Title: Financial%20Data%20Model%20Overview
1Financial Data Model Overview
- Daniel Grieb
- Lori Silvestri
- Reporting Solution
- Star Schema Primer
- Data Modeling Process
- Finance Data Models
- Design Challenges and Choices
- Implementation
- Conclusion
3Finance Data Modeling Guidelines
- Campus Solution must use CSU Finance Reporting
Solution as Source - Replace Existing
- Revenue and Expense (P L)
- Trial Balance Reporting
- Drill from Summary to Transaction
- Need daily refresh of large data sets
- Anticipate analytical reporting
4Levels of Reporting
5 6CSU Reporting Solution
- Attribute Tables
- one set for each Set ID
- Transaction Tables
- separate tables per Business Unit
- Summary Table
- Brothwell, Kist, and Yelland, Finance 9.0
Reporting Solution Training April, 2008
7CSU Reporting Solution - Attributes
- Attribute Tables one set for each Set ID
- Department CSU_R_DEPT_TBL
- Account CSU_R_ACCT_TBL
- Program CSU_R_PRGM_TBL
- Project CSU_R_PROJ_TBL
- Can be joined to transaction and summary tables
- Department table contains flattened version of
the campus organization department tree - Brothwell, Kist, and Yelland, Finance 9.0
Reporting Solution Training April, 2008
8CSU Reporting Solution - Transactions
- Transaction Tables separate tables per Business
Unit - Campus Business Unit Transaction Tables
- Encumbrances CSU_R_ENCDT_CMP
- Pre-Encumbrances CSU_R_PREDT_CMP
- CSU Business Unit Transaction Tables
- GAP Business Unit Transaction Tables
- Brothwell, Kist, and Yelland, Finance 9.0
Reporting Solution Training April, 2008
9CSU Reporting Solution - Summary
- Summary Tables (XXCMP and XXCSU)
- Campus Business Unit Summary Table
- CSU Business Unit Summary Table
- Brothwell, Kist, and Yelland, Finance 9.0
Reporting Solution Training April, 2008
10Benefits of the Reporting Solutionto the
Dimensional Data Model
- Validated independently
- Reporting solution was validated between January
and September 2008 - Finance was heavily invested in, helped design
and trusted the reporting solution - Sped up data model validation because we could
tie to the reporting solution - Finance validated within days, rather than weeks
- Validated using the dashboards
11Benefits of the Reporting Solutionto the
Dimensional Data Model
- Reporting solution now used in parallel by
Finance for internal querying and to fill ad hoc
requests - Phase one of the data models did not have to
incorporate all of the reporting solution data - Helped constrain project scope
12 13What Is a Star Schema
- The star schema is perhaps the simplest data
warehouse schema. It is called a star schema
because the diagram of this schema resembles a
star, with points radiating from a central table.
The center of the star consists of a large fact
table and the points of the star are the
dimension tables.
14Star Schema Database Design
Star Schema - a data model that consists of one
fact table and one or more dimension tables
Dimension Table
Dimension Table
Fact Table
Contains facts and/or measures to be analyzed
(i.e., amount, count, etc.) and foreign keys
(keys to dimension tables)
Dimension Table
Dimension Table
Dimension Table Contains attributes describing
a campus entity (i.e., department, account type,
ledger, etc.)
15Star Schema
- Fact tables contain process activity located in
the center (quantitative data) Some example facts
are monetary amount, budget amount and statistics
amount - Dimensions tell the story and provide the detail
to the facts. Which departments budget? When
was the last transaction posted for a given
16Star Schema Benefits
- Data model is easy to understand
- Based on business process
- Easy to define hierarchies
- City-State-Country
- Day-Accounting Period-Fiscal Year
- Easy to navigate
- Number of table joins reduced
- Star schema recognized by leading query tools
- Maintainable and Scalable
- Dimension tables shared between data models
- Can add new fact tables which use existing
17Why Star Schema for Cal Poly Finance?
- Dimensions can easily be reused
- across current and future finance models
- Superior query performance for large datasets
- i.e., over 5 million rows
- Usability
- Understandable for users
- Better support unanticipated questions
- Star schemas are extremely compatible with
business intelligence query tools such as OBIEE.
18 19Data Modeling Process
- Interactive/ Iterative Process
- Requirements Gathering
- Domain research
- Data profiling
- Modeling tool
- Design sessions with data steward
20Data Modeling Process Requirements Gathering
- Primarily Done by Reporting Solution Development
- Our Requirement Refashion Reporting Solution
into a Dimensional Model - Performance
- Accessibility
21Data Modeling Process Research
- Domain research
- Finance
- Cal Poly Financials
- Cal Poly Reports (nVision, Brio)
- Industry Finance Models (Kimball)
- Data profiling
- Querying reporting solution
- Correlating fields/ values
- Matrix of Attributes Across Document Sources
22Data Modeling Process Design
- Modeling tool
- Needed a tool to support efficient design
- Limitations of modeling tools like Visio
- Embarcadero ER Studio
- Design sessions with data steward
- model reviews
- Validated groupings of attributes into dimensions
- New (non-reporting solution) sources
- (i.e., dept, prog and proj trees)
- prototyping dashboards
23 24Cal Poly Finance Data Models
- 4 data models implemented to date
- 22 Dimensions
- Reused across models
- Chart fields, Business unit, Ledger, etc
- 4 Fact tables
- Actual Transactions
- Budget Transactions
- Encumbrance Transactions
- Actual, Budget and Encumbrance Summary
25Who (Dept ID, Vendor, etc)
Actual Fact
High Level Finance Data Model Diagram
What (Account, Fund, etc)
Budget Fact
When (Acctg. Period, Fiscal Year, etc.)
Encumbrance Fact
Where (Business Unit, etc)
Summary Fact
26Model Overview Actual, Budget and Encumbrance
27Model Overview Actual Transactions
28Model Overview Budget Transactions
29Model Overview Encumbrance Transactions
30Closer Look at a Dimension
- Department
- Initial source was CSU Reporting Solution
Department Attribute table - PS_CSU_R_DEPT_TBL
31Closer Look at a Dimension
- Source Department table
- contains flattened version of campus
organization department tree - Ragged hierarchy
- Added additional source data Cal Poly
department tree - Non-ragged hierarchy
- Robust hierarchy for data exploration
- Supports reporting on department reorganization
or renaming - Cal Poly users are accustomed to using this tree
32Closer Look at Department Dimension
- Department Budget Specialist and Manager
- Reporting Solution provides a single manager
field - Cal Poly Needs Primary and Secondary Budget
Specialists and Managers - Available for querying and display in reports
- Used for access control in Finance dashboards -
filtering / ease of use - Source Excel Spreadsheet
- Provided by Finance
- Updated weekly
- Plan to create mini-web application to capture
data in future
33Department Dimension
34 - Presentation of Data Models
35Transactional vs. Summary Models
- Dimensions in the summary model are a subset of
those in the transactional models - Allows for drill-across from summary to
transactional models - Feels like a drill-down
36 - Design Challenges and Choices
37Design Challenges
- Challenge
- Reporting solution is denormalized
- PolyData typically sources normalized data
sources and manages denormalization - Solution
- Took us a little outside of our comfort zone
- Deconstructed the reporting tables into unique
combinations of elements
38Design Challenges
- Challenge
- Attributes are overloaded
- For example, a document_id can represent an
invoice number, a PO number, a journal
identifier, etc. - Solution
- Preserved this concept in the dimensional models
because it is familiar to Finance
39Design Challenges
- Challenge
- Uniqueness not enforced in the reporting solution
- Solution
- Added an instance number for identical
40Design Challenges
- Challenge
- Nightly rebuild of the reporting solution
potentially deletes rows - Solution
- Effective-dated transactions in the fact
41Design Challenges
- Challenge
- Transactional and summary reporting tables may
not tie - journal vs. ledger sources
- summing the detail may give the wrong answer
- Solution
- This is a known issue to which Finance is
accustomed - Opportunity for a dashboard integrity report
42Design Challenges - Naming
- Challenge
- Reporting Solution names did not conform with
PolyData Warehouse standards - Solution
- Data Warehouse standards
- Field and table names use full English words when
possible for usability - Codes precede corresponding description (Code,
Descr) - Used reporting solution names with full spelling
and adding Code and Descr where appropriate.
43Design Choices Slowly Changing Dimensions
- Most dimensional attributes were determined by
data steward to be slowly changing dimension Type
1 (SCD1). - Exception Department Table
- SCD1 attributes such as department description
- SCD2 department tree data
- IF you need to track historical changes to
dimensions - You may need to source dimensions from source
system(s) - Candidates include chart fields, vendors,
44Design Choices SCD Example
- Cal Poly needs department tree history
- Department tree data
- Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2 - preserves
history - Effective date rows (effective from and to dates)
- Add new row for each change
- All other department attributes
- Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1 overwrites
history - Replace old/outdated data with current
45Design Choices New Sources
- In design and prototyping sessions with end
users, it became apparent that additional source
data was needed - New non-reporting solution sources were needed to
supplement existing source. - Department tree
- Program tree
- Project tree
- Design change from using only reporting solution
as source
46 47Time and Resources
- Modeling/Domain familiarization
- 2 data modelers
- June through August 2008
- Source-to-Target analysis and documentation
- 2 analysts
- July through September 2008
48Time and Resources
- Coding and system integration
- 4 ETL programmers
- August through October 2008
- Total person-days
- July through October 2008
- Approximately 140 person-days
49Time and Resources
- Caveats
- Established documentation methods and coding
standards - Slowly changing logic developed or provided by
toolset - 3 transactional models implemented identically
50Nightly Build
Job Minutes (approximate)
Source pull 30
Reporting solution build 70
Data model build 140
End user table refresh 60
51Performance TuningNightly Build
- Coordination with Finance on their builds
- Nightly processing
- Reporting solution (in transactional database)
- Approximately one month to level out on timing
- Tuning specific to the finance jobs
- Coordination with other PolyData warehouse jobs
52Performance TuningEnd-User Tables
- Performance was reasonable prior to indexing
- Largely due to the dimensional structure
- Performance screamed after indexing
- Indexes on fields used in selection criteria and
drillable hierarchies - Bitmap indexes on foreign keys in facts
53Implementation Interface with Front End
- joins should be fully documented
- front end developers may need some training in
interpreting models - we still have not come up with an ideal method
for documenting hierarchies - challenge - knowledge of hierarchies is shared
- data steward
- front end developers
- modelers
54 55Future Work
- Labor Cost
- GAAP Reporting
- Management Dashboard/Analytics
- Integration with HR and Student Data
- Daniel Grieb
- Data Warehouse Architect, Analyst/Programmer
- Lori Silvestri
- Data Warehouse Analyst/Programmer
- OBIEE Technical Conferencehttp//polydata.calpol
y.edu/dashboards/obiee_conf/index.html - Email polydata_at_calpoly.edu