Describing%20Events%20and%20Actions%20in%20First-Order%20Temporal%20Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Such systems have fairly complex model and proof theories, and as a consequence ... deontic possibility or permission: you may be able to open a door even if it is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Describing%20Events%20and%20Actions%20in%20First-Order%20Temporal%20Logic

Describing Events and Actionsin First-Order
Temporal Logic
Computer and Information Science
SeminarUniversity of Otago, 15 August 2003
  • Marco Colombetti
  • Politecnico di Milanoand Università della
    Svizzera italiana

Representing events and actions
  • Many logical systems for reasoning about action
    use some version of modal or dynamic logic to
    describe events and actions
  • Such systems have fairly complex model and proof
    theories, and as a consequence most practitioners
    of artificial intelligence and agent-based
    programming simply ignore them
  • First-order logic with equality, integrated with
    temporal operators, is sufficient for many
    applications involving the representation of
    events and actions

Time LTL with past
  • Time is here assumed to be
  • discrete
  • linear
  • infinite both in the past and in the future

Basic temporal operators
  • There are both future and past directed basic
  • p p is true now
  • Xp p will be true at the next instant
  • Xp p was true at the previous instant
  • pUq q will eventually be true, and p is going
    to be true from now (inclusive) until the first
    time (exclusive) q becomes true in the future
  • pUq q has been true in the past, and p has been
    true since the last time (exclusive) q has
    been true in the past until now (inclusive)

Derived operators
  • Many useful temporal operators can be defined in
    terms of the basic operators
  • Fp p will eventually be true (inclusive of
  • Fp p has been true (inclusive of present)
  • Gp p will always be true (inclusive of present)
  • Gp p has always been true (inclusive of
  • G p p is always true (in the past, present, and
  • G?p (read g hole) p has always been true in
    the past and will always be true in the future,
    but may be false now

Temporal vs. atemporal statements
  • The truth of a formula is defined in a model at a
    given state
  • M,s j
  • Validity of a formula is defined as truth at all
    states of all models
  • j
  • Certain formulas are atemporal, in the sense that
    their truth in a model does not depend on the
  • Formula j is atemporal if and only
  • j ? Gj

  • Intuitively, an event is a change in the state of
  • An events is typically defined as a state change
    concerning some object (an individual object with
  • Example the door closes
  • the door is open ???? the door is closed
  • However
  • one may not want to consider any possible state
    change as an event
  • one may want to consider events that cannot be
    viewed, or at least cannot simply be viewed, as
    state changes (e.g., a flood)

Event types
  • Given a specific application domain, one singles
    out a number of event types of interest
  • Such event types can be represented, at an
    arbitrary degree of detail, by first-order
    functional terms
  • Examples
  • x hits y hit(x,y)
  • object a hits y hit(a,y)
  • object a hits object b hit(a,b)

Event tokens
  • In principle, an event type may have any number
    of concrete realisations, called event tokens or
    simply events
  • The first-order atomic formula
  • EvType(e,t)
  • (where the sort of e is event and the sort of t
    is event-type) means that event e has type t
  • The formula
  • Happ(e)
  • means that event e has just happened

Event tokens 2
  • A useful abbreviation
  • Happ(e,t) def EvType(e,t) ? Happ(e)
  • A few axioms
  • event types are atemporal if an event has a
    type, it has that type forever
  • EvType(e,t) ? G EvType(e,t)
  • every event token has at least one type
  • Happ(e) ? ?t EvType(e,t)
  • event tokens are temporally unique a specific
    event token may happen only once
  • Happ(e)?? G??Happ(e)

Relationships among types
  • Any first-order relationship among event types
    can be described
  • Identity of types
  • t ? t
  • Equivalence of types
  • t ? t def ?e (EvType(e,t) ? EvType(e,t))
  • Subtype relationship
  • t ? t def ?e (EvType(e,t) ? EvType(e,t))
  • ...

Defining event types
  • An event type can be related to all sorts of
    preconditions and effects
  • Happ(e,ingest(x,y)) ? Poisonous(y) ? FSick(x)
  • In particular, an event type can be defined
    analytically (i.e., in terms of necessary and
    sufficient conditions) as a state change
  • Happ(e,close(x)) ? X?Closed(x) ? Closed(x)
  • X?Closed(x) ? Closed(x) ? ?e Happ(e,close(x))
  • Happ(e,close(x)) ? Happ(e,close(x)) ? e e

  • When dealing with causality, one should
    distinguish between (singular) causal links and
    (universal) causal laws
  • We assume that causal links, i.e. causal
    relationships between event tokens, are
    ontologically primitive. Causal laws are
    epistemic devices by which we represent known
    regularities in the occurrence of singular causal
  • The formula
  • Cause(e,e)
  • means that event e has just been caused by
    event e
  • The time direction axiom
  • Cause(e,e) ? FHapp(e) ? Happ(e)

Causal laws
  • A causal law represents the regular occurrence of
    causal links between events of given types
  • Happ(e,hit(x)) ? Fragile(x) ?
  • ?e (EvType(e,break(x)) ? XCause(e,e))
  • Causal laws used in commonsense reasoning tend to
    be vague, and are therefore difficult to express
    in classical logic

  • Actions are events intentionally brought about by
  • An action type is just an event type
  • An action token is an event token to which (at
    least) one actor (an individual of sort agent) is
  • Actor(e,x) x is an actor of e
  • Useful abbreviations
  • Done(e,x,t) def Happ(e,t) ? Actor(e,x)
  • Done(x,t) def ?e Done(e,x,t)

Being an actor
  • Intuitively, agent x is an actor of an action of
    type t if and only if x intentionally brings
    about an event of type t
  • To avoid an analysis of intentions, we take the
    Actor predicate as a primitive
  • This means that the context of an application
    will have to provide enough evidence for an event
    to be considered as an action
  • Example
  • Happ(e,query-if(x,y,s)) ? Actor(e,x)
  • where query-if(x,y,s) is the event type of
    sending a FIPA query-if message with sender x,
    receiver y, and content s

Institutional actions
  • Institutional actions are particularly
    significant for multiagent system applications
  • An institutional action is performed by executing
    a lower-level action, which in the appropriate
    context counts as a performance of the higher
    level action thanks to a set of conventions
  • Example
  • lower-level conventional action raising your
    hand ...
  • context ... if you are a member of a class
    during a lesson ...
  • higher-level institutional action ... counts as
    a request for permission to ask a question to the

Counts as
  • Contrary to causal relationship, in the case of
    counts-as relationship only one event is
    involved a single event e, of type t, is so to
    speak promoted to type t by a counts-as
  • This means that a counts-as relationship is a
    relationship among one event token and two event
  • On the other hand, here the relation between the
    two types is the ontological primitive in fact,
    the counts-as relationship occurs thanks to a
    convention, so in this case the law (the
    convention) is prior to the singular occurrences
    of counts-as relationships

Counts as 2
  • This implies that a counts-as relationship has to
    be stated at the level of event types, together
    with the relevant contextual conditions
  • Class(u) ? Teacher(u,x) ? ClassMember(u,y) ?
  • CountAs(raise-hand(y),req-perm-query(y,x))
  • A similar formula defines a convention
  • Being man-made, it can be expected that
    conventions can be described with greater rigour
    and precision than causal laws

Logical possibility and authorisation
  • For the counts-as relationship to hold at the
    level of action tokens, two further conditions
    must hold
  • the actor must be authorised to perform the
    institutional action for example, only the chair
    of a meeting is authorised to open the meeting
  • the institutional action must be logically
    possible for example, even the chair cannot open
    a meeting if the meeting is already open!

A comment on can-do conditions
  • Many AI approaches to action representation make
    use of the concept of possibility or can-do
  • There are four different types of can-do
  • logical possibility you cannot open a door that
    is already open
  • physical possibility by normal means, you cannot
    open a door that is locked
  • institutional possibility or authorisation you
    cannot open a meeting unless you are authorised
    to do so
  • deontic possibility or permission you may be
    able to open a door even if it is forbidden to do
    so, but if you do so you enter a state of
    violation and are liable to a sanction

The axiom of institutional actions
  • The following axiom concerns the performance of
    institutional action tokens
  • Done(e,x,t) ? CountAs(t,t) ? LogPoss(t) ?
  • ? Done(e,x,t)
  • Note that when the antecedent is true, the same
    action token e has both type t and type t
  • Relevant contextual conditions may appear as the
    antecedents of authorisation
  • Class(u) ? Teacher(u,x) ? ClassMember(u,y) ?
  • ? Auth(y,req-perm-query(y,x)) )

  • In many cases (maybe always?), it is possible to
    perform an institutional action by just declaring
    that the action is performed or that the effects
    of the action hold
  • Examples
  • I declare the meeting open
  • I pronounce you man and wife
  • A good approximation to this is obtained through
    the following axiom
  • Declarable(t) ? CountAs(declare(t),t)
  • In turn, an act of declaring may performed by
    sending a suitable message to all interested

Using Quines quotes
  • A better approximation can be obtained by using
    Quines quotes
  • if j is a formula (possibly belonging to a
    predefined proper sublanguage of the whole
    first-order language in use), then
  • ?j?
  • denotes a first-order term that provides a
    canonical representation of j
  • General axioms
  • Happ(e,?j?) ? X?j ? j
  • LogPoss(?j?) ? X?j
  • Declarable(?j?) ? CountAs(declare(?j?),?j?)

I declare the meeting open
  • Example
  • Meeting(m) ? Declarable(?Open(m)?)
  • Meeting(m) ? (Auth(x,?Open(m)?) ? Chair(m,x))
  • From this we can derive
  • Meeting(m0) ? Chair(m0,a) ? X?Open(m0) ?
  • Done(a,declare(?Open(m0)?)) ? Open(m0)

To conclude
  • We are currently using this approach to define
    communicative acts as a special kind of
    institutional actions
  • The communicative acts are then used to define
    the semantics of the messages of an Agent
    Communication Language (this requires branching
    time instead of linear time)
  • References
  • M. Verdicchio, M. Colombetti, 2003. A logical
    model of social commitment for agent
    communication, Proceedings of AAMAS 03, Melbourne
  • M. Verdicchio, M. Colombetti, 2003. A logical
    model for agent communication languages,
    Proceedings of LCMAS 03, Eindhoven
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