The%20case%20for%20magical%20realism-%20as%20an%20approach%20to%20educational%20research%20and%20a%20significant%20element%20of%20Narrative%20inquiry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The case for magical realism- as an approach to educational research and a significant element of Narrative inquiry Jane Speedy University of Bristol – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20case%20for%20magical%20realism-%20as%20an%20approach%20to%20educational%20research%20and%20a%20significant%20element%20of%20Narrative%20inquiry

The case for magical realism- as an approach to
educational research and a significant element of
Narrative inquiry
  • Jane Speedy
  • University of Bristol
  • Research centre http//

Narrative inquiry -what is it for?
  • Intimate, partial, nuanced accounts of peoples
  • Generating local, situated knowledge that is not
    generalisable and may not be true but tells us
    how people construct and give meaning to
    (narrate) the stories of their lives in relation
    to a particular audience /context / time

What ideas underpin narrative research?
  • A plethora of multidisciplinary understandings
    from literary theory, creative writing,
    linguistics, socio-cultural and post structural
    theories, social psychology, sociology part of
    the blurring of genres between arts and social
    sciences (the emphasis, so far, in educational
    research has been on the social sciences)
  • Crucial are notions not just of story, but of
    narration and performance(implying audience,
    place, space) and of meaning and perhaps even
    identity construction and concepts of time (such
    as mythical, cultural, autobiographical and
    historical/political time) and memory

What established genres of literary narrative
inquiry are there?
  • Biographical research and life writing
  • Auto/biographical research (including memoir)
  • Narrative analysis and inquiry
  • Poetic and performative inquiry
  • Fictionalised accounts /creative fictions

So what about magical realism?
  • magical realism the transgressive and
    subversive fictional genre , whereby the
    magical, the mythical and the impossible blend
    seamlessly and unapologetically with the actual
    and the real (Bowers, 200467)

Two separate (oppositional?) juxtaposed narrative
  • A situation which creates disjunction within each
    of the separate discursive systems, rending them
    with gaps, absences and silences
  • Two separate narrative modes never manage to
    arrange themselves into any kind of hierarchy
  • (Slemon, in Zamora and Faris, pp409-410)

Magical realist fiction and film
  • Fiction
  • Allende, I (1985) The House of the Spirits, New
    York, Knopf Carter, A (19840 Nights at the
    circus, London Vintage books
  • Okri, B (1991) The famished road, London Vintage
  • Marquez, G (1970) One Hundred Years of Solitude,
    London Cape
  • Morrison, T (1987) Beloved, New York Knopf
  • Rushdie, S (1981) Midnights Children , London
  • Roy, A (1998) The God of Small Things, London
  • Walker, A (1990) The Temple of my Familiar, New
    York Pocket books
  • Film and television
  • Ally Mc Beal (1997-2002) David, E, Kelley,FOX TV
  • Pans Labyrinth (2006) Guillermo del Toro,
    Esperanto films

  • Educational research consists mainly of realist
  • Truth claims are based on what really happened
    because we were really there (even if it is later
    fictionalised into symbolic equivalents)
  • The implausible and downright inexplicable is
    either not happening, not noticed or smoothed
  • Fictionalised research is accompanied by a HUGE
    literature of justification and differentiated
    very markedly from real life research

Consulting with Gargoyles a realist tale
  • 1991-1998 The Wills memorial building ,
    University of Bristol
  • Five years on the fifth floormock-gothic
    therapy education and research

Consulting with Gargoyles a realist tale
my very own gargoyle
Consulting with Gargoyles a realist tale
  • I waited for 30 minutes, and have now gone to
    the library. My time was not wasted. I consulted
    at some length with the gargoyle at the top of
    your staircase. I found him in many ways a most
    satisfactory supervisor. He has a pleasing and
    quizzical countenance and regards me with the
    mixture of soul and oomph that I find most useful
    when reflecting on my practice. He also arrived
    on time.
  • Speedy, J (2000) 10

The Gulbarrion college gargoyles re-arranging
and expanding academic tribes and territories
  • In counselling conversations people are also
    often at marginal moments in their lives
  • (indeed, a disproportionate number of those
    seeking counselling live their lives fairly
    permanently at societys margins)
  • What happens if we listen seamlessly-from a
    position of magical realist possibility?

I could slide my hands inside my skin at night
  • and take out the bones. I could clutch the
    bones of my ancestors tight I could hold them up
    to the window, translucent and white in the
    moonlight and then slip them back into my limbs
    in the morning and no one would know.


My mother-in-law swallowed me whole
  • fairly early on in the marriage I think
  • It wasnt what I expected really, to be
    gobbled up suddenly and with such gusto. I spent
    twenty years down inside that churning stomach,
    voice muffled, nobody evennoticing I was there
    really. And then, at the hour of her death,
    she kind of rose up and spat me out. Her last

Chat chat chat
  • Pauline Yup. Well she still came and talked to
    me you know. After she died. She used to come and
    sit on the end of my bed in the home and have a
    chat. Right up until I was sixteen.
  • JS ( slightly confused) So that was after she
    died, shed visit you at the home then?

Chat chat chat
  • Pauline Yes. Id wake up in the night, you know,
    and there shed be, mug of tea in one hand, fag
    in the other, chatting away Chat, chat, chat. I
    never got a word in. Never wanted to really, Id
    just lie there and listen and shed chat away and
    shed always tell me just to wait, and then
    theyd see. Id amount to something one day and
    those poor bastards d still be stuck doing shit
    work at a kids home, or most probably out of
    work. She was right.
  • Funny thing is, she never ever came to see me at
    the home when she was alive. Not once. But as
    soon as she upped and died you couldnt keep her
    away. Then when I left that was it, never saw her

Could magical realism enhance/expand our
research practice?
  • In therapeutic conversations practices we move
    seamlessly between the possible the impossible
    the magical and the real
  • In therapy research and we make a big fuss about
    moving between worlds fictionalised accounts
    and creative fictions exist amidst a literature
    of justification
  • When we listen from a magical realist position,
    we listen seamlessly and we witness seamless
    border crossings as people make meaning of the
    worlds they inhabit

Academic References
  • Bruner, J (1987) Actual minds Impossible worlds,
    Harvard University Press
  • Clough, P (2000) Narratives and Fictions in
    Educational Research, Buckingham, Open University
  • Sparkes, A (2002) Telling tales in sport and
    physical activity a qualitative journey, Human
    Kinetics, Champaign, Ill.
  • Speedy, J (2000) Consulting with Gargoyles
    applying narrative ideas and practices in
    counselling supervision,in European Journal of
    Psychotherapy, Counselling and health, 3 (3) 1-13
  • Speedy, J (2005) Consorting with gargoyles a
    magical realist tale, in Trahar.S (Ed) Narrative
    research on learning International and
    comparative perspectives Oxford symposium
  • Speedy. J (2008) Narrative inquiry and
    psychotherapy, Houndmills Palgrave/ Macmillan
  • Van Maanen, J (1988) Tales from the field, UCP,
  • Yalom, I (1991) Loves executioner, Penguin,
  • On magical realism
  • Bowers, M (2004) Magic(al) realism, Routledge,
  • Faris, W (2004) Ordinary Enchantments Magical
    Realism and the Remystification of Narrative ,
    Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN
  • Zamora, l and Faris, W (Eds) (1995) Magical
    realism, theory, histpry and community, London
    Duke University Press
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