Title: Make an Animated GIF Along with Adobe Customer
1Make an Animated GIF Along with Adobe Customer
2- Adobe is a bundle of applications through which
you can edit your documents, edit pictures, and
play videos and so on. This brand has every
application that a person requires to do business
work. Several online software allows you to
convert video clips into animated gifs. These
applications are very useful when you want to
upload a small video and create s short
animated GIF. - Adobe Premiere allows a person to import a
full-length movie and then edit it according to
the requirement. Lets learn how to do this.
3- Press the power button of your laptop to bring it
in working mode. When the desktop screen appears,
go to startmenu button and type Adobe Premiere in
the vacant box. - Press Enter key after typing and select Premiere
from the list of results to open it. - Now, press Ctrl I key to open the File Import
Window. The window shows the folders and files on
your hard drive. Locate your video file and
select it to highlight it. - Go to open to open the file. It will be shown in
the Project window on the left side of the screen.
4- Next, drag the file to the Source Monitor in the
center of the screen. Then, you can see a preview
of the video in this monitor. - Select the Play button below the Source Monitor
symbolized as the shape of an arrow. The video
can play now. - Select the Stop button when the video reaches the
point where you wish to add animated gif. Select
the Left In Point button below the Source
Monitor. - Once this is done, click on Play button to
continue previewing the video on the screen. - Select the Stop button when the video reaches
the point where you wish your animated gif to
5- Now, select the Right In Point button and the
go to file tab to select Export option. - Thereafter, click Adobe Medial Encoder. A
window will open and permit you to select an
output format for your video. - Type a name for the output file and click
Animated Gif as the output format. - Click on the OK button. Adobe Premiere will
convert the edited video into an animated GIF.
6By following above steps, you can make an Adobe
Animated GIF in just few clicks. If you encounter
some issues while performing this method, reach
us for the proper guidelines. We are easily
approachable at Adobe Support Phone Number
Canada and you can get our fastest response to
fix any complex error. We provide inexpensive
service which is affordable by any user. Get in
touch with us to attain the help from our experts
and remain worry-free.
Source https//customersupportnumbercanada.jooml