Title: Electronic Anaesthetic Record Systems
1Electronic Anaesthetic Record Systems
- SCATA Nov. 2003
- Duncan Hancox
- Royal Preston Hospital
2Current Situation
- EPR project under way in my hospital
- Anaesthetics was to be incorporated into the core
specification - Was ignored due to funding constraints
- Per-se do not have an anaesthetic system
- Now the trust realise they would like an
electronic anaesthetic record!
3EPR Levels
EPR Functionality Detail
1 Clinical Admin Patient admin and independent departmental systems
2 Integrated clinical diagnosis and treatment support Integrated master patient index, departmental systems
3 Clinical activity support Electronic clinical orders, results reporting, prescribing, care pathways
4 Clinical knowledge and decision support Electronic access to knowledge bases, embedded guidelines, rules, electronic alerts, expert system support
5 Specialty specific support Special clinical modules, document imaging
6 Advanced multimedia and telematics Telemedicine, other multimedia applications
4Proposed Solution from EPR
- Free standing PCs in the theatre
- PC to be shared with nurses for theatre
management - Data to be entered manually by the anaesthetist
using a keyboard and mouse
5My Theatre
6Where do we go next?
- No data set or standards established
- Try to write an anaesthetic record system
reinventing the wheel! - Dont bother with an electronic record
- Use a commercial product
- Automated records or manual entry?
7Standards from the DOH
- For radiology, the DOH states that information
from electronic monitors and equipment should be
automatically logged and not entered manually - Why isnt this standard also established for
8Commercial Products Requirements
- Large scale, enterprise wide
- Integrate with monitors for automated records
- Integrate with EPR systems
- Reports
- Links to EPR prescribing
9Available Systems
- Philips
- Drager Recall
- Winchart
- Deio
- GE Medical
- Docusys
- Civica
10Drager / Recall
- Installed in the North West
- Well automated
- ?Links to theatre management systems
- ?Links to EPR
- Costs relatively expensive - 400k for a 12
theatre setup - Working demo on site for a week, good sales
response, gave quotes
- Australian
- I have not seen a running system
- Well automated
- ?Links to theatre management systems
- ?Links to EPR
- Costs relatively cheap 180K for a 12 theatre
system - Came to meet, demo the system and give prices
- Actively marketed in the UK
- Good interface
- Seems well automated
- They say it can interface to EPR
- Cheap - 72K for a 12 theatre suite
- Couldnt get the company to communicate or return
calls or arrange information or a demo.
13GE Medical
- Only seems automated when attached to their own
monitors and equipment
- Seems to be well automated
- Has an automated pharmacy record system
understands how much of what drug has been given
when to the patient automatically! - How much? needs their special drug containers
to work fully.
- Only works with one monitor make
- Seems to be well automated
- ?cost
- No EPR integration
16Civica Galaxy Anaesthesia
- Uk developed by an anaesthetist
- Cost similar to Winchart
- Automated recording from monitoring
- Custom integration to EPR modules 1 or 2 way
17What do WE do next at RPH?
- Anaesthetic record data set needs to be
established rapidly - Implement EPR links (eg xml export) between
independent AIMs and EPR systems? - Convince Trusts that AIMs are a mandatory part of
EPR rather than an optional extra - Try to persuade the EPR companies to include
automated anaesthetic record keeping how best
to do it?
18Where is the government and industry heading?
- Procurement strategy for IT 2003/2004
- 22 StHA will make purchasing decisions from PSPs
- Prime Service Providers (2-5) should reduce the
number of players dramatically. - Current EPR projects and procurements are being
held back until then. - IT companies put development on hold and consider
redundancies if they are excluded from a PSP
consortium they will not make any sales in the UK.
19Where is the government and industry heading?
- Consolidation within the EPR industry
- Torex own Hollowbrook computer services, AAH
Medical, Pennine Medical Systems, 20 of the GP
contracts and SMS Uk - Torex recently bought Winchart and Civica Galaxy
anaesthetic systems - I-soft bought Torex and claim to have a level 6
EPR system - Torex are one of the successful PSPs
20Thank You