Title: Photorealistic%20Animation%20Rendering%20with%20Energy%20Redistribution
1Photorealistic Animation Rendering with Energy
- Yu-Chi Lai ???
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Introduction
- Physically-based rendering methods
- Population Monte Carlo energy redistribution
- Future works
3Goal and Applications
- Goal generate realistic animations
- Applications
- Movie
- Interactive entertainments
- Computer games
- Virtual reality walk-throughs
- Light Engineering
- Etc.
From Day After Tomorrow
Animation Kristensen et al.
Grand Theft Auto 4
5Modeling and Simulating Appearance
- Introduction
- Background
- Population Monte Carlo energy redistribution
- Future works
7Rendering Equation
- Reflection Equation
- Energy Balance Equation
- Difficulty Lr appear in both sides of equation
gt Fredholm equation of the second type
Incoming light
Light reflected
incoming light reflected at the point
8Physically-based Rendering
- Render images according to physical principles
- Radiosity finite element
- Ray-tracing based on Monte Carlo integrations
- Unbiased path tracing, bidirectional path
tracing, metropolis light transport, energy
redistribution path tracing and so on. - Biased irradiance caching, photon mapping, and
so on.
From Jenson et al.
9Path Integral for General Integration
- Measurement equation
- Path Integral
- a path
- O path space
- area product measurement
- contribution of a path
- Difficulty high dimensions, computation grow
exponentially when using deterministic
10Monte Carlo Algorithms
- We can estimate the integral by generating a set
of samples - Different ways to generate samples path tracing,
light tracing, bidirectional,
11Issues with MC methods
- Computationally expensive
- Variance reduced slowly with number of samples
- Reuse path samples
From PBRT Book
12Frame-by-Frame Photorealistic Animation Rendering
- Takes a long time to generate
- Several hours per frame is industry standard
- Temporal noise
- Flickering
- Shimmering
From Max-Planck Institute, German
13Physically-based Animation Rendering
- Right now the research is mainly from Germans
MPI, USAs UCSD, Standford, and Cornell. - Parallel independently rendering gt temporal
coherence - Use multiple processors to do independent ray
tracing Warld01 - Coherently trace rays Kdtree, Grids, and
bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) Wald01b,
Wald07a - Efficient update schemes of acceleration
structure Popov06, Lauterbach06, Yoon07 - Implement global illumination in GPU architecture
including radiosity, photonmapping, ray tracing,
Purrel02, Purell03 - Copy the samples across the frames gt validity
- Irradiance Reuse.Martin99, Tawara02,
Tawara04, Smyk05 - Photon shooting (next slide)
14Photon Shooting
- Photon shooting algorithm Myszkowski01,
Dmitriev02, Weber04 - Instant Radiosity Keller97, Wald02a, Laine07
- Light cut algorithm Walter05, Hansan07,
Hansan08 - Create a set of point light sources in the entire
animation - Cluster the light sources into a tree according
to the perceptual metrics in temporal and spatial
Animation by Hansan et al
15Reuse Path Samples
- Camera is allowed to move Briere96,
Murakami89, Jevans92, Sequin89, Bala99,
Fernandez00, Havran03, Mendez06 - Light source is allowed to move or change
properties Sbert04a, Sbert04b , Sbert04C,
Animation by Havran et al
Animation by Ghosh et al
16Grand Challenge
- Efficiently render entire animation
- Do parallel computation in multi-processors or
GPU. - Do coherent ray tracing.
- Efficiently update the acceleration structure.
- Reuse samples from previous computation
- Reduce the temporal artifacts
- Explore the temporal coherence among paths
- Reuse the computation results.
- Perceptual evaluation of the rendering results.
- Evaluate the strength of each algorithm.
- Allow us to distribute computation to perceptual
important features.
- Introduction
- Background
- Population Monte Carlo energy redistribution
- Future works
- How to adjust the sampling parameter according to
path or scene properties? - How to concentrate more computation on paths that
are important without introducing bias? - How to reuse paths temporally?
- How to handle the huge computation for animation
19Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Write the integrand as
- the sensor measurement for pixel j of
frame k - represents all other factors
- represents the
radiant energy passing through the image sweep
- Create the distribution of paths in animation
proportional to the contribution
20Metropolis and Energy Redistribution Path Tracing
- Generate a sequence of paths
- where path is generated according to
21Overview of Population Monte Carlo Energy
Redistribution Animation Rendering System
22PMC-ER in Each Frame Process
- Preprocess collect the information for the
following computation - Energy redistribution distribute the energy to
similar paths by using spatial and temporal
perturbations. - Resampling
- Eliminate paths from the population.
- Generate replaced paths to determine the area of
exploration. - Adjust the rendering parameters
24Adjust Sampling Parameters (EGSR07)
- Different regions have different details
- We would like to adjust sampling parameters
accordingly - Low detailed regions large distribution radius
- High detailed regions smaller distribution
radius -
25Population Monte Carlo Algorithm
To estimate integral At t iterations, a PMC
estimator of the integral is given by
26(No Transcript)
27Kernel Function and Adaptation
- Kernel Function
- Adapt values to choose proper
perturbation radius - Initialize them to constant values when a path is
generated - After each successful perturbation, the
acceptability is labeled with the perturbation
radius, and the path, i - By using
28Adaptation Results
- Color represents perturbation radius
- Red 5, Green 10, Blue 50
29Cornell Box
30Room Scene
31Concentrate More Computation on Certain areas
- Stratified exploration of the image plane
- The importance of regions on the image are not
perceptually the same. - Some types of paths are visually more important
and harder to find.
32Regeneration (I)
- Perceptually distributed pixel positions
according to which is the
radiance sample variance in each pixel - Weighting
33Regeneration (II)
- Use light tracing to generate a valid light paths
- Link each surface vertex to the camera to form a
set of valid paths - Evaluate whether it is a caustics path
- Weighting
36Problem in Frame-by-Frame Rendering
- Each frame takes long time.
- Parallel rendering with condor system
- Temporal artifacts temporal perturbation
37Temporal Perturbation
- Update the position of diffuse vertices
- Reconstruct the specular sub-path
- Check the validity of the path
38Cornell Box
With Temporal Perturbation
39Chess Body
With Temporal Perturbation
40Room Scene
With Temporal Perturbation
41Chess Board
With Temporal Perturbation
With Temporal Perturbation
- A new rendering algorithm based on PMC framework
- Correlatedly explore important paths
- Automatically adjust energy redistribution area
according to the information collected in
previous iterations - Elimination-regeneration to achieve ergocity and
adjust the exploring area according to paths
remaining energy - New lens perturbation method
- Increase the caustics perturbation success rate
- Ease the control of caustics perturbation on the
image plane - New regeneration methods
- Concentrate the computation on perceptual
important regions - Concentrate the computation on perceptual
important types of paths. - Temporal perturbation method exploration the
temporal coherence among paths - A algorithm allows us to render a scene in
- Human observation is the evaluation tool for
animation quality. - Dark regions are hard to get the chance to be
explored and thus are relatively noisy. Although
it is hard to notice in single image, this
becomes an issues because human perception is
very sensitive to this kind of temporal
inconsistency. - Temporal perturbations in each condor process
will create a large set of temporal files for
related frames. Transferring and updating data in
condor daemon process involves a large number of
disk IOs. - Our variance-sample distribution criterion is
based on variance of sample radiances but this
did not represent the result after energy
redistribution. - We separate perturbations into two types,
temporal and spatial perturbations, and this
makes control harder and the initial probing
samples for each perturbation is relative low. - Limit the light to area light sources and the
efficiency goes down when the number of lights
goes up
- Introduction
- Background
- Population Monte Carlo Energy Redistribution
- Future Works
46Future Works
- Animation quality evaluation algorithms
- Current available perceptual animation quality
evaluation algorithm is for video compression. - Adjust the quality perceptual evaluation
algorithm for Monte Carlo algorithms - Construct a temporal filter based on result of
the temporal perturbations - The result of temporal perturbation can create
the relations among pixels in different frames,
if we can use this relation information to create
a temporal filter accordingly, we should be able
to reduce the temporal artifact and iterations to
generate a smooth result - Develop an perturbation which perturb in spatial
domain randomly but perturb in a fixed regions in
temporal domain deterministically
47Future Works
- Apply Population Monte Carlo with path tracing
into animation rendering using environment map
lighting. - A path has the form of L(DS)C.
- For each path of current frame, temporally trace
the path with a proper temporal perturbation
algorithm to enhance the temporal coherence among
frames. - Spread the photon collection positions in photon
splatting with Metropolis - Generate a set of collection positions
- Use temporal perturbation to correlatedly
generate new photon collection positions from the
previous frame. - Use the light cut or light clusters algorithm to
solve the many light problem.
48Future Research
- Explore the parallel ability in GPU
- Energy redistribution path tracing are naturally
parallel. gt transform the ERPT algorithms onto
GPU - Explore the research possibility in environment
map lighting and shadow generation. - Construction and application of flock tiles
- If we can find a common set of temporal and
spatial boundary conditions for setting up a
tile. - We can use the constraint simulation to simulate
the inner agents motion according to flock rules - The animation tiles can be used to construct a
seamless animation such as a large crowd in a
city, a school of fishes, a flock of birds or the
traffics in a city.
- Computer Science
- Yu-Chi Lai, Steven Chenney, Shaohua Fan Group
Motion Graphs, Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium
on Computer Animation 2005, pp. 281290. - Yu-Chi Lai, Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney, and
Charles Dyer, Photorealistic Image Rendering
with Population Monte Carlo Energy
Redistribution, Eurographics Symposium on
Rendering, 2007, pp. 287-296. - Yu-Chi Lai, Feng Liu, Li Zhang, and Charles Dyer,
Efficient Schemes for Monte Carlo Markov Chain
Algorithms in Global Illumination, Proc. 4th
International Symposium on Visual Computing,
2008. - Yu-Chi Lai, Feng Liu, and Charles Dyer,
Physically-based Animation Rendering with Markov
Chain Monte Carlo, (submit to Eurographics
Symposium on Rendering 2009)
- Computer Science (Others)
- Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney and Yu-Chi Lai
Metropolis Photon Sampling With Optical User
Guidance, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering,
2005, pp. 127-138 - Yu-Chi Lai, Stephen Chenney, Shaohua Fan,
Data-Driven Group Animation, Technical Report,
Department of Computer Sciences, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2005 - Yu-Chi Lai, Shaohua Fan, and Charles Dyer,
Population Monte Carlo Path Tracing, Technical
Report, Department of Computer Sciences,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006 - Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney, Bo Hu, Kam-Wah Tsui
and Yu-Chi Lai, Optimum Control Variate,
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp.
351-358, 2006. - Yu-Chi Lai, Shaohua Fan, Feng Liu, Brandom Smith,
Stephen Chenney, Li Zhang and Charles Dyer,
Population Monte Carlo Sampler for Rendering,
Technical Report, Department of Computer
Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Lai, Y-C, D. Haemmerich, et al (2003). Lesion
Size estimator at different common locations with
different tip temperature during cardiac
radio-frequency ablation, IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering. - Lai, Y-C et al (2009). Guidelines for predicting
lesion size at different common locations with
different temperature during in vitro
radio-frequency ablation, (Prepare) - Lai, Y-C et al (2009). The effects of insertion
depth and meat dimension on the lesion formation
during cardiac radio-frequency ablation,
- Chapters in books
- Biomedical Electrode John Webster ed., Ch 8
Electrocardiogram - Introduction to biometric identification,
Willians Tompkin ed., Ch 12 Biometric standards,
testing, and evaluation - Tissue ablation devices and procedures, John
G. Webster ed., Ch. 28. Lesion size estimator
53Work Research Experience
- Research associate, Department of Electrical
Engineering, National Cheng-Kong (1998 2000) - Lead a group to write a program of satellite
orbit simulation, and also participating in
coding the drivers for CD-ROM and DVD, and GPSs
map display system. - Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, UW-Madison (2001 2004) - Research Assistant, Department of Computer
Science, UW-Madison (2005-2006) - Summer Internship, Raven Software (2007 summer)
- Teaching Experience (1994 to 1996 in National
Taiwan University, 2003 2008 in UW-Madision)
54Thank YouQuestion?More Details
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73Spatial Perturbation
- Perturbed the pixel position and reconstruct the
lens edge - Reconstruct the specular sub-paths
- Connect to the rest of paths.
74Temporal Perturbation
- Update the position of diffuse vertices
- Reconstruct the specular sub-path
- Check the validity of the path
75Photon Mapping
- Two pass light and eye pass
- Light pass shoots out photons to create photon
maps - Eye pass collects the radiance by splitting
- Ldirect CSL ( direct lighting algorithms)
- Lcaustics CSDSL (caustics map)
- Lindirect all others involve more than one
diffuse surfaces (global map or final gathering) - Can generate good results but introduce bias and
final gathering is still very time consuming
76Physically-based Animation Rendering
- Photon shooting algorithms
- Photon shooting
- Instant radiosity
- Light cut
- Path reusing algorithms
- GPU-based algorithms
- Two phase pre-computation rendering separate the
rendering into two phases preprocess computation
(CPU) and real-time rendering (GPU) such as
environment map prefiltering, pre-computed
radiance transfer, relighting, - Hybrid methods separate the algorithm into two
parts one is computed by CPU and the other is by
GPU to take advantage of both such as instant
radiosity, photon splatting, and its extensions.
77Grand Challenge
- Efficiently render entire animation
- Do parallel computation in multi-processors or
GPU. - Do coherent ray tracing.
- Efficiently update the acceleration structure.
- Reuse samples from previous computation
- Reduce the temporal artifacts
- Exploration the temporal coherence among paths
- Reuse the computation results.
- Perceptual evaluation of the rendering results.
- Evaluate the strength of each algorithm.
- Allow us to distribute computation to perceptual
important features. - Challenge in two phase pre-computation methods
- Efficiently generate accurate data
- Efficiently store and retrieve the data
- Handle the movement and change of objects and
scenes - Can we compute the data on fly?
78Hybrid Algorithms
- Based on instant radiosityLaine07
- Create a set of virtual lights and then create a
set of shadow maps - Use the depth in the shadow map to determine the
visibility of rendering points - Based on photon splatting Gautron05
- Cpu generate a set of photon maps and then
translate the gpu - GPU trace the collection and use the photon maps
to deposit energy on each collection position - Simplify the global illumination
Animation Laine et al.
79Physically-based Animation Rendering
- Right now the research is mainly from Germans
MPI, USAs UCSD, Standford, and Cornell. - Image-based global illumination gt hard for
dynamic scene Nimeroff96, Myszkowski99 - Radiosity methods gt simple objects and material
- Progressive algorithms Chen90,George90,
Muller95 - Hierarchical algorithmsForsyth94,Shaw97,
Drettakis97, Martin99, Damez99 - Decouple render and display gt not really solve
global illumination problem Walter99,
walter02, Larson98, Ward99, Stamminger00,
Simmons00, Tole02