Title: A1258690176voPWb
1- Quantitative Genetics or
- Polygenic Inheritance
- One phenotype is determined by multiple genes.
2 Some terms Qualitative traits phenotypes
differ by quality. Exp. red/white eyes, wrinkled
/round peas. Quantitative traits phenotypes
differ in quantity height, weight, shades of
skin color. Polygenic inheritance more than
one genes operating to make a single final
3Phenotypes in qualitative inheritance are all
distinct from each other - discontinuous
variation. Traits in quantitative inheritance
are not as easily to be categorized into distinct
classes - continuous variation.
4Josef Kölreuter in early 19 century crossed tall
and dwarf tobacco plants F1 all intermediate
in height F2 showed continuous variation in
height from tall to short
5F2 phenotypes showed normal distribution or
bell curve distribution.
6William Bateson (late 1800s - early 1900s)
Multiple-factor or multiple-gene hypothesis
(the earliest form of polygenic inheritance
) Quantitative traits were controlled by
Mendelian genes. Multiple genes contribute to
the same phenotype in a quantitative way.
(Quantitative traits are controlled by multiple
genes acting together.)
7Example three genes are involved in plant
height. AABBCC 20 cm height AaBaCc 15 cm
height aabbcc 10 cm height.
8How to relate quantitative traits with Mendels
theory? Nillson-Ehle (1909) ran a cross between
red wheat and white wheat F1 All plants showed
intermediate color. F2 continuous variation in
kernel colors between red and white.
9(No Transcript)
10Among the continuous traits, about 1/64 showed
complete white one of the parent traits.
1/64 showed dark red another parent trait.
11(No Transcript)
121/64 ?!
131/64 matches with the phenotype ratio produced
by the combination of three recessive gene in
a trihybrid cross.
Conclusion Quantitative inheritance also
follows Mendels rule for inheritance The
wheat color is a quantitative trait governed by
three pairs of genes.
14The cross of white and red wheat involves three
gene pairs r1r1r2r2r3r3 x R1R1R2R2R3R3
The darkness of red color is proportional to the
number of R. The darkest class, with 6 R
alleles shows the same color as the dark red
15 This means the effect of allele R is additive
additive alleles, another feature of
quantitative traits.
16A mathematical rule can be developed between the
number of the phenotypes and the genes
involved Number of phenotypes (genes 1) x
2 You can predict the number of the phenotype
by looking at the number of the genes operating
(if its known) 2 genes yield 5 phenotypes 3
genes yield 7 phenotypes 4 genes yield 9
17For exp., if two gene pairs were involved, five
F2 phenotypes in a 14641 ratio would be
18Frequency for each phenotype Majority of the
individuals will express intermediate phenotype,
very few will express the extreme phenotype
normal distribution or bell shape.
19Effect of the environment Most quantitative
traits are subject to environmental effects,
which can cause individuals with same genotypes
to have slightly different phenotypes.
20 Number of genes involved in a quantitative
inheritance can also be estimated
(1/4)n ratio of F2 individuals
expressing either extreme phenotype (if
its known)
21In Figure 5.3, 1/64 of the F2 wheat kernels
showed two extreme colors of the phenotypes,
white or dark red. (1/4)n 1/64, n 3
So, the kernel color of the plants is
determined by three genes.
22The contribution of multiple genes in a
quantitative trait is additive. How to estimate
the contribution of each gene? For example,
plants with genotypes as A1A1B1B1C1C1 produce 7
cm height, Those with A2A2B2B2C2C2 produce 5 cm
height. (Sometimes, one of the extreme
genotypes produces a base value or base line for
the phenotype. They don't produce 0 cm height.)
23How much does each "1" allele contribute? 1).
Difference between the two extremes 7 5 2
cm 2). This difference is caused by 6 additive
alleles 3). Therefore, each additive allele
causes increase of 2/6 0.33 cm above
the base height.
24To predict the height of a plant with
genotype A1A1B2B2C1C2 5 3(0.33) 5.99 cm
height. But, there are environmental effects