    definition of momentum has to be modified such
    that m is not equal to m.
  • That is, the mass of an moving object, m, is
    different from its value when its at rest, m0

In other words
  • In order to preserve the consistency between
    Lorentz transformation of velocity and
    conservation of linear momentum, the definition
    of 1-D linear momentum, classically defined as
    pclassical mu, has to be modified to
  • psr mu gm0u (where the relativisitic mass m
    gm0 is not the same the rest mass m0
  • Read up the text for a more rigorous illustration
    why the definition of classical momentum is
    inconsistent with LT

Two kinds of mass
  • Differentiate two kinds of mass rest mass and
    relativistic mass
  • m0 rest mass the mass measured in a frame
    where the object is at rest. The rest mass of an
    object must be the same in all frames (not only
    in its rest frame).
  • Relativisitic mass m g m0 of an object changes
    depends on its speed

Behaviour of pSR as compared to pclassic
  • Classical momentum is constant in mass, pclassic
  • Relativisitic momentum is pSR m0gv
  • pSR / pclassic g ? ? as v ? c
  • In the other limit, pSR / pclassic 1 as v ltlt c

  • The rest mass of an electron is m0 9.11 x

If it moves with u 0.75 c, what is its
relativistic momentum?
Compare it with that calculated with classical
  • The Lorentz factor is g 1-(u/c)2 -1/2
    1-(0.75c/c)2 -1/21.51
  • Hence the relativistic momentum is simply
  • p g x m0 x 0.75c
  • 1.51 x 9.11 x 10-31kg x 0.75 x 3 x 108 m/s
    3.1 x 10-22 kg m/s Ns

In comparison, classical momentum gives
pclassical m0 x 0.75c 2.5 x 10-22 Ns about
34 lesser than the relativistic value
Work-Kinetic energy theorem
  • Recall the law of conservation of mechanical

Work done by external force on a system, W
the change in kinetic energy of the system, DK
Conservation of mechanical energy W DK
The total energy of the object, E K U.
Ignoring potential energy, E of the object is
solely in the form of kinetic energy. If K1 0,
then E K2. But in general, U also needs to be
taken into account for E.
  • In classical mechanics, mechanical energy
    (kinetic potential) of an object is closely
    related to its momentum and mass
  • Since in SR we have redefined the classical mass
    and momentum to that of relativistic version
  • mclass(cosnt) ? mSR m0g
  • pclass mclass u ? pSR (m0g)u
  • we must also modify the relation btw work and
    energy so that the law conservation of energy is
    consistent with SR
  • E.g, in classical mechanics, K p2/2m 2mu2/2.
    However, this relationship has to be supplanted
    by the relativistic version K mu2/2 ? K E
    m0c2 mc2 - m0c2
  • We will like to derive K in SR in the following

Force, work and kinetic energy
  • When a force is acting on an object with rest
    mass m0, it will get accelerated (say from rest)
    to some speed (say u) and increase in kinetic
    energy from 0 to K

K as a function of u can be derived from first
principle based on the definition of
work done, W F dx,
and conservation of mechanical energy, DK W
Derivation of relativistic kinetic energy
where, by definition,
is the velocity of the object
Explicitly, p gm0u,
  • Hence, dp/du d/du(gm0u)
  • m0 u (dg/du) g
  • m0 g (u2/c2) g3 m0 (1-u2/c2)-3/2

in which we have inserted the relation
  • E mc2 is the total relativistic energy of an
    moving object

  • Or in other words, the total relativistic energy
    of a moving object is the sum of its rest energy
    and its relativistic kinetic energy
  • The mass of an moving object m is larger than its
    rest mass m0 due to the contribution from its
    relativistic kinetic energy this is a pure
    relativistic effect not possible in classical
  • E mc2 relates the mass of an object to the
    total energy released when the object is
    converted into pure energy

  • Example, 10 kg of mass, if converted into pure
    energy, it will be equivalent to
  • E mc2 10 x (3 x108) 2 J 9 x1017J
  • equivalent to a few tons of TNT explosive

PYQ, KSCP 2003/04
  • (i) What is the rest mass of a proton in terms of
  • Ans
  • (i) 1.67 x 10-27kg x (3x108 m/s)2 1.503x10-10J
    (1.503 x10-10/1.6x10-19) eV 939.4 MeV

PYQ, KSCP 2003/04
  • What is the relativistic mass of a proton whose
    kinetic energy is 1 GeV?
  • Ans rest mass of proton, mp 939.4 MeV

Reduction of relativistic kinetic energy to the
classical limit
  • The expression of the relativistic kinetic energy
  • must reduce to that of classical one in the limit
    u ? 0 when compared with c, i.e.

Expand g with binomial expansion
  • For u ltlt c, we can always expand g in terms of
    (u/c)2 as

i.e., the relativistic kinetic energy reduces to
classical expression in the u ltlt c limit
  • An electron moves with speed u 0.85c. Find its
    total energy and kinetic energy in eV.
  • CERNs picture the circular accelerator
    accelerates electron almost the speed of light

  • Due to mass-energy equivalence, sometimes we
    express the mass of an object in unit of energy
  • Electron has rest mass m0 9.1 x 10-31kg
  • The rest mass of the electron can be expressed as
    energy equivalent, via
  • m0c2 9.1 x 10-31kg x (3 x 108m/s)2
  • 8.19 x 10-14 J
  • 8.19 x 10-14 x (1.6x10-19)-1 eV
  • 511.88 x 103 eV 0.511 MeV

  • First, find the Lorentz factor, g 1.89
  • The rest mass of electron, m0c2, is
  • 0.5 MeV
  • Hence the total energy is
  • E mc2 g (m0c2) 1.89 x 0.5 MeV 0.97 MeV
  • Kinetic energy is the difference between the
    total relativistic energy and the rest mass, K
    E - m0c2 (0.97 0.51)MeV 0.46 MeV

Conservation of Kinetic energy in relativistic
  • Calculate (i) the kinetic energy of the system
    and (ii) mass increase for a completely inelastic
    head-on of two balls (with rest mass m0 each)
    moving toward the other at speed u/c 1.5x10-6
    (the speed of a jet plane). M is the resultant
    mass after collision, assumed at rest.

  • (i) K 2mc2 - 2m0c2 2(g-1)m0c2
  • (ii) Ebefore Eafter ? 2g m0c2 Mc2 ? M 2g
  • Mass increase DM M - 2m0 2(g -1)m0
  • Approximation u/c 1.5x10-6 ? g 1 ½ u2/c2
    (binomail expansion) ? M 2(1 ½ u2/c2)m0
  • Mass increase DM M - 2m0

  • (u2/c2)m0 1.5x10-6m0
  • Comparing K with DMc2 the kinetic energy is not
    lost in relativistic inelastic collision but is
    converted into the mass of the final composite
    object, i.e. kinetic energy is conserved
  • In contrast, in classical mechanics, momentum is
    conserved but kinetic energy is not in an
    inelastic collision

In terms of relativistic momentum, the
relativistic total energy can be expressed as
Relativistic momentum and relativisitc Energy
In SR, both relativistic mass-energy and momentum
are always conserved in a collision (in contrast
to classical mechanics in which KE is not
conserved in inelastic collision)
Example measuring pion mass using conservation
of momentum-energy
  • pi meson decays into a muon massless neutrino
  • If the mass of the muon is known to be 106
    MeV/c2, and the kinetik energy of the muon is
    measured to be 4.6 MeV, find the mass of the pion

(No Transcript)
Binding energy
  • The nucleus of a deuterium comprises of one
    neutron and one proton. Both nucleons are bounded
    within the deuterium nucleus

Initially, the total Energy (mn mn)c2
Nuclear fusion
After fusion, the total energy mdc2 U
Analogous to exothermic process in chemistry
  • U is the energy that will be released when a
    proton and a neutron is fused in a nuclear
    reaction. The same amount of energy is required
    if we want to separate the proton from the
    neutron in a deuterium nucleus
  • U is called the binding energy

  • U can be explained in terms energy-mass
    equivalence relation, as followed
  • For the following argument, we will ignore KE for
    simplicity sake
  • Experimentally, we finds that mn mp gt md
  • By conservation of energy-momentum,
  • E(before) E(after)
  • mnc2 mpc2 0 mdc2 U
  • Hence, U (mp mn)c2 - mdc2 Dmc2
  • The difference in mass between deuterium and the
    sum of (mn mn)c2 is converted into the binding
    energy that binds the proton to the neutron

  • mn 1.008665u mp 1.007276u
  • md 2.013553u
  • u standard atomic unit mass of 1/12 of the
    mass of a 12C nucleus
  • 1.66 x 10-27kg
  • 1.66 x 10-27 x c2 J 1.494 x 10-10 J
  • 1.494 x 10-10/(1.6x10-19) eV
  • 933.75 x 106 eV 933.75 x MeV
  • Hence the binding energy
  • U Dmc2 (mp mn)c2 - mdc2
  • 0.002388u 2.23 MeV

  • Such as
  • The reverse of nuclear fusion is nuclear fission
  • An parent nuclide M disintegrates into daughter
    nuclides such that their total mass ?mi lt M.
  • The energy of the mass deficit equivalent,
  • Q (M - ?mi)c2 Dmc2 called disintegration
    energy will be released

SR finishes here
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