Title: Using%20Pulse%20Width%20Modulation%20to%20Control%20Spray%20Droplet%20Size
1Using Pulse Width Modulation to Control Spray
Droplet Size
- Robert E. Wolf
- Extension Specialist Application Technology
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
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3Efficacy and Drift Potential is Influenced by
- Size of the Spray Droplets -
- Volume Median Diameter (VMD)
- Droplet Spectrum (Range - big to small)
Volume in droplets less than 200 microns in
4Drop Size
One micron (?m) 1/25,000 inch
51/2 of spray volume smaller droplets
1/2 of spray volume larger droplets
6Important Droplet Statistics
VMD (50)
Operational Area
VD0.9 (90)
VD0.1 (10)
7EPA Requested Changes Coming!?!?
- Guidance to Chemical Manufacturers
- Match the crop protection product to the target
- Adhere to label guidelines based on an industry
standard - ASAE S-572
- Buffer Zones or No Spray Zones
- Maximize Efficacy
- Minimize Drift
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10Pulse Width Modulation - PWM
Pulsed Emissions from Nozzles
11SYNCHRO - Nozzle System
- Capstan Ag Systems
- Topeka, KS
- Developed by the
- Precision Spray Laboratory
- U of CA - Davis
12Synchro Nozzles
- Blended Pulse Technology
- Independent Flow Control (1-8X)
- Independent Drop Size Control
- Independent Band Width Control (Fan Nozzles)
- Separate boom section controls
- GPS - program management control
13Synchro Controller Components
14How it Works
- Uses high speed solenoid valves to regulate flow
- Varies application rate with duty cycle
independently of pressure
15Pulse compared to conventional
16What is Pulse Width?
- Type of control system
- Modulates a DC square wave signal
17Synchro Blended Pulse
Each Synchro nozzle emits 10 pulses per second,
with adjacent nozzles having alternating timing.
The alternating pulses, combined with overlapping
spray patterns and the natural dispersion of
droplets traveling in air, blend together to
provide consistent coverage.
18Spray pattern quality not sacrificed
19Electronics/Rate Controllers
- How does your system work when speed changes?
- Is it pressure based?
- What is the effect of going slower?
- What is the effect of going faster?
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- Treatment 1
- Conventional, 20 psi, 5 mph, tt11002, 8 GPA
- Treatment 2
- Conventional, 75 psi, 10 mph, tt11002, 8 GPA
- Treatment 3
- PWM, 40 psi, 5 mph, tt11004, 8 GPA
- Treatment 4
- PWM, 40 psi, 10 mph, tt11004, 8 GPA
27Sharp Shooter/Synchro Controller
- Pulse generator
- On/Off
- Select volume
- Valve Driver
- Power from battery
- Nozzle valve
- Creates spray pulse
28For more information contact