Title: Texture%20Synthesis%20by%20Non-parametric%20Sampling%20/%20Image%20Quilting%20for%20Texture%20Synthesis%20
1Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling /
Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis
TransferbyEfros and Leung / Efros and Freeman
- Presentation by Gyozo Gidofalvi
- Computer Science and Engineering Department
- University of California, San Diego
- gyozo_at_cs.ucsd.edu
- November 15, 2001
- Background information on texture
- Growing texture pixel-by-pixel using a simple
non-parametric method - Image quilting a very simple texture synthesis
algorithm - Simple extension to image quilting for texture
transfer - Applications
- Summary
3What is a texture?
- What features and statistics are characteristics
of a texture pattern, so that texture pairs that
share the same features and statistics cannot be
told apart by pre-attentive human visual
perception? ---- Julesz 1960s-1980s - The concept of texture is intuitively obvious
but has no precise definition something
consisting of mutually related elements. - On can describe texture by tone and structure
- Tone is based on pixel intensity properties
- Structure describes spatial relationships of
primitives - Texture can be described by the number and types
of primitives and by their spatial relationships.
4Texture Analysis Techniques
- Statistical methods gather information about
textures by exploiting pixel first and second
order statistics. - Structural methods describe textures as
composed of well defined texture primitives
(texels), which are placed according to some
syntactic rules. - Model based methods construct a generative or
stochastic model of textures, called random field
models. - Transform methods represent an image in a new
form, in which the characteristics of the texture
become more easily accessible. Some examples
include Fourier-transforms and multi-resolution
5What is texture synthesis?
Given an input sample texture synthesize a
texture that is sufficiently different from the
given sample texture, yet appears perceptually to
be generated by the same underlying stochastic
input image
True (infinite) texture
generated image
6Classification of texture
- Traditionally textures has been classified as
- regular repeated texels
- stochastic without explicit texels
- Most real world textures are mixtures of these
basic types - Challenge is to model the whole spectrum from
regular to stochastic texture
7Some previous approaches
- multi-scale filter response histogram matching
Heeger and Bergen,95 - sampling from conditional distribution over
multiple scales DeBonet,97 - filter histograms with Gibbs sampling Zhu et
al,98 - matching 1st and 2nd order properties of wavelet
coefficients Simoncelli and Portilla,98
8New method by Efros et al.
- goals
- preserve local structure
- model wide range of real textures
- ability to do constrained synthesis
- method
- inspired by N-gram language model of Shannon,
texture is modelled as Markov Random Field (MRF)
- texture is grown one pixel at a time
- conditional pdf of a pixel given its neighbors
synthesized thus far is estimated by searching
the the sample image for similar neighborhoods
9N-gram model of the English language
- Shannon Model language as a generalized Markov
chain, where a set of n letters (words)
completely determine the pdf of the next letter
(word). - Results (using alt.singles corpus) Mark V.
Shaney - "One morning I shot an elephant in my arms and
kissed him. - "I spent an interesting evening recently with a
grain of salt - Assuming Markov property, texture can be modeled
as a MRF
10Synthesizing one pixel
finite sample image
Generated image
To synthesize a pixel p, search the sample image
for pixels with similar neighborhood to p,
construct a histogram for the distribution of
these pixels, finally sample this distribution to
obtain a value for p. Similarity is based on the
Gaussian-weighted sum squared difference, to
preserve local structure.
11Growing texture on pixel at the time
- User defined window size indicates the randomness
of the texture - To grow from from scratch a 3x3 random seed from
the sample is used - Unless no close match is found pixels with most
neighbors are synthesized first - Importance of Gaussian-weighted similarity
12Neighborhood window size / Randomness parameter
13More Synthesis Results
Increasing window size
aluminium wire
reptile skin
15More results
French canvas
rafia weave
16More results
17More results
brick wall
white bread
18Constrained synthesis
19Visual comparison
Synthetic tilable texture
DeBonet, 97
Our approach
Simple tiling
20Failure cases
Growing garbage
Verbatim copying
21Homage to Shannon
22Constrained text synthesis
23What we have so far
- An algorithm that is
- simple
- models a wide range of real-world textures
- naturally well-suited for constrained texture
synthesis - but it
- very slow
- sometimes grows garbage
- How can it be improved?
24Why only synthesize on pixel at the time?
- For most complex textures only a very few pixels
actually have a choice of values
wasted search effort - Example Pattern of circles on the plane
- Once the algorithm starts synthesizing a
particular circle, the values of the remaining
pixels are completely determined. - Unit of synthesis should be more than just a
pixel patch - Texture synthesis would be like jigsaw puzzle
- Questions
- What are the patches?
- How to put them together?
25Chaos Mosaic Xu, Guo Shum, 00
- Process 1) tile input image 2) pick random
blocks and place them in random locations 3)
Smooth edges
Used in Lapped Textures Praun et.al,00
26Chaos Mosaic Xu, Guo Shum, 00
The approach works well on stochastic textures
but fails on structures.
27Image Quilting
non-parametric sampling
Input image
Input texture
Random placement of blocks
29Minimal error boundary
overlapping blocks
vertical boundary
30Image Quilting algorithm
- Pick size of block and size of overlap
- Synthesize blocks in raster order
- Search input texture for block that satisfies
overlap constraints (above and left) - Easy to optimize using NN search Liang et.al.,
01 - Paste new block into resulting texture
- use dynamic programming to compute minimal error
boundary cut
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Portilla Simoncelli
Xu, Guo Shum
input image
Wei Levoy
Image Quilting
Portilla Simoncelli
Xu, Guo Shum
input image
Wei Levoy
Image Quilting
40Homage to Shannon
Portilla Simoncelli
Xu, Guo Shum
input image
Wei Levoy
Image Quilting
41Failures (Chernobyl Harvest)
42Texture transfer
- Take the texture from one object and paint it
onto another object - This requires separating texture and shape
- Thats HARD, but we can cheat
- Assume we can capture shape by boundary and rough
Idea just add another constraint when sampling
similarity to underlying image at that
spot Correspondence can be based on image
intensity, blured image intensity, local image
orientation angles, etc There is a tradeoff
between the legitimacy of synthesized texture and
the correctness of the correspondence mapping.
44Source texture
Target image
45 46Applications of texture synthesis and transfer
- Occlusion fill-in
- for 3D reconstruction
- region-based image and video compression
- a small sample of textured region is stored
- Texturing non-developable objects
- growing texture directly on surface
- Motion synthesis
- Synthesizing and transferring music and
environmental sounds? - Rendering object in a different style without
explicit 3D information
- We have seen
- A non-parametric method that grows texture
pixel-by-pixel based on neighborhood statistics
of pixels gathered from a sample texture - Conceptually simple
- Spatial locality principle lends itself to
constraint synthesis - An image based method that where images are
synthesized by stitching together patches of
existing images - A simple method based on similarity obtained by
correspondence for texture transfer and rendering
texture to objects that does not need explicit 3D
Alexei Efros and his fellow researchers for
sharing their slides.
49References and Related Literature
A. A. Efros and W. T. Freeman. Image Quilting for
Texture Synthesis and Transfer, SIGGRAPH 01. A.
A. Efros and T. K. Leung. Texture Synthesis by
Non-parametric Sampling. In ICCV 99. S. Livens.
Image Analysis for Material Characterization,
1998. http//www.ruca.ua.ac.be/visielab/livens/phd
1.ps.gz C. E. Shannon, A mathematical theory of
computation. Bell Sys. Tech. Journal, 27,
1948. M. Ashikhmin. Synthesizing natural
textures. In Symposium on Interactive 3D
Graphics, 2001. J. S. De Bonet. Multiresolution
sampling procedure for analysis and synthesis of
texture images. In SIGGRAPH 97, pages 361-368,
1997. D. D. Garber. Computational Models for
Texture Analysis and Texture Synthesis. PhD
thesis, University of Southern California, Image
Processing Institute, 1981. P. Harrison. A
non-hierarchical procedure for re-synthesis of
complex textures. In WSCG 2001 Conference
Proceedings, pages 190-197, 2001. D. J. Heeger
and J. R. Bergen. Pyramid based texture
analysis/synthesis. In SIGGRAPH 95, pages
229-238, 1995. A Hertzmann, C. E. Jacobs, D.
Oliver, B. Curless, and D. H. Salesin. Image
analogies. In SIGGRAPH 01, 2001. L. Liang , C.
Liu, Y, Xu, B. Guo, and H.-Y. Shum. Real-time
texture synthesis by patch-based sampling.
Technical Report MSR-TR-2001-40, Microsoft
Research, March 2001. Y. XU, B. Guo, and H.-Y.
Shum. Chaos Mosaic Fast and memory efficient
texture synthesis. Technical Report
MSR-TR-2000-32, Microsoft Research, April 2000.