Title: Outgassing%20of%20Stainless%20Steel%20Vacuum%20Chambers%20and%20The%20Vacuum%20Pumping%20Speed%20and%20Capacity%20Evaluation%20of%20a%20Titanium%20Sublimation%20Pump
1Outgassing of Stainless Steel Vacuum Chambers
andThe Vacuum Pumping Speed and Capacity
Evaluation of a Titanium Sublimation Pump
- Christian Hammill, Wayne State University
- Dr. Yulin Li Dr. Xianghong Liu, Cornell
2My Project at a glance
- Outgassing of stainless steel chambers
- Introduction and purpose
- What is the goal of this project?
- Methodology
- What methods are used to determine ?
- What do these methods involve?
- What is the difference in these methods?
- Results
- Conclusions
- Vacuum characteristics of the TiSP
- Introduction and purpose
- What is a TiSP?
- What do we want to determine from the TiSP?
- Methodology
- How do we determine Q(t) and STi(t)?
- Results
- Conclusions
4SST Outgassing Introduction
- XHV must be achieved in parts of ERL (i.e.
photo-chamber) - Stainless Steel outgassing hinders this
- When put under vacuum
- 400C bakeout reduces outgassing
- Does this last forever?!
- My mission do stainless steel chambers that have
been stored properly in N2 for 8 months keep low
outgassing property?
5SST Outgassing Methodology I
- Vacuum system comprised of two parts
- Testing Chamber
- Enclosed by oven
- Heating gun/ air blower
- Water cooling coils/ heating tape
- SRG/ sample chamber
- Sensor Chamber
- Valve to Testing Chamber
- Ion Pump Turbo Pump
6SST Outgassing Methodology II
- Two methods of determining
- Rate of Rise method
- Where V is the volume of the chamber (28L) and As
is inner surface area of the sample chamber (7500
cm2) - Throughput method
- Where is Sip the pumping speed of the ion pump
and As is inner surface area of the sample
chamber - ?P (pressure increase due to outgassing) is
explained later
7SST Outgassing Methodology III
- Both methods follow a similar procedure
- Set up and leak check
- All vacuum flanges are connected and properly
tightened - Then, entire vacuum system is pumped down and
checked for gas leaks - Bakeout
- The adsorbed water molecules (from air exposure)
are eliminated via temperatures gt120C - Measurement
- is determined using either ROR method or
throughput - Repeat
- Baking temperature is increased each time (150C
to 200C to 250C) -
8The Rate of Rise Method
- In RoR measurements, the sample chamber is closed
off from any pumping - This allows gas to accumulate in the closed
system - With a constant outgassing rate, , a linear
pressure rise is expected - The rate of rise in the pressure, , is
measured to calculate such that -
9The Spinning Rotor Gauge
- SRG consists of a magnetized rotor ball in a
gimble tube, and a removable head that contains
sets of coils - The Rotor is magnetically levitated and spinning
- Molecules in the chamber collide with the rotor,
ever slightly slowing down the rotor, the
molecular drag - The SRG measures the pressure by measuring the
slowing down rate ofthe rotor due to the
molecular drag
10Throughput method
- Used as crosscheck for RoR method
- The pressure at the CCG is recorded while the
sample chamber is still closed off from the
sensor chamber gt baseline pressure - The chamber is then opened and the pressure is
left to settle then recorded - The difference between the settled pressure and
the baseline pressure is known as the change in
pressure, ?P - Then, using the pumping speed of the ion pump,
Sip (9L/s), we calculate
11A Typical RoR Result
Pressure measured by SRG clearly show a linear
rise in time. The fitted slope dP/dt
2x10-12 Torr/s.
Very stable temperature control ?T 0.17 C
12A Typical Throughput Result
Sip is determined via a pump down of sample
Fitting (blue) curve, P(t)
Gas composition at point A
In this case, ?P1.5x10-11 Torr, Sip 9 L/s
therefore, 1.9x10-14 TorrLs-1cm-2
13Outgassing Results Summary
Current project data
Tbake(C) (10-15 TorrLs-1cm-2) (10-15 TorrLs-1cm-2)
Tbake(C) Rate of rise Throughput
120 2.6 30
120 6.0 19
120 7.5 n/a
150 25 n/a
150 18 n/a
150 15 n/a
200 6.7 15
200 6.7 28
250 9.3 35
250 7.5 38
Data from 8 months ago
TBake (C) (10-15 TorrLs1cm-2)
150 19.0
200 16.0
250 14.0
14SST Outgassing Conclusions
- The outgassing rates measured in this study are
comparable with the results from 8 months ago. - This indicates that the extremely low outgassing
property can be maintained. - The comparison between the rate of rise method
and the throughput results is very good, when one
considers at least two factors - The measurements were done at very different
pressure ranges (10-6 torr for rate of rise, and
10-10 torr for the throughput). - They both use very different gauges (SRG vs.
CCG). - Therefore, in certain places in the ERL (i.e. the
photo-cathode) one can vent out the vacuum,
properly store the stainless steel components in
N2, and not damage the outgassing properties of
these components
15TiSP Performance Introduction
- After measuring the properties of the electron
beam, it must be safely terminated at the beam
dump in the Cornell Proto-type Photo-cathode
Injector - Very large gas loads of H2 gas are generated at
the beam dump when this happens - A large TiSP will be used together with two large
ion pumps to control the H2 gas load - Will this do the trick?
- My mission evaluate the pumping performance
(particularly the pumping speed and the pumping
capacity) of the TiSP to determine if it is
suitable for this application
16TiSP Performance methodology I
- Experimental Setup
- The test system was leak checked and baked at
170C - Ultra-high purity hydrogen is used to measure the
TiSP pumping performance - The flow-rate of H2 was experimentally determined
before any Ti-sublimation, - After Ti-sublimation, H2 flows through the TiSP
chamber, and the pressures are monitored by two
cold cathode gauges
17TiSP performance methodology II
- Ti Sublimation
- There are 3 Ti cartidges on the end of the
chamber - Each filament is heated via voltage power source
- This heating causes the Ti to sublimate in the
chamber - This process is known as flashing
- The Ti is flashed in the chamber for a certain
period of time at a certain power
Ti cartrige with 3 filaments
18Determining STi(t)
- After flashing, we open the H2 valve again and
let the gas flow - Because the Ti layer inside the chamber is so
reactive, it will capture much of the gas as it
enters the chamber - This causes the pressure to decrease at the CCG
- At the CCG there are now 2 pumping speeds
- The effective speed of the turbo, , and
the pumping speed of the chamber, STi(t). - Knowing this, we derive the formula for the
pumping speed of the chamber over time - ? this
follows the Equation, SP
19Determination of Q(t)
- We want to determine the total amount of H2 gas
pumped away by the TiSP chamber, Q(t). - As the Ti film pumps more and more H2 is pumped
away it becomes saturated with H2 - As it becomes more saturated, its pumping speed
decreases - The accumulated Q(t) is directly related to
STi(t) such that
20TiSP Performance Results I
- STi(t) was measured at 2 flashing settings
- (A) 3 minutes at 170W
- (B) 5 minutes at 195W
- Higher Ti-flashing power longer duration gt
much thicker Ti layer - The STi(t)s are plotted against the Q(t)s
- Limited Ti flashing and H2 saturation cycles were
done - Thick, H2 rich, Ti films are known to be flaky
21TiSP Performance Results II
- Q(t) is arbitrary and depends on its application.
- Here, we chose Q(t) to be the point where STi(t)
drops to 100L/s - (i.e. 10 of its initial pumping speed).
- With this definition, one sees from that
- QA 4 TorrL
- QB 25 TorrL
- With maximum pumping speeds of
- STi, A(t) 900L/s STi, B(t) 1200L/s
- As a side note, it took 80 hours for B to
saturate from the beginning to 100L/s
Hydrogen Pumping by Ti
Step 1 Dissociative adsorption
H2 ? 2Hads
Step 2 Bulk diffusion
Hads ? HBulk
Step 1 depends on surface reactivity of Ti
film Step 2 depends on Ti film thickness and
22TiSP Performance Conclusions
- It can be seen that the max STi 1200 L/s
that it is capable of pumping out 25 TorrL of
H2 gas. - The estimated gas load at the beam dump (A5
section of the Cornell Proto-type Photo-cathode
Injector) can be as high as 1.8x10-3 TorrL/s. - Considering that two other ion pumps will be
sharing half of the load, the TiSP will have to
handle a gas load of 9.0x10-4 TorrL/s. - With a little math, we can see that the TiSP can
go 8 hours before needing to go through a
flashing cycle again. - This is considered to be sufficient for the
injector operations - Therefore the TiSP is suitable for the ERL
prototype project
- Thanks are due to
- My mentors Dr. Yulin Li and Dr. Xianghong Liu
who have assisted me in the writing of this
paper, the assembling of the experiments, and the
overall guidance though this project. - The lab technical staff Tim Giles, Tobey Moore,
and Brent Johnson. - Dr. Rich Galik and Dr. Claude Pruneau who are the
assemblers of this REU project and made it able
for me to attend the summer here. - The National Science Foundation who every year
make it possible for students much like myself to
have experiences like this one.