Miltiades (311-14) 33. St. Sylvester I (314-35) 34. St. Marcus (336) 35. St. Julius I (337-52) 36. Liberius (352-66) 37. St. Damasus I (366-83) 38. St. Siricius (384-99)
SAINT AUGUSTINE: The Human Person as Relational and Volitional Prepared by: FR. RONNIE B. RODRIGUEZ, MS University of La Salette-Roxas Campus Roxas, Isabela
Each center had a Caesar controlling the region. The four were ... Theotokos 'God-bearer' Affirmed two natures in the one person of Christ: human and divine ...
Returns to N. Africa & becomes bishop of Hippo. Writes extensively in philosophy and theology ... To know a language is to know the meaning of words in the language ...
Inauguration of Constantinople (Byzantium; Istanbul) as the New Rome (330 A.D. ... Constantinople modern day Istanbul. Second Ecumenical Council. Called by ...
Specific statements regarding the essence of the Trinity, Christ, and Mary ... Peter and Paul because Rome was destined to be the center of the Church ...
The contradiction between the astrology and the teaching of Mani on ... Grace: Although by free will, man has the capacity of willing and doing good without ...