Title: http:www'lab'anhb'uwa'edu'aumb140
2The Oral Cavity - Tongue
- Jam 38
- But the tongue can no man tame it is an unruly
evil, full of deadly poison. - The tongue, although a small organ is very hard
to control. - Tongue is also a great organ to see lots of
tissues in.
- Perhaps one of the reasons the Bible says the
tongue is hard to control is because of the
arrangement of muscles in it. - It has striated muscles that run in three
directions, across, back and forth, and up and
4Skeletal muscle in tongue runs in three different
- Tongue functions in
- Movement during mastication or chewing of food
- Swallowing of food.
- Mixing food with saliva
- Perception of taste sweet, sour, bitter, salty
- Speech
- Taste buds are located on the sides of the
circumvalate papillae. - These contain specialized cells which pick up the
dissolved substances and create stimulations in
special cells within the taste buds - Taste buds are washed with secretions from the
Von Ebners glands located beneath them.
7Circumvalate papillae of tongue
von Ebners glands
Skeletal muscle
8Taste buds
Von Ebners glands
9Taste buds associated with circumvalate papillae
- Taste buds are located on the sides of the
circumvalate papillae. - These contain specialized cells which pick up the
dissolved substances and create stimulations in
special cells within the taste buds - Taste buds are washed with secretions from the
Von Ebners glands located beneath them. - Anterior lingual glands may be found in the floor
of the tongue.
- Tongue contains both glands that are serous and
mucous in nature. - Mucous cells appear hollow, very pale in color,
and the nucleus is pressed against the cell
membrane. - Serous cells stain more intensely and have
rounded, more centrally located nuclei.
12Mucous glands
Serous glands
13Salivary Glands
- Three types of salivary glands are the
- Parotid largest salivary gland, located between
ears and mouth. It is entirely serous (stains
dark) - Submaxillary or submandibular is a mixed gland
located under the mandible and maxilla. - Sublingual glands are mixed glands in man and
located under the tongue.
- Glands in Oral Cavity are the Compound
Tubuloacinar type. - They consist of a secretory part (the acini) and
a series of ducts that carry the secretion. - Intercalated ducts are the smallest with an
individual acini empting into it. - Multiple intercalated ducts merge to form
striated ducts which merge to form interlobular
- Serious glands often produce digestive enzymes
like salivary amylase. These cells usual look
like normal cells and often stain dark. - Mucous glands secrete mucous substances. These
substances often compress the nucleus very
tightly against the basal part of the cell and
the cells are light and often appear hollow. - Mixed glands contain both types of acini.
16Sublingual gland with many mucous cells nucleus
flattened against cell membrane.
17Submandibular gland contains both serous and
mucous acini.
18Parotid gland striated ducts
Intercalated duct
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22Odontoblasts secrete the uncalcified dentin and
the amelioblasts Secrete the hardened enamel.
23Liver tissue low magnification. Basic unit is
hepatic lobule, Note portal triads (bile duct,
hepatic artery and portal vein) and central
veins. Hepatic lobule has portal triads as
Plates of hepatic cells
Portal triads
Central vein
Hepatic lobule
24Portal area or portal triad consists of Bile
duct, hepatic artery and portal vein.
Hepatic artery
Bile duct
Plates of hepatic cells
Portal vein
25Liver lobule showing central vein, sinusoids, and
plates of hepatic cells
26Kupffer cells filled with carbon after
phagocytosis of it from blood.