Part III. Exhaustible Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part III. Exhaustible Resources


Part III. Exhaustible Resources Ozone Energy Part 1 B. Energy Part 1 Chapter 8 Introduction Chapter 8: energy production and how that impacts the environment. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Part III. Exhaustible Resources

Part III. Exhaustible Resources
  • Ozone
  • Energy Part 1

B. Energy
  • Part 1 Chapter 8

  • Chapter 8 energy production and how that impacts
    the environment.
  • The production and consumption of energy crucial
    to the health of economies in both developed and
    developing countries, but it is responsible for a
    large portion of the environmental problems that
    these countries experience.

Effects of energy production
  • Global climate change, acid rain, air pollution
  • Drilling for oil and gas, cooling energy
    facilities, coal mining, and underground storage
    of oil all affect water quality
  • Oil spills pollute oceans and waterways
  • Habitat destruction (strip mining, wetland
    destruction) is also a direct byproduct of energy
  • Solid waste from mining and burning coal may lead
    to ground and surface water contamination

Historical Development of US Energy Policy
  • Formulation of energy policy mostly concerned
    with supply
  • 2 authors have had a very strong influence on the
    way we think about energy.
  • Thomas Malthus scarcity is inevitable because
    population grows to exhaust its resource
  • Harold Hotelling the invisible hand of the
    market would optimally allocate exhaustible
    resources and prevent shortages, because the
    market price of a resource such as oil reflects
    both its current value and its future value.

  • Fundamental proposition the producer of oil
    must be indifferent between selling a barrel of
    oil today and waiting for future time to sell it.
  • Recall from chapter 2 if producer expects
    prices to rise in future, wait. Others behave
    similarly, everybody waits, current price up and
    future price down. (and other way around)
  • This type of price change will continue until all
    producers are indifferent between selling today
    and selling in future.
  • Today's price includes user cost, which is the
    opportunity cost of not having the oil available
    at other periods in the future.

Hotelling cont.
  • Dynamic efficiency requires that the price at any
    point in time be equal to marginal extraction
    cost plus marginal user cost.
  • Because MUC part of price, and MUC reflects
    scarcity, market should efficiently allocate oil
    over time, with MUC reflecting scarcity value.
  • If future demand is perceived to be increasing or
    future supply is perceived to be decreasing, this
    will increase present user cost, reduce quantity
    demanded, leaving more oil for future.
  • Higher current price will also encourage
    substitution of other fuels for oil, increased
    exploration for oil, investment in more energy
    efficient technologies.
  • Market ensures that absolute scarcity never
    happens because price so high - -reduces quantity
    demanded and encourages substitution

  • Believed in the concept of absolute scarcity,
    which suggests that resources are used at an
    increasing rate until they are exhausted.
  • Neo-Malthusians have extended Malthus' arguments
    beyond land and food to general resources and
    environmental quality.
  • According to neo-Malthusians, growth of the
    economy and population will generate a dependence
    on resources that will eventually exceed

  • The debate about whether markets adequately
    address future supply continues to rage, and is a
    motivating factor behind much US energy policy
    (particularly during energy crisis of the

  • The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    (OPEC) is a cartel of oil-producing countries
    formed in 1960 to counteract the economic power
    of multinational companies.
  • OPEC reached its zenith of power in 1973 when oil
    prices quadrupled due to oil embargo imposed on
    the US and other countries who supported Israel
    during Yom Kippur War.
  • A cartel is an organization of producers who
    agree to act in concert as a monopolist and
    restrict output to raise prices and generate
  • In order to have power in the market, the cartel
    must be large enough so that quantity decisions
    affect market price.
  • Cartel members have powerful incentives to cheat.
    If one member secretly produces more, that member
    can earn higher prices at greater output.

  • While OPEC was effective in the mid to late
    1970s, its influence declined in the 1980s and
  • OPEC lost market power as non-OPEC sources came
    on line in Mexico, the North Sea, and Alaska.
  • The dominant firm model of oligopoly can be used
    to illustrate OPEC's loss in power.

OPECs loss in power
OPECs loss in power
  • The dominant firm takes output of remaining firms
    as given, and meets unmet demand at that price.
  • OPEC views itself as facing a demand curve that
    is one that subtracts the quantity supplied by
    the competitive fringe from total demand.
  • As Figure 8.1 illustrates, the greater the size
    of the competitive fringe, which would be
    reflected as a shift to the right in the
    competitive supply function, the lower the world
    price of oil.
  • This was the case in 1980s and 1990s with growth
    in the non-OPEC supply of oil.

Different incentives w/i OPEC
  • Saudi Arabia more reserves than other members,
    so dont want prices too high (or else, demand
    for alternative energy technologies increase,
    driving price down in future). Also, less need
    for current revenue (sparsely populated, small
  • However, countries like Nigeria, Venezuela,
    Indonesia large populations, small reserves,
    want high prices NOW.

Costs of foreign dependence
  • Domestic dependence on a large number of foreign
    oil producers is not necessarily bad however,
    the U.S. and others are dependent upon a few
    countries with unstable political histories.
  • Greene and Leiby analyzed the question of the
    costs of foreign dependence by examining the cost
    of dependence on a foreign monopoly for oil
  • It is the simultaneity of the monopoly problem
    foreign dependence that generates costs to US

Costs of foreign dependence
  • They separate costs into three broad categories
  • The transfer of U.S. wealth to foreign producers
  • Macroeconomic costs.
  • Political and military costs.
  • Argue that in absence of an oil cartel, all the
    extra costs of oil imports are a loss to the US

Costs of foreign dependence
  • By raising prices through the restriction of
    output, oil producers transfer consumer surplus
    into monopoly profit
  • This loss is illustrated in Figure 8.2.
  • With competitive market, whole shaded area CS.
    Under foreign monopoly, square transferred to
    foreign profit (because this leaves our economy
    represents pure loss). Additionally, DWL
  • The rising dependence on oil imports is
    illustrated in Tables 8.4 and 8.5.

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Other costs
  • Macroeconomic losses occur when sudden price
    increases or shortages of oil shock the domestic
    economy and lead to inflation, losses in GDP, and
    losses in employment.
  • It is important also to consider the cost of
    mitigating price shocks.
  • There are also costs associated with military and
    policy aspects, particularly given the historical
    problems with the region.
  • Greene and Leiby (1993) point out that it is
    difficult to ascribe the readiness costs and
    actual costs of the Persian Gulf War solely to
    dependence on foreign oil. In absence of oil
    dependence, the US may have participated in the
    war to help oil-dependent allies.

Total social costs
  • Table 8.6 indicates that the total social costs
    of dependence on a foreign monopoly for oil
    increased through the 1970s and declined through
    the 1990s.
  • Consistent with the variety of factors that have
    weakened OPECs power.
  • However, the costs of dependence on foreign oil
    are not trivial 93 billion of total costs in
    1990 compared to GDP of 5513 billion.

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Implications for the present?
  • Previous analysis showed costs associated with
    dependence on foreign oil sources from
    politically volatile regions
  • Today, international terrorism arising out of
    same region, conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq,
    and continued violence in the Middle East
    social cost of depending on oil from this region
    is likely to be much HIGHER today.

The Environmental Costs of Energy Production
  • 3 types
  • Emissions of pollutants that occur on a
    continuous basis from energy facilities.
  • Episodic releases of pollution such as oil
  • Alteration of natural ecosystems as a result of
    production activities.

1. Continuous emissions
  • Conventional environmental policy instruments,
    such as MPP and taxes, are appropriate for the
    first type of pollution, either would lower the
    level of emissions in a fashion that minimized
    total abatement costs.
  • However, the US has historically relied on direct
    controls (C C) to manage this type of

2. Episodic releases of pollution
  • The second type of environmental problem,
    episodic problems, cannot be adequately managed
    with economic incentives.
  • In this case not only does the magnitude of the
    environmental problem need to be controlled but
    also the probability of occurrence.
  • One alternative is to use direct controls which
    dictate basic safety regulations, technological
    requirements, and operating requirements.

Episodic releases of pollution
  • A 2nd alternative would be to develop a liability
  • Established by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and
    the CERCLA, liability systems establish liability
    for damages on the part of transporters of oil.
  • If a spill occurs, the company can be taken to
    court and sued for damages.
  • Under a liability regime, the company would also
    take steps to have a rapid response program in
    case an accident occurs.
  • The idea is that if transporters of oil are
    responsible for damages from spills, they will
    take steps to reduce the likelihood of an

3. Alteration of natural ecosystems
  • Again, difficult to design an environmental tax
    or MPP system that would manage the 3rd type of
    environmental impact, the impact on production
    activities on habitats and ecosystems.
  • Direct controls can play a large part through
    specification of how pipelines should be
    constructed or how waste should be handled to
    minimize the impact on the ecosystem.
  • An alternative to direct controls would be
    performance bonds.
  • Performance bonds require a firm to pay a large
    amount of money upfront, before they begin their
  • The money is place in an escrow account and is
    returned to the firm after completion of the
    project, if they have met the appropriate
    environmental standards.

Portfolio Theory Energy Choices
  • Given the insecure availability of energy and the
    environmental costs associated with energy, how
    to design policy?
  • Countries such as the US face a set of risks
    associated with the use of fossil fuels,
    especially when a large component of this fuel
    use is oil imported from politically volatile

These risks include
  • Potential economic impacts from price instability
    or from high prices associated with increasing
  • Social costs associated with the national defense
    and homeland security implications of dependence
    on oil from politically volatile areas
  • Potentially catastrophic global climate change
    and other sever environmental impacts associated
    with production and consumption of fossil fuels

Portfolio Theory Energy Choices
  • An effective energy policy would reduce these
  • Current US policy ineffective because it is based
    on fossil fuels (especially in trying to increase
    domestic production of petroleum)
  • The primary problem with the US energy policy is
    that it is insufficiently diversified. A more
    diverse portfolio of very different types of
    energy sources would be much less risky

Portfolio Theory
  • Developed to provide a better understanding of
    financial risk associated with investment
  • Indicates that the more diversified a portfolio
    of investments, the lower its risk
  • A portfolio consisting of foreign and
    domestically produced oil is not very diversified
    (highly correlated economic, national security,
    and environmental risks) thus is associated with
    high levels of risk
  • A much more diverse portfolio that includes very
    different types of energy would be much less risky

Conventional Energy Alternatives
  • Conventional energy sources can be defined as
    those that are already employed at some level.
  • If fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil and its
    derivatives) are defined as the primary source of
    energy, then the alternative conventional
    substitutes for fossil fuel are nuclear power and

Nuclear power
  • Peaceful uses of nuclear power have been
    regulated heavily by the government because of
    the potential for disaster and the national
    defense implications of the use of nuclear power
  • It was however also believed that nuclear power
    had the potential for solving the nations energy
    problems (despite its expense compared to
    conventional energy production)

Nuclear power liability issues
  • One of the biggest obstacles to establishing a
    nuclear power industry is the potential liability
    if there were a nuclear power plant disaster.
  • In response to this the Price-Anderson Act
    enacted by Congress exempted individual utilities
    from having to pay damages as a result of an
  • The claims are paid by consortium of utilities
    (20 liability) and the federal government (80
    liability), and there is a maximum limit on
  • Opponents claim a limit on liability suggests
    significant divergence between private and social
    optimum with respect to nuclear power.

Nuclear power
  • A variety of other sources of disparity between
    private costs and social costs of nuclear power
    are presented in Table 8.7
  • These costs include construction costs, which are
    not fully represented in the price, and expected
    damages from an accident, which are not reflected
    in current costs
  • Although it was predicted that nuclear power
    costs would fall, that has not happened primarily
    due to delays in obtaining permits and
    construction of power plants

Nuclear power other risks
  • What to do with the nuclear waste and the risks
    that uranium or plutonium that is used in power
    plants could wind up in the wrong hands, where it
    could be used to make a nuclear weapon.
  • Some nuclear waste remains dangerously
    radioactive for over 100,000 years.
  • While we must develop a way to safely store
    nuclear waste, there is general opposition among
    the public to the construction of a nuclear waste
    storage facility (NIMBY).

  • Hydropower is often associated with an image an
    environmentally friendly option for power but
    it is NOT without its environmental impacts
  • The primary environmental impacts of hydropower
    are associated with the dams and reservoirs and
    include inundation of both terrestrial riverine
    habitat, sedimentation, reduction in aquatic
    dissolved oxygen levels, blockage of fish
    migration and conversion of free-flowing rivers
    into reservoirs.

  • An interesting economic and environmental
    consideration is that because so many rivers have
    been converted into reservoir systems,
    free-flowing rivers and healthy riverine
    ecosystems have become increasingly scarce
    implying that the opportunity cost of
    constructing dams on free-flowing rivers is
    likely to be HIGH.

  • In the Pacific NW devastating impact on a
    variety of species of Pacific salmon.
  • A series of dams have blocked major river
    systems, preventing salmon from migrating from
    the open ocean to the headwaters of the rivers
    where they spawn and where the fish remain as
    juveniles before returning to the ocean.
  • Although fish ladders and elevators have been
    constructed to aid the fish, they have not proved
    effective in preventing the decline in numbers.
  • The environmental impacts of hydropower are
    typically controlled through direct means
    involving a federal and state licensing process
    for dams.

Alternative Energy Sources
  • Unconventional alternative energy sources include
    wind, solar energy, biomass energy,
    co-polymerization, fuel cells, and geothermal
  • Some of these have been used for centuries, but
    their use in modern times has been relatively
  • The use of wind as an energy sources is very
    clean and it has the potential supply a small
    portion of our electric power needs.
  • Energy from the sun can be used to produce
    electricity through the use of photovoltaic cells
    that convert the suns light into electricity.
  • Biomass fuels come from living sources, such as
    plants and waste products.

Alternative Energy Sources
  • Thermal depolymerization is a process that has
    been developed relatively recently to convert
    carbon-based substances (food waste, agricultural
    waste, human waste, plastic, medical waster, etc)
    into oil.
  • Fuel cells produce energy through a chemical
    process that converts hydrogen and oxygen into
    electricity through a chemical process (more on
    hydrogen Friday).
  • Which is the best? Portfolio theory argues that
    we should not pick any particular fuel but rather
    it is important to have a mix.
  • In addition, technological developments may
    result in greater efficiencies in the future.

  • US energy policy is based on the continued
    availability of inexpensive fuels.
  • 3 sets of costs associated with fossil fuels are
    important to consider in developing an energy
  • The impact of fossil fuel use on greenhouse gas
  • The other environmental impacts of these
  • The national security cost of being dependent on
    oil that is imported from regions of political
  • Portfolio theory suggests that the US can reduce
    its risk by diversifying sources of energy.
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