Title: A1260943735Rsfgr
International Association for the promotion of
co-operation with scientists from the New
Independent States of the former Soviet Union
(NIS) Dr. Gulnara Roll Diverse Dialogues across
Europe Humanities Social Sciences Research
Forum 27 28 January 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus
An independent international association formed
by the European Community, the European Union
member states and like-minded countries in 1993,
INTAS promotes scientific co-operation between
researchers in the New Independent States of
the former Soviet Union (NIS) and its member
3 INTAS members and partners
33 member states
12 NIS Partners
4 INTAS 33 members and 12 partners
MEMBERS 25 member states of the European Union,
Bulgaria, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Romania,
Switzerland, Turkey and the European
Community NIS PARTNERS Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzia, Moldova,
Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and
5 INTAS objectives
- promote scientific co-operation the NIS and INTAS
member - states through various grants and actions
6 INTAS objectives (2)
- help preserve the valuable scientific potential
in the NIS - through international co-operation
- encourage NIS scientists to participate in
European - RTD programmes (FP6)
- encourage networking and mobility between the NIS
and - European partners focus on young NIS
7 INTAS budget
Major part comes from the European Community
(INternational COoperation)
2002 - 2006 70 M Euro In kind (staff) and
financial contributions from members Financial
contribution from co-sponsors in jointly funded
projects 2002 2006 10 M Euro
8The international dimension of the European
Research Area
- Scientific cooperation with scientists from
countries outside - of the EU brings additional knowledge and
expertise, helps to - expand the European pool of innovative
ideasresearch agendas - Unrestricted opening of the Sixth Framework
Programme (FP6) - "thematic" part to all third countries, with
possible access - to the relevant funding in some cases
- But low participation of NIS scientists in FP6.
9EU FP6 Thematic Area FP6 Call 2003 Citizens and
governance in a knowledge-based society
- Only 31 organisations from NIS countries were
involved in - proposals in FP6 Priority 7 CITIZENS-3 Call
- Only 3 of the projects with participation of
NIS scientists - were accepted for funding to compare to the
overall success rate - for proposal in the same Call, which was 10
10Challenges to the participation of NIS
scientists in FP6 (1)
- From NIS scientists side
- How to link with quality proposals, which can get
through - the highly selective process in the FP6?
- How to present true added value to potential
European consortia - to be invited as a partner into a EU RTD project
in a situation - when in overall there are no incentives for
European consortiums - to especially involve NIS partners?
- How to manage to conduct research administration
- in the same way as European research
11Challenges to the participation of NIS
scientists in FP6 (2)
- From FP6 countries side
- Lack of contacts (how to find a right partner?),
- Language differences,
- Different styles of academic work, especially of
academic - publications,
- Economic problems of NIS countries social
scientists, - Problems of involvement - how to ensure that
this would be - an equal cooperation and not neo-colonialism?
12Common interests for research between scientists
from FP6 countries and the NIS (formulated by
participants of INTAS social sciences and
humanities workshop, Brussels, November 2004)
- Development of new models and comparison of
existing modes of modernisation and civil
society building - Research of threats secuity
issues, human trafficking, terrorism, drugs,
etc. - Social, political and economic
transformation in societies - Growth
13Common interests for research between scientists
from FP6 countries and the NIS (formulated by
participants of INTAS social sciences and
humanities workshop, Brussels, November 2004)
- Dialogue of cultures between Europe and NIS
countries - Mapping of the research potential
in SSH in Europe and the NIS - Migration
issues and its potential aspects destabilising
the transitional process
14INTAS support to social sciences
Since its establishment in 1993, INTAS provided
support to about 200 social and human research
projects and networks with a total budget of
about 10 million EURO. Among the projects
funded the most important subfields were
sociology, political science and history,
archaeology, economics and then philology
15INTAS policies
- Search for scientific excellence
- Cover all scientific areas
- Include fundamental and applied research
- Support international scientific collaboration
- Select proposals on the basis of independent
evaluations - Allocate min. 75 of the funds to NIS teams
- Focus on young scientist initiatives
- Encourage NIS partners to participate in FP6
16 INTAS funding instruments
- Grants for research projects and networks,
- Pre-/post PhD fellowships,
- Innovation activities,
- Others (summer schools, workshops,
- infrastructure actions, such as e-libraries)
17 INTAS procedures
- Offers complementary funding, i.e. grants which
are - in addition to scientists normal funding
sources and - which enable them to engage in international
- scientific cooperation
- Regular calls for proposals
- A two-step peer review evaluation porcedure
- Only online submission, evaluationmanagement
- of proposals
18Research projects and networks Open and
thematic calls for proposals
- 24, 30 or 36 months duration
- Min of 4 teams min. 2 different INTAS states 2
NIS - CO from INTAS member state
- Btwn 40,000 300,000 Euro for duration of
project - Annual max. of 100,000 Euro
- Min. 75 of budget to NIS teams.
- Max.25 to INTAS Members
192003 Open Call projects examples
- Social and Political Trends for CIS Countries
Key-Indicators - and Social Measurements of Transition
- Coordinator Institute for Advanced Studies,
Austria - Health, health policy and poverty in Russia the
dynamics of - the health capacities of the poor and the
social policy response - Coordinator Nottingham University, UK
- Political Trust and Political Participation
amongst Young People - from Ethnic Minorities in the NIS and EU A
social-psychological - investigation. Coordinator University of
Surrey, UK
202004 INTAS Call 2004 Transforming societies
Scope economical, social political
transformations in Europe and the NIS, and
address economic, social political issues of
Europe-wide concern. Address topics relevant to
current policy concerns in Europe NIS
Funding 100,000 for grant duration Project
max. 25 total grant to INTAS members Network
max. 50 total grant to teams from INTAS members
Eligibility criteria 2 NIS 2 INTAS
members Network 3 NIS countries 3 INTAS
Duration 18 or 24 months
21 INTAS workshops, conference grants bringing
together European and NIS scientists
Refugees, IDPs and Migration Issues in the
Caucasus and Central Asia the Role of
Multilateral Organizations, Oslo, Norway, June
22 INTAS Young Scientists Summer Schools
23 INTAS FP6 NIS Information Network
- promotes the involvement of NIS scientific
communities in - European Research Area (ERA), and their
participation in FP6 - Activities
- Support to network of FP6 NIPs in the NIS
- Information dissemination networking
- Scientific community-targeted activities / events
24Thank you!