Title: Personality and Leadership
1Personality and Leadership
Donelson R. Forsyth
2- But everyone is similar,
- too, in some ways.
3What is Personality
...a distinctive and relatively stable pattern of
behavior, thoughts, motives, and emotions that
characterizes an individual.
The word personality comes from the
Latin "persona", meaning "mask.
4Levels of Personality Analysis
Every human being is
like all others Human nature What are humans, as a species, like?
like some others Individual difference In what ways do people differ from one another?
like no others Individual uniqueness How is this individual special?
5Human Nature Level
- The traits and mechanisms of personality that are
typical of our species and are possessed by
everyone or nearly everyone
- The Need to Belong
- The Primal Need for a Leader
6Individual Differences Level
- Ways in which each person is like some other
people dimensions of variation among people
7Individual Uniqueness Level
- Every individual has personal and unique
qualities not shared by any other person in the
Consider a leader.what do these levels of
analysis tell us about him or her and the way he
or she leads?
8What can personality tell us about leaders and
- leadership emergence
- leadership methods and style
- leadership effectiveness
- followers reactions to leaders
- leaders reactions to leading
9Questions to Consider
- Does Personality Influence..
- who becomes a leader?
10 Trait theories of leadership
- Early explanations of leadership studied the
traits of great leaders - Great man theories (Gandhi, Lincoln, Napoleon)
- Belief that people were born with these traits
and only the great people possessed them
11- But researchers and reviewers (e.g., Stogdill),
when they compared the characteristics of leaders
to non-leaders, found few differences. - A few characteristics were correlated with
leadership, but the relationships were weak.
12New Advances and Renewed Interest
As Steve Zaccaro conclude in their chapter
Leader Traits and Attributes
Better Theory
Better Measures
- Emerging consensus leaders do possess certain
qualities that set them apart from other people.
Better Methods
Better Statistics
Example Big Five Theory
13Big Five Factors and Leadership
Personality ? Leadership
14Questions to Consider
- Does Personality Influence.
- how one leads, when a leader?
Leadership Style
15Example Fiedlers Contingency Theory
- Fiedler studied various leaders and organizations
- Preferred to only study groups with clear
indicators of effectiveness/ performance (e.g.,
teams with win/loss records) - Revised and extended model based on data
16Personality Variable
- In oversimplified terms, the leader manages
the group in either of two ways. He can - Tell people what to do and how to do it.
- Or share his leadership responsibilities with his
group members and involve them in the planning
and execution of the task.
Motivational Structure or Leadership Style
Fielder, Harvard Business Review, p. 116
17- The Least Preferred Coworker Scale, or LPC scale.
- Think of the person who you least like to work
Measuring Motivational Style
18LPC Scale
- Think of a person with whom you can work least
well. He or she may be someone you work with now
or someone you knew in the past. This coworker
does not have to be the person you like least but
should be the person with whom you had the most
difficulty in getting a job done.
19- Pleasant .8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. Unpleasant
- Friendly .8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. Unfriendly
- . . .
- Insincere .1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8. Sincere
- Kind .8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. Unkind
Low score Task Motivated (57) High score
Relationship Motivated (63) (If 58-62,
socioindependent) ambivalent, mixed
motivations, socially independent, not clear
20Leadership and Type
ESTJ Supervisor ISTJ Inspector ESFJ Provider ISFJ Protector
ESTP Promoter ISTP Crafters ESFP Performer ISFP Composer
ENFJ Teacher INFJ Counselor ENFP Champion INFP Healer
ENTJ Mobilizer or Fieldmarshal INTJ Mastermind ENTP Inventor INTP Architect
Guardians (SJ)
Artisans (SP)
Idealists (NF)
Rationals (NT)
21Questions to Consider
- Does Personality Influence. . .
- who is effective as a leader?
22Example Fiedlers Contingency Theory
- High LPC leaders most effective in moderately
favorable situations - Low LPC leaders most effective in very favorable
or very unfavorable situations
23Example 2 Intelligence
- Intelligent leaders
- Are faster learners.
- Make better judgments, decisions.
- Are better at visioning and developing strategies
to make their vision a reality. - Can develop better solutions to problems.
Depends, though, on type of intelligence and
24Fiedlers Cognitive Resources Theory
- Why do some highly intelligent leaders behave so
poorly? - Fiedlers CRT suggests several factors important
to consider
Experience Stress Relations with
co-workers Directiveness of leader
25Fiedlers Cognitive Resources Theory
- When stress is high, people fall back on
experience. - If inexperienced, high intelligence is of little
help. - So, even less intelligent individuals perform
well under stress (if experienced). -
- Other factors (e.g., directiveness) also
important - Implication Monitor and regulate stress
26Other Questions to Consider
- leadership emergence
- leadership methods and style
- leadership effectiveness
- followers reactions to leaders
- leaders reactions to leading
- Does Personality Influence . . .
- how people relate to leaders?
27Other Questions to Consider
- Does Personality Influence. . .
- how leaders change over time?
- leadership emergence
- leadership methods and style
- leadership effectiveness
- followers reactions to leaders
- leaders reactions to leading
Need for Power!