Title: Active%20Reading%20Strategies
1Active Reading Strategies
- Improving Comprehension
- Mrs. Davis
2Active Reading Strategies
- Scholars please take notes
5 Reading Strategies
3Do you think about what you read? As you read
silently, think about the 5 Reading Strategies
45 Active Reading Strategies
- Question
2. Visualize
3. Predict
4. Connect
5. Respond
51. Question what you read
- What are they talking about?
- Re-read for clarity
- Use Context Clues for unfamiliar words
61. Question what you read
- What questions come to your mind?
71. Question what you read
- Why do the characters act as they do?
- Antagonist
- Protagonist
81. Question what you read
- 1st Person
- 3rd Person
- Omniscient Point of View
91. Question what you read
- What causes events to happen?
Cause Effect Relationships
101. Question what you read
- When does the action peak or climax?
112. Visualize
Hmmwhat do I see?
122. Visualize
- Create a picture in your mind
132. Visualize
- Make use of similes, metaphors, allusions
143. Predict
I predict
153. Predict
- What do you think will happen? Prove it!
163. Predict
- Foreshadowing
- (clues/hints)
173. Predict
- Red Herring (false clues)
184. Connect
194. Connect
- Text to Your Self
- Bring your own experiences to the story.
I remember when I..
204. Connect
- Text to Text
- Make connections with other literature, movies,
This reminds me of another book I read!
214. Connect
- Text to Real
- World
- This reminds me of
I remember when I.
225. Respond
235. Respond
- What does the story say to you?
Strategy Use sticky notes to respond to
events in the story.
245. Respond
- What is the mood of the story?
255. Respond
- What is the theme of the story?
The BIG Picture
265. Respond
- What are the internal and external conflicts?
275. Respond
- What is the tone of the story?
285. Respond
- What literal meanings are in the story?
295. Respond
- What symbols are in the story?
30As you read silently, think about the 5 Reading
- Question
2. Visualize
3. Predict
4. Connect
5. Respond
31Your Turn
- Scholars your coach will pass out a short
story..Please Read - Amateur Athletic Gear and answer questions 8
through 13. - Remember to apply the 5 Reading Strategies
- Bring completed worksheet to reading class to