Health Benefits of NMN (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Benefits of NMN (1)


HE EXTRAORDINARY CELLULAR AGE-REVERSING MOLECULE FORMULATED & ENGINEERED TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE NMN ON THE MARKET. We invite you to take HALO1618 The Authentic NMN, increase your NAD+ levels and live healthier! Sublingual tablets offer the most effective delivery system for NMN. By dissolving our tablets under your tongue, the NMN is supplied directly to the bloodstream. The tablets are chewable if you want to speed up the process. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: sinclairlabs


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health Benefits of NMN (1)

Health Benefits
of NMN
N M N . H E A L T H
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a compound
derived from ribose, a sugar, and nicotinamide,
also known as vitamin B3. The human body has
enzymes that use NMN to generate another
compound, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide comes in two
forms An oxidized form (NAD) which accepts
electrons from other molecules and a reduced
form (NADH) that donates electrons to other
molecules. From here on I will refer to
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide as NAD, but
remember that it does come in these two forms.
Supple age-asso understandin a clear mechan
going to discuss so Maintaining Cellular En
Human Trials Endurance and Muscle Stren
Preserving a Sharp Mind in Old Age Alzheimers
Disease and Neurologic Aging Diabetes and
Metabolic Syndrome Weight Heart Disease DNA
Maintaining Cellular Energy Levels at Youthful
Many of these age-related impairments have common
roots at the cellular level and can be traced
back to deficits in the production of cellular
energy. NMN has an important effect on the
production of cellular energy because it is a
critical component in the production of NAD.
Levels of NAD are of critical importance for
keeping mitochondria, the bodys powerhouse,
working at peak, youthful levels. Because of its
importance as a NAD intermediate, active
supplementation with NMN increases the
concentration of NAD in the body, providing a
readily available supply of this important
nutrient for the amelioration of age-associated
diseases and conditions. As we get older, NAD
levels consistently decline, energy production
is less efficient, and the aging process gains
momentum, which contributes to the development
of many of the typical diseases of aging.
Human Trials
While most of the available research on NMN
involves animal studies, human clinical trials
have been undertaken, and the results are
expected to be released within the next
year. In the meantime, the plethora of
beneficial effects demonstrated by NMN in animal
studies, and the complete lack of adverse
effects, suggests that NMN supplementation may
be a valuable tool to add to your healthy
lifestyle today!
Endurance and Muscle Strength
Decreased physical endurance and muscle strength
are often considered to be inevitable symptoms
of the normal aging process. However, recent
animal research indicates that NMN can prevent
these declines in aging mice. In fact, one study
found that consumption of NMN enhanced endurance
and muscle strength in aged mice to such a
degree that they became as healthy as their
much-younger peers!
Studies done with models for Alzhe that NMN had
significant, beneficia memory and cognition. NMN
not on against the decline in cognitive abi
with old age, but has found to be o preservation
of neurons after a stro
A lz heimer s D is eas e and N eur o lo gic
al F unc tio n
Alzhe Amer rise to crucia Alzhe effect
preve NMN i prote chara
E ndur ance and mus cl e s tr e ngth ar e not the
onl y phy s i cal s y mptoms i mpacte
d by the agi ng pr oce s s body w e i ght, e ne
r gy me tabol i s m, bl ood l i pi ds , i ns ul i
n s e ns i ti v i ty , and v i s i on ar e al s
o adv e r s e l y affe cte d by the agi ng pr
oce s s . E x ci ti ngl y , N M N s uppl e me
ntati on has be e n found to s uppr e s s age
-as s oci ate d w e i ght gai n, e nhance me
tabol i s m, i mpr ov e i ns ul i n s e ns i ti v
i ty and pl as ma l i pi d l e v e l s , be ne
fi t v i s i on, and pr e v e nt adv e r s
e al te r ati ons i n ge ne e x pr e s s i on i
n agi ng mi ce . (2 ) T he s e e ffe cts hi
ghl i ght the the r ape uti c pote nti al of N M
N as a be ne fi ci al anti -agi ng i nte r v e
nti on for humans .
Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
  • In pancreatic beta cells, NAD regulates insulin
    secretion in response to the ingestion of dietary
    glucose. NAD also governs insulin activity and
    glucose homeostasis in skeletal muscle, the
    liver, and adipose tissue. Research indicates
    that the normal biosynthesis of NAD is severely
    compromised in diabetic individuals, leading to
    insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.By
    restoring NAD levels in skeletal muscle, the
    liver, and adipose tissue, NMN improves insulin
    sensitivity and may help reverse the course of
    diabetes. NMN also corrects dyslipidemia, a
    condition in which cholesterol and triglycerides
    are elevated in the bloodstream.

tolerance, and ameliora mitochondrial dysfunctio
factors that contribute t weight issues.
Heart Disease
The human heart requires a continuous supply of
ATP to fuel its muscular contractions and sustain
life. Interruptions in the hearts ATP supply
can impair cardiac and vascular function and
contribute to the development of cardiovascular
disease. By enhancing the biosynthesis of NAD,
an essential substrate in ATP-producing
reactions, NMN boosts cardiac ATP levels and
significantly improves heart health. In fact,
supplementation with NMN may even prevent
myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and heart
failure! Importantly, NMN also reduces arterial
aging and vascular dysfunction, two phenomena
that play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of
cardiovascular disease.
DNA Repair
Your DNA serves as the blueprint for your bodys
physiological function. When DNA expression goes
awry due to factors such as an unhealthy diet,
environmental toxins, and aging, your bodys
blueprint is intrinsically altered this
disrupts normal body function and contributes to
the development of chronic health conditions
such as cancer, diabetes, and neurological
dysfunction. NMN helps prevent adverse changes
in gene expression by repairing damaged DNA.
HALO1618 Authentic NMN by Sinclair Laboratories
take HALO1618 The Authentic NMN, increase your
NAD levels and live healthier! Sublingual
tablets offer the most effective delivery system
for NMN. By dissolving our tablets under your
tongue, the NMN is supplied directly to the
bloodstream. The tablets are chewable if you want
to speed up the process.We use a formula called
Erythritol X to improve absorption of the NMN
into the bloodstream. Erythritol is a natural
sweetener with just 6 of the calories of table
sugar. It doesnt raise blood sugar or insulin
levels, and has antioxidant properties. So our
tablets taste great and are well tolerated in the
body, and dont cause tooth decay.Most of our
customers have also reported gaining better
sleep and more energy, with improvements in
focus, memory and a boost to their
metabolism. Weve heard from some very happy
people with recurrent sprain and strain injuries
which have cleared up right after they started
taking NMN.
bringing you the ng and age- n our own
w reve lives fro customers it, whoever ne and
effort researching how excited about our
HALO1618 we want you to be happy w could make
further improv Website
face e
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