Title: Ms. Blessilda Grace C. Tigas
1Ms. Blessilda Grace C. Tigas
2Welcome to Math class!
- If you have any questions during my
presentation, please raise your hand and wait to
be called on.
3Lets count the boy with ice cream
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
4(No Transcript)
5Now, Lets count the Baby
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
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7Lets count the Basketball
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
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9Lets count Dora D Explorer
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
10 11Lets count the birds
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
13Lets count the Butterfly
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
14 15Lets count the tree
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
17Lets count Doraemon
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
19Lets count the homes
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
21Lets count Biker
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
23Answer is 10 bikers
24Lets count the penguin
Get ready kids . .
We will start counting. .
26Hi, kids I' am Bart Simpsons
27Lets count Bart Simpsons
Get ready kids. . .
We will start counting. . .
29The end