Title: Joel%20Handy%20Rob%20Schugmann%20Jon%20Addison
1Joel HandyRob SchugmannJon Addison
2Final Presentation Outline
Final Presentation Outline
- Project Overview
- Objective
- Review original design
- Describe project construction and functional
tests - Discuss successes and challenges
- Future Development
3Project Overview
Project Overview
- Using a telescope can be entertaining but also
frustrating - Difficulties include
- Locating a celestial object
- Keeping the object within view over time
4Project Overview Cont
Project Overview
These difficulties can be overcome through the
design of a motorized telescope that can track a
celestial object while remaining resistant to
5Original Goals
- Original Goals
- Design a self-calibrating computer-positioning
telescope - Should withstand disturbances and stay centered
on the desired object - Should be easy to use while remaining relatively
cheap to implement
6Design Concerns Specifications
- Speed
- Point to point movement and tracking require
different speeds
- Resolution
- A small change in telescope position yields a
large change in the field of view
- Specifications for Point to Point Movement
- 72.00 / sec
- Specifications for Tracking Speed
- 360/23.93446743 hrs.
- 15.04107000 / hr.
Resolution is the smallest movement possible in
a system High Resolution Requirements - 0.25
degrees - Half of the field of view at medium
magnification - Increase resolution by
gearing down the system
Resolution and Accuracy
High Resolution Requirements - 0.25 degrees -
Half of the field of view at medium
magnification - Increase resolution by
gearing down the system Accuracy .-0.25
degrees -Any more error and objects will leave
field of view
10Project Development
Project Development
- Linear Simulation
- Motor Selection
- Non-linear Simulation
- Experimental Analysis
11Linear Simulation
Linear Simulation
Developed mathematical model of system Used
robotic parameters to obtain required torques
for a given path
12Torque Constraints
Torque Constraints
13Motor Selection
Motor and Gear Selection
- Motor (Pittman GM8724S016)
- 19.51 internal gear ratio
- Max continuous torque of .29 N/m
- Gears
- External gear ratio of 41
- Overall gear ratio of 801
Pan Step Response
Tilt Step Response
15Non-linear w/o
Non-linear Simulation
16Non-linear w/
Non-linear Simulation Friction Compensation
17Testing Procedure
Testing Procedure
Created MATLAB script file -Automated all
initialization and operation -Automated data
18Experimental Analysis
Experimental Analysis No Trajectory Generation
19Trajectory generator
Trajectory Generation
20Experimental Analysis
Experimental Analysis Trajectory Generation
21Slow tracking
Slow Tracking
22Final results
Initial vs Final Specifications
Original Goals Final Results
Speed 72 deg/sec 36 deg/sec
Resolution 0.25 deg 0.325 deg
Accuracy 0.25 deg 0.57 deg
Self Positioning Yes
Withstands Disturbances Yes
Ease of Use Yes
- Excessive Speed
- -Telescope Unsafe
- -Violent movements
- Trajectory Generator
- -Runtime termination
- -Initial run errors
24Project Cost
Project Cost
Components for StarSearch Components for StarSearch Components for StarSearch Components for StarSearch Components for StarSearch Components for StarSearch
Components Manufacturer Part Number Cost Quantity Total Cost
Motor Pittman GM8724S016 112.26 2 224.52
Large Gear Stock Drive A 6A61-00NF03112 19.37 2 38.74
Small Gear Stock Drive A 6A 6-25DF03106 7.4 2 14.8
Timing Belt Stock Drive A 6R 6-1150310 4.12 2 8.24
Project Cost 286.3
Compass Sensor PNI Corp Vector-2x Magnetometer 50 1 50
Inclinometer US Digital T4 70 1 70
Telescope Jason 304-T 150 1 150
Total Cost 556.3
25Future Developments
Future Developments
- Sensor Integration
- -Greater system autonomy
- High resolution encoders
- -Would allow for much greater accuracy
- Inclusion of Position data
- -Allow users to target objects by name
rather than coordinates