Consider These Ideas If you Are Writing an Article or Making Use of Article Writing Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Consider These Ideas If you Are Writing an Article or Making Use of Article Writing Services


As a first step, you could consider making use of a professional article writing service. By doing this, you remove the task of thinking up ideas off your plate entirely. You would need to sign off the ideas and the content itself, but this way there’s one less thing to worry about. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Consider These Ideas If you Are Writing an Article or Making Use of Article Writing Services

Consider These Ideas If you Are Writing an
Article or Making Use of Article Writing Services
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Use an Article Writing Service
  • As a first step, you could consider making use of
    a professional article writing service. By doing
    this, you remove the task of thinking up ideas
    off your plate entirely. You would need to sign
    off the ideas and the content itself, but this
    way theres one less thing to worry about.

If you would like a more hands-on approach with
your agency of choice, you could arrange a
brainstorming session each month or every couple
of weeks. In this session, you could talk about
what your company is working on and use it as a
basis for some story ideas.
Read Trade Publications and Share Them With Your
Article Writing Services Agency
  • The more you read publications related to your
    field, the more you will understand the industry.
    These publications are very clued up on what is
    happening in your business. Whether its the
    SaaS, B2B, telecoms, insurance or subscription
    industries, be sure to read whats happening in
    your field. You never know when a story might
    spark an idea of your own. Keep a pen and paper
    nearby to jot down any ideas, or simply open up a
    notes app on your phone. This way, you can
    immediately write down your brilliant ideas.

Read the Days News
  • Theres a clear theme happening here keep
    reading. Ensure that you know whats happening in
    the news daily. A bright idea might come from a
    story that you stumble upon when reading the
    newspaper. For example, you might see an emerging
    story about the cost of data and the telecom
    infrastructure in developing countries. This
    could spark a thought leadership piece on how
    telecommunication companies need to do more to
    make the internet and information more accessible
    for everyone. Not only will a piece such as this
    one be good for your company brand, but it will
    help your personal brand too.

Use Personal Experience
  • Lean into what you are going through with your
    business and how you got started. Think about
    your business journey and how you made it to
    where you are today. Every business has a story
    to tell. Telling this story well can do wonders
    for business leads and growth. Talk about the
    founding of your business, why you started it and
    where you plan to take it in the future. Address
    the problems that your company addresses and use
    these to appeal to peoples emotions. Your
    business story is an article idea in itself.

Check the FAQs and Share Them With Your Article
Writing Service
  • Youll be surprised at what ideas you can
    generate just by checking your FAQs. By this, we
    dont mean the document you put together on your
    website that you refer customers and clients to.
    We suggest you monitor the additional questions
    you receive the most about your services and
    products. If you realise that many customers are
    asking about your next software update, use this
    as the basis for an article. Write a story about
    it and detail what your customers can look
    forward to when the update rolls out. You can
    generate some hype around it before its
    officially live by doing this ahead of time. If
    you are using a content writing agency to do your
    content writing articles, be sure to share the
    most frequently asked questions with them.

Check Your Social Media Feeds for Whats Trending
  • Its not always easy to keep on top of whats
    happening in the world. Thats why social media
    is a valuable tool. You can log onto Twitter, and
    within minutes, you will know whats trending in
    the news and on social media. Use this to your

Take a look at the top trending topics on social
media and see if theres a natural way to plug
into this. Perhaps the talk of the day is the
fact that there has been a security and data
breach at a large company. If your company is a
B2B tech security firm, you could write a tips
story on minimising the chance of a data breach.
Use Google Trends
  • Google Trends can be used for keyword research
    around your company, and its services and
    offerings. By looking at the top keywords for
    people searching for businesses such as yours,
    you can develop story ideas around this. More
    often than not, the best article writing services
    and agencies have someone in-house who can do
    this research for you. You could ask for a list
    of new keywords every month and develop story
    ideas around these. On top of doing the research
    yourself, you could also look up the top trending
    searches on Google every week. This might get
    those creative juices flowing, too.

Use the Seminars or Events That You Have Enjoyed
  • If youre a leader in your field or looking to be
    one, you have probably attended a number of key
    events. Think about what you enjoyed about these
    seminars or conferences. What were your key
    takeaways and standout talks? Use these to flesh
    out some ideas for topics going forward. When you
    attend events in the future, be sure to make
    notes. You never know what talk could lead to a
    great article idea for your organisation.

Think About What You Do In Your Time Off
  • An essential part of running a successful
    business is taking time off to recharge and
    relax. What do you do with this time off? How did
    you feel when you came back from this break? The
    chances are, it did you a world of good, and it
    gave you room to breathe and think. When you got
    back to the office, you likely felt ready to
    tackle whatever comes your way. Use this as a
    story in itself. Talk about the importance of
    taking time for yourself when you are building a
    business. This is often something that people
    forget, so write an article to remind them of its

Hold On to Old Magazines and Refer to It
  • Dont throw out your magazines. After a year or
    so, go back to the old magazines and read through
    some of them again. There might be an old story
    in there that could benefit from an updated
    version from your company. Or you might want to
    do a story that looks at how your industry has
    grown over the past year. Old magazines are great
    resources. Keep them on a shelf in your office
    for future reference and ideas.

Look At Your Successes and Failures and Write
About It
  • Just like your business has a story, so do you.
    Think about the failures that you have overcome
    along the way. Write about what this has taught
    you about running a business. You could also
    write about what it has taught you about the
    industry you work in. In the same way, you could
    use your successes, too. Write an article on some
    of your biggest successes over the years. Offer
    tips and advice on how others can achieve similar
    success, should they wish.

Write About Your Mentors or Ask Your Article
Writing Services Agency to Draft It
  • Every business leader has a mentor. Who are
    yours? Write an article about them, or ask your
    agency to draft it on your behalf. The story
    could detail why they are your mentor, what it is
    about them you look up to and how they have
    helped you along the way. You can also reach out
    to them for an interview and pick their brain
    about the industry. These stories provide an
    insight into the minds of the top people in your
    field or sector. Those who are still
    up-and-coming will find it to be inspiring.

Get a Few People From Different Departments Into
the Same Room and Crowdsource
  • There are many elements and departments to every
    business. Host a team brainstorm where you get
    everyone together in one room. You never know
    what could come of it. Tap into the minds of your
    human resource manager, your intern or your
    personal assistant. As people who are somewhat on
    the outside, they have insight that you might not
    have thought of. They could bring some really
    good ideas to the table. The fresh thinking and
    new approach is often something you didnt know
    you needed. It could result in the best article

Make It Fun
  • Turn content ideas into a game. Have a brainstorm
    session where everyone has to do word association
    or some improvisation. Come up with random ideas
    that might not even fit your company. You can
    always tie it back to your business in an idea
    that pops up at a later stage of the session.
    Brainstorming games also encourage people to
    think outside the box when it comes to generating

Have a Walking Meeting
  • With everyone facing meeting fatigue, the last
    thing many of us want is to have a formal sit
    down meeting. So, why not try a walking one for
    more creative thinking? Studies show that people
    can think more creatively when walking and are
    not confined to a meeting room.

This informal approach to meetings and
brainstorming also gets people to relax. People
are more forthcoming with ideas in a more relaxed
setting. Also, the fresh air does wonders for
your mind and thinking.
Take a Break and Come Back to It
  • If you are really stuck on ideas and find it
    difficult to come up with any, walk away. Dont
    completely abandon it just take a break. Put
    some distance between yourself and the task. The
    more you sit with it and make no progress, the
    more it will stress you out. This only leads to a
    bigger mental block. Step away from it for a
    while, go for a walk and tackle other tasks.
    Then, when enough time has passed, go back to it.
    You might find that you will be able to come up
    with some new and fresh ideas with a clearer
  • We understand that its not easy to come up with
    article ideas. Even professionals struggle a lot
    of the time. But with the guidance of an article
    writing service or using the tips above, it
    should be an easier process.

Try at least one of these every time you are
stuck on an idea. Hopefully, it gets you out of
the rut and removes your writers block. Once you
get the creative juices flowing, develop a long
list of ideas for your pieces going forward.
Input these into the calendar and run with it.
And when the ideas stop again, simply repeat the
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