How to Choose the Best Web Design Chichester for Your Website and Business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to Choose the Best Web Design Chichester for Your Website and Business


Looking for the best web design company in Chichester? See how to choose the best web design Chichester for your website and business. What to look for and a personal recommendation that should be all you ever need. Helping your website to pull in more clients so your business can survive and succeed! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How to Choose the Best Web Design Chichester for Your Website and Business

Do a Google search for 'web design Chichester'
and you'll be shown hundreds, if not thousands
of results of web design companies all vying for
your business and cash! And you may even notice
how they used words like quick delivery,
affordable, SEO friendly, full browser
compatibility and more. Which is great! But it
makes you wonder, if that's the case, how come
there's still so many rubbish looking websites
out there today? Well that's probably down to
several reasons. The first is that the web
design company they hired isn't actually all that
good and didn't really do a good job on their
website. The other reason is that the business
hasn't used a web design company to upgrade and
modernise their website taking it into the 21st
century. And honestly, millions haven't! And
finally, the other reason is that it can seem
quite a daunting task finding and choosing the
best web design Chichester for your website that
has a business based in Chichester and West
Sussex. Fortunately for you, we've put together
a list of the qualifications you need to look out
for in a good web design business so you'll know
what to look for and what to avoid! So to weed
out the good from the bad. The lame from the
awesome. And after just reading this, you'll be
much better prepared, educated and informed on
which web design Chichester is best for you!
A Great Portfolio A great portfolio displays
creativity, style variety and most importantly
has examples of real client work and not just
spec work from school. Ensure that the web
designer's overall style in their portfolio
matches what you are looking for. Test out their
previously launched websites to ensure that they
are user-friendly, error-free, suitable for their
target market and fast-loading. A great
portfolio always trumps design experience or
education. Web designers with too much
experience could be set in their ways and less
open to new ideas or trends. And just because
someone took a few classes for design does not
mean that they have an eye for it. We have
encountered many websites offering web design
services with hideous websites.
Great Customer Service Regardless to how great
your web design agency is, if it doesn't have a
fast response time to people's calls and or
emails then it's going to look like it can't
complete campaigns on time let alone by the
deadline. And that can spell disaster for your
business if it's selling and providing time
sensitive things like clients site and product
launches etc. And there are some freelance web
designers out there that are moonlighting. What
this means is they likely have a full time job,
but just take on the odd web design project for
some extra pocket money. But you should be a bit
wary of these types of web designers because if
your project goes south and or they miss the
deadline, it'll be likely they don't hang around
if they do!
The Required Skills Whenever and whoever you
hire, they should have the adept and proficient
skills that your campaign or project needs. For
example, if you need something in Flash, like an
animated clip, then the web dev should be very
proficient in Flash Actionscript. Or if you want
to convert your site into a CMS of sorts, they
will need to be well proficient in that CMS that
you want to use and any technologies it
supports. These days, most CMS systems are run
on PHP so in those cases, it would be best to
hire a web dev that has a lot of skills and
experience in PHP coding. As opposed to someone
that think that they're a jack of all trades and
wings it and rips off code from other sites to
use on yours. One of the best ways to find out
about these skills is through their online
portfolio, past clients etc.
Custom Timeline Fitting Every web design project
has to have a deadline for its completion time
that you'd want it to be done and completed by.
And some lesser experienced web devs can
sometimes quote very optimistic deadlines. And
it doesn't really matter how simple your website
design or even redesign, needs to be, there will
always be problems come up and revisions needed
which can take much longer from concept to
completion. Sometimes it's laughable when
clients contact you and says their site design or
redesign project is very simple and shouldn't
basically take more than a few days. Even the
simplest designs or redesigns can take up to a
week. It would be much more professional to give
a longer deadline quote and deliver before that
deadline if possible.
Complete Service Any good web design firm worth
their salt will be made up of a team of
developers, designers and experts across all
fields. So a complete service will offer
everything from web design to SEO, branding and
reputation management, growth hacking, social
media marketing and everything else all under
one roof. You'll rarely find a solo web dev that
offers all these services in one which is why
it's often better to hire those companies that do
provided you have the budget for it.
Great Communication Having great communication
skills is as important as having great web design
or coding skills. Simply because if the web
design agency you hire doesn't have great
communication skills, it'll be likely they don't
have great skills on designing your site and may
even have bad grammar and make spelling mistakes
etc. The best thing to do is call them up and
speak to them on the phone and find out how well
they articulate and how easy they break down
technical jargon into layman terms you can
Customer References Don't be afraid to ask your
web developer if they have references from past
clients that you can check on. And don't be
afraid to ask those clients how well a job they
done. Whether they was responsive, good
communicators and of course, within the budget as
well. You can often find good reviews on
freelance marketplaces like Guru and Freelance
where they usually find their clients too.
  • Marketing SEO Experience
  • What use is having a great website if your
    targeted audience can't find it and know of it? A
    good web designer will understand this and know
    how to properly SEO, market and promote it to the
    right crowd. Finding a web developer by Google
    using certain keywords will let you know that
    they got there through knowing how to. But here
    are some other simple techniques a web dev
    should use when building your site.
  • Create unique and fresh content that is relevant
    to your niche and targeted audience.
  • Create unique meta titles and descriptions for
    each blog post and page created.
  • Only use unique high quality images and pictures
    only and nothing rehashed.
  • Ensure your main targeted keywords are used
    within the headings and subheadings.
  • Pepper your keyword throughout your content
    naturally and not in a forced way.

  • Understand the importance of a sitemap and create
    one for Search Engines to crawl.
  • List your site with local business directories
    like Yelp, FourSquare etc.
  • Provide after-sales support with any questions or
    queries you may have.
  • These are only a basic covering of things your
    web design agency should be well adept in. For
    more techniques, and to find out more about web
    design Chichester, check out who
    provide a full shebang web design service in
    Chichester, West Sussex.
  • With tons of experience under their belt, lots of
    skills and ways to help your business succeed
    and survive through your website. Along with
    great customer service and very reasonable rates.
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