CH%202.%20The%20Mobile%20Radio%20Environments%20and%20Diversity%20Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall ... There are several types of diversity that can be used for mobile communication systems; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CH%202.%20The%20Mobile%20Radio%20Environments%20and%20Diversity%20Techniques

  • CH 2. The Mobile Radio Environments and Diversity

  • Link Analysis
  • Path Loss Models
  • Fading in Mobile Cellular Environments
  • Long-term Fading
  • Short-term Fading
  • Fading Signal Generation Jakes Model
  • Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading
  • Frequency Domain Effect of Time Dispersion
  • Diversity Techniques

Link Analysis 1
  • Link analysis or Link budget analysis?
  • The carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) is the parameter
    of most interest in the link analysis of
    communication systems, along with signal-to-noise
    ratio (SNR).
  • Link budget Detailed description on gain or loss
    of the CNR (or SNR) at each part of the
    communication link
  • Link equation
  • ERP effective radiated power at antenna,
    Pt power at the output of the transmit power
    amplifier, Lc cable loss, Gt transmit antenna
    gain Gr receive antenna gain, Lp
    propagation loss, N noise power at receiver
  • Instead of the CNR or SNR, the bit-energy-to-noise
    spectral density ratio, Eb/No, is also used in
    the link analysis of digital communication

Path Loss Models Free-Space Model 1,2
  • Friss Equation the relationship between the
    transmit and receive powers in free space
  • Pr(d) receive power, d distance, Pt
    transmit power, Gt transmit antenna gain Gr
    receive antenna gain, l wavelength, path loss
    exponent 2
  • The free-space propagation loss in linear scale
  • Using fl c, where c is the speed of light, the
    free-space loss in log-scale is

  • d distance (km), f carrier
    frequency (MHz)
  • The free space model is mostly used in satellite
    or deep-space communications.

Path Loss Models Lee Model 1,2
  • The propagation loss in cellular environments is
    much higher than the free-space loss due to the
    obstacles between the base station and the mobile
  • The simplified formula developed by W. C. Y. Lee
    in cellular environments is
  • d distance (km) between the base station
    and the mobile station hb height
    (m) of the base station antenna, path loss
    exponent 3.84
  • In log-scale, we have
  • path loss slope - 38.4dB/decade
  • The generalized form of the Lee model is much
    more complicated and is quite useful in the link
    analysis for terrestrial environments.

Path Loss Models Hata Model 1,2
  • The Hata model is based on extensive field
    measurements in urban environments and is valid
    for 150MHz1500MHz.
  • f carrier frequency (MHz), hb antenna
    height of the base station (m) hm mobile
    antenna height (m), d distance (km)
  • The parameters a(hm) and Ko are used to account
    for mobile environments.
  • There are certain ranges in which the model is
    valid, that is,
  • Note that the path loss slope is

Path Loss Models Observations 1
Fig. 2.1 Comparison of path losses for urban
scenarios (hb30m, fc 881.5MHz,
Path Loss Models COST231- Hata Model 1,2
  • The COST231-Hata model is an extension of the
    Hata model for 1500 2000 MHz range where most
    PCS systems may operate.
  • The path loss in the COST231-Hata model is
  • d distance (km), f carrier frequency
    (MHz), hb BS antenna height (m) hm MS
    antenna height (m), the same as the
    Hata model
  • The COST231-Hata model can also be used only in
    case where

Fading in Mobile Cellular Environments 1-3
  • The phenomenon of a signal strength fluctuation
    due to the obstacles between the transmitter and
    receiver is called fading.

Fig. 2.2 An example of mobile cellular
Fading in Mobile Cellular Environments (cont.)
  • The fading is classified into long-term fading
    and short-term fading, and the signal strength
    r(t) can be expressed as the product of long-term
    fading and short-term fading components

Fig. 2.3 Radio signal strength in fading
Long-term Fading Shadowing Effect
  • The local mean of the signal strength, rL(t), is
    a random process caused by shadowing effect due
    to large obstacles such as buildings and hills,
  • The slow and large fluctuation of the local mean
    is called the long-term fading.
  • Empirical studies have shown that the local mean
    has the log-normal distribution such that
  • rL,dB 10log10 rL, s standard deviation
    of rL,dB, m mean of rL,dB
  • The standard deviation s of the local mean in a
    cellular environment is typically around 8dB.

Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading
  • The signal fluctuation due to the multi-path
    signals reflected from the obstacles around the
    receiver is called short-term fading or
    multi-path fading.
  • Two representative short-term fadings Rayleigh
    fading and Rician fading
  • When there is no direct path, received signals
    are made up of a group of reflections from
    obstacles and none of the reflected paths is
  • The reflected signals arrive at slightly
    different times, with different amplitudes, and
    with different phases.
  • In this case, the envelope of a received signal
    is Rayleigh distributed.
  • Assuming the number of mutipaths is N, the
    composite signal at the receiver is
  • An, fc amplitude and carrier frequency,
    fD,n Doppler shift of n-th path signal given by
  • with v and qn denoting the mobile speed and
    angle between mobile and signal.

Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
  • The in-phase and quadrature phase representation
    of the received signal is
  • where
  • The terms in the summations of the above
    equations can be assumed independent random
    processes. If N is large, both rI(t) and rQ(t)
    become independent zero-mean Gaussian random
    processes by the central limit theorem.
  • Therefore, the signal envelope has a Rayleigh
    distribution with the pdf of
  • where

Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
  • In case where there are many scattered waves
    coming from all directions, the signal
    fluctuation repeats every half wavelength of the
    carrier, that is, the fading rate corresponds to
    half wavelengths.

Fig. 2.4 An example to illustrate the fading rate
at the mobile station.
Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
Fig. 2.5 Rayleigh fading signal at mobile for v
100km/h and f 1960MHz.
Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
  • In mobile communication environments, the Doppler
    spectrum of the carrier signal follows the
    Clarkes model, as shown in Fig. 2.6.

Fig. 2.6 Doppler spectrum for a mobile in
Rayleigh fading environments.
Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
  • Example
  • Assume that we use a carrier frequency of 900 MHz
    for cellular and 1.9 GHz for PCS, and that the
    vehicle speed is 25 m/sec.
  • Compare the fading rate at mobile between
    cellular and PCS signals, and find the maximum
    Doppler frequencies.
  • The wavelengths are
  • The time for a mobile to travel from one
    fade to the next fade is

Short-term Fading Rayleigh Fading (cont.)
  • Therefore, the fading rates are 150 Hz for
    cellular and 317 Hz for PCS, respectively.
  • The maximum Doppler frequencies are

Short-term Fading Rician Fading 2,4
  • For a multi-path fading channel containing direct
    components, rI(t) and rQ(t) have non-zero mean,
    and the signal envelope has a Rician
    distribution, i.e., 4
  • s2 power of a direct component, s2
    variance of the in-phase or quadrature phase
    component, Io modified 0th-order Bessel
    function, total power of indirect components
  • Ks2/(2s2) is the Rice factor or the Rician
    K-factor. When K0, the channel exhibits Rayleigh
    fading, while when K approaches to infinity,
    there becomes no fading.
  • The Rician fading is often observed in
    micro-cell, indoor environments, or satellite

Fading Signal Generation Jakes Model 4
  • Jakes model is a very effective channel
    simulator that generates Rayleigh or Rician
    fading signals by using a number of virtual
  • Assuming an isotropic scattering channel with N
    multi-path signals of equal strength, the complex
    fading signal r(t) can be expressed as 4
  • where
  • M number of oscillators, N number of
    multi-paths, M (N/2-1)/2
  • v mobile speed, l signal wavelength.
  • Rician fading signals can be generated easily by
    adding direct components to Rayleigh fading

Fading Signal Generation Jakes Model (cont.)
  • Jakes model can be extended to provide up to M
    independent fading signals by simply giving the
    additional phase shift to each
    oscillator, that is,
  • where

Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading 2
  • In cellular environments, multi-paths arrive at
    different times, which results in the time
    dispersion of a received signal.
  • In usual, the signal strength of a received
    signal is modeled to decay exponentially as a
    function of the time delay
  • Pk power of kth path, trms time delay of
    kth signal, trms rms delay C

Fig. 2.8 Multipath delay profile.
Fig. 2.7 Time dispersion of signal.
Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading (cont.)
  • There are several parameters to characterize the
    time dispersive properties of fading channels
    that is, mean excess delay, rms delay spread (or
    delay spread), etc.
  • The mean excess delay is the first moment of the
    power delay profile and is defined as
  • The rms delay spread (or delay spread) is the
    square root of the second central moment of the
    power delay profile and is defined as

Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading (cont.)
  • Example
  • Compute the mean excess delay and rms delay
    spread for the multipath delay profile given in
    the figure below.
  • Determine if the delay profile will cause ISI
    (inter-symbol interference) to a mobile
    communication system using 50 Kbps as its data

Fig. 2.9 Multipath delay profile.
Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading (cont.)
  • Since the bit duration is significantly
    larger than the rms delay spread, a serious ISI
    may not occur.

Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading (cont.)
  • Example
  • Determine if the delay profile shown in Fig. 2.9
    will cause ISI to a mobile communication system
    using 1.2288 Mbps as its data rate.
  • Since in this case the delay spread is so
    much more than the bit duration, a serious
    ISI would normally occur if the system is a
    TDMA system.
  • However, if the system is a CDMA system such as
    the IS-95 or WCDMA, there is no significant ISI
    since the CDMA system uses a special form of
    diversity called path diversity to recover the
    signal using a rake receiver.

Time Dispersion of Signal due to Fading (cont.)
Table 2.1 Typical measured values of rms delay
spread 2.
Frequency Domain Effect of Time Dispersion 1
  • We now examine the effect of time dispersion in
    the frequency domain.
  • To this end, we assume that there are two
    multi-paths as shown in Fig. 2.10.

Fig. 2.10 Two multi-path signals separated by
time t.
Frequency Domain Effect of Time Dispersion (cont.)
  • The received signal is
  • By taking a Fourier transform, we can obtain
  • where
  • and
  • The channel response is illustrated in Fig. 2.11.

Frequency Domain Effect of Time Dispersion (cont.)
Narrowband signal Frequency-Nonselective
Wideband signal Frequency-Selective
Fig. 2.11 The channel response as a function of
Frequency Domain Effect of Time Dispersion (cont.)
  • In case where the signal bandwidth is
    significantly smaller than the inverse of delay
    spread, the signal is said to suffer from
    frequency-nonselective fading or flat fading.
  • gt There is no serious inter-symbol
    interference (ISI).
  • On the contrary, if the signal bandwidth is
    greater than the inverse of delay spread, the
    signal is said to suffer from frequency-selective
  • gt There is a serious ISI in TDMA systems.
  • The BER performance of a TDMA system in
    frequency-selective fading environments is
    significantly worse than that in
    frequency-nonselective fading environments due to
    inter-symbol interference.
  • In CDMA systems, however, the BER performance in
    frequency-selective fading environments can be
    better than that in frequency-nonselective fading
    environments due to path diversity.

Diversity Techniques 2,5
  • In mobile communication environments, a received
    signal sometimes suffers from severe impairments
    due to fading.
  • Diversity technique (or diversity combining
    schemes) is a popular approach to reduce the
    effects of fading and to improve the reliability
    of communications using the diversity of
    communication channel.
  • There are several types of diversity that can be
    used for mobile communication systems
  • Time diversity repetition / interleaving /
  • Frequency diversity wideband signal gt path
    diversity multi-path signals
  • Space diversity multiple antennas at base
    station (antenna diversity), handoff
  • Polarization diversity polarized antennas, etc.
  • There are three diversity combining schemes
    selection diversity, maximal-ratio combining, and
    equal-gain combining schemes.

Diversity Techniques Selection Diversity 5
Fig. 2.12. Selection diversity receiver model.
Diversity Techniques Maximal-Ratio Combining 5
  • Assume that all branch signals are combined such
  • ai, ji fading envelope and phase of the
    i-th path signal, s(t) transmit signal ni(t)
    complex noise process, M number of branches
  • It can be proven that the maximum SNR at the
    combiner output is obtained at
  • That is, in a maximal-ratio combiner, each branch
    signal is weighted proportional to the magnitude
    of each branch signal together with phase
  • The SNR at the combiner output equals the sum of
    the SNR of all branches.

Diversity Techniques Equal-Gain Combining 5
  • In equal-gain combiner, the magnitudes of branch
    weights are all the same.
  • The output signal is simply given by
  • where
  • The performance of the three combining schemes is
    the better in the order of the maximal-ratio
    combining, equal-gain combining, and selection

  1. Samuel C. Yang, CDMA RF System Engineering,
    Artech House, 1998.
  2. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications,
    2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002.
  3. Gordon L. Stuber, Principle of Mobile
    Communication, 2nd Ed., Kluwer Academic
    Publishers, 2001.
  4. John G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th Ed.,
    McGraw Hill, 2001.
  5. V. K. Garg, IS-95 CDMA and cdma2000, Prentice
    Hall, 2001.
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