Title: Measurements of the Climateforcing Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols
1Measurements of theClimate-forcing Properties of
Atmospheric Aerosols
- John Ogren
- NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
2Aerosol Effects on Climate
- Direct Effects
- Aerosols scatter and absorb visible and infrared
radiation - Could cause warming or cooling
- Depends on size distribution and index of
refraction of the particles, as well as albedo of
the underlying surface
- Indirect Effects
- Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei
(IN) are precursors for all cloud particles in
the atmosphere - CCN and IN influence cloud optical and
microphysical properties - Possible effects include changes in Earth's
albedo and changes in hydrological cycle
3Estimates of Global Mean Radiative Forcing
Confidence level High Low Low Low Very Very Very
Very low low low low
"The balance of evidence suggests a discernible
human influence on global climate (IPCC, 1996)"
4Placeholder (4 slides)
- Kiehl and Briegleb, GHG forcing
- Kiehl and Briegleb, sulfate forcing
- Kiehl and Briegleb, GHGsulfate forcing
- Santer et al., spatial pattern matching
- Aerosol cooling and greenhouse warming cannot
offset each other, because - The effects occur at different times and in
different parts of the atmosphere, - Leading to a change in the differential
heating/cooling that drives the general
circulation of the atmosphere.
6Uncertainties Of Parameters Used To Estimate
Direct Aerosol Forcing Of Climate
Source Penner et al. (1994)
7Scientific Questions
- What are the means, variabilities, and trends of
the climate-forcing properties of different types
of aerosols? - What chemical species are responsible for these
properties? - What are the factors that control these
8Sampling Strategy forCMDL Aerosol Monitoring
- We can never achieve adequate global coverage
with a ground-based sampling program. - Recognizing this, our strategy is to characterize
key optical, chemical, and microphysical
properties of a number of aerosol types that are
needed for development and validation of global
models and satellite data retrieval algorithms.
9Key Aerosol Types For Evaluating Climate Forcing
By Anthropogenic Aerosols
10CMDL Aerosol Network
Sable Is.
Mauna Loa
So. Great Plains (ARM)
South Pole
11Parameters controlling aerosol forcing
D daylight fraction S0 solar constant Tat atmosphe
ric transmission Ac cloud fraction Rs surface
DF average aerosol forcing at top of
atmosphere (TOA) d aerosol optical depth
Source Haywood and Shine (1995)
12Linking up-scatter optical depthto aerosol
chemical composition
13Aerosol climate-forcingproperties observed by
- Routinely
- sspd, d, w0d
- wavelength dependence of sspd, d
- and at regional sites
- bd (surrogate for b)
- M (coarse/fine, total and ions)
- a (mass and ions)
- Intensive campaigns
- fs (RH), fb (RH)
- vertical profiles of sspd, w0d, bd, l-dependence
- Missing
- fw (RH), f (RH,z)
- a (z)
- M (carbon, dust)
- Heated inlet, so that all size cuts and optical
measurements are performed at a low relative
humidity. The sample is heated just enough to
maintain the RH below 40 and the temperature
below 40 C. - Measurements performed on two size-fractions, Dp
lt 1.0 mm (fine particles) and 1 lt Dp lt 10 mm
(coarse particles) diameter. - Optical and chemical measurements are
synchronized so that they can be related
quantitatively. - Real-time contamination control using Ntot, wind
speed, and wind direction. - Highly-automated so that minimal operator
attention is required.
15NOAA Aerosol Sampling Inlet
- 10 m agl inlet stack, 20 cm diameter, 50 cm/s
flow velocity - 2.4 m stainless steel tube, 5 cm diameter, 130
cm/s velocity, heated to RH ? 40 - Split into 5 lines, 1.9 cm dia, 30 lpm each
- 10 mm impactor, then switched 1 mm impactor
- Filtered pump exhaust
Barrow, Alaska
16NOAA Aerosol Sampling System
- TSI integrating nephelometer (ssp, sbsp, 3
wavelengths) - Radiance PSAP (sap, 550 nm)
- Real-time contamination control using TSI CN
counter and winds - Sample handling in glove box
17NOAA Aerosol Sampling Rack
- Switched impactor for D lt 1 mm and D lt 10 mm size
ranges. - Large particle (1 lt D lt 10 mm) impactor and
8-filter holder for submicrometer particles. - Gravimetric and IC analyses.
- Automated CO2 span check system for nephelometer.
18Arctic Haze has Decreasedat Barrow, Alaska since
the mid-1980s
Parameter plotted is atmospheric aerosol light
scattering coefficient at 550 nm (1/Mm)
19Aerosol single-scattering albedoat Bondville,
Values are daily averages for l550 nm, RHlt40,
Dlt1 mm
20Aerosol Chemical Compositionat Bondville,
Illinois (1995)
Speciation of other based on 4-weeks of data
21Sensitivity of aerosol forcing to observed
variation in aerosol properties at Bondville
forcing per unit optical depth (W m-2)
IPCC (1995) temperature change predictions used a
single value and considered only scattering.
223-D Isentropic Airmass Trajectories
- Sector boundaries guided by SO2 emission field
- Cases were included only if the trajectory stayed
in a single sector for five days prior to
arriving within 200 km of Sable Island - Data averaged for 2 hours, centered on trajectory
arrival time
Clean Continental
Polluted Continental
23Wavelength-dependence of aerosol scattering is
controlled by coarse/fine mix
Ångström exponent (å)
- Daily averages from Sable Is., 8/92-6/97,
550/700 nm wavelengths
24Aerosol Extensive Properties atSable Island by
Trajectory Sector
Light scattering (Mm-1)
Light absorption (Mm-1)
25Aerosol Intensive Properties atSable Island by
Trajectory Sector
hemispheric backscatter
single-scattering albedo
26Hygroscopic growth at Sable Island
relative humidity
relative humidity
1. Chemical composition controls hygroscopic
2. Backscatter fraction decreases with increasing
27Aerosol Forcing Efficiency (W m-2)at Sable
Island by Trajectory Sector
absorption effect (D lt 1 mm)
size dependence
28Calculation of aerosol opticaldepth from surface
fs(RH) 1.5 ? 0.2
calculated fromssp, f(RH), lidar
measured with shadowband radiometer
Measurements from Southern Great Plains site.
Lidar and radiometer data provided by DOE/ARM
29Surface aerosol properties in southeast USA may
represent the column
altitude (m agl)
Results are for RH lt 40, D lt 1 mm.
30NOAA/CMDL Measurements of Single-scattering
31Aerosol RadiativeProperties in Mexico City
single-scattering albedo
light scattering coefficient (Mm-1)
Black bars denote night-time. Observations were
at a wavelength of 550 nm and relative humidity lt
32CMDL Aerosol Monitoring Highlights
- Observations of aerosol climate forcing
properties reveal pronounced differences for
different aerosol types, with variabilities that
are large compared with the values used in
current models. - More species than sulfate make significant
contributions to aerosol radiative forcing. - Aerosol hygroscopic growth depends strongly on
chemical composition. - Surface measurements can be representative of the
vertical column.
- DF/Dd is a useful concept for combining different
measurements and for comparing results from
different cases or sites - Consideration of scattering only suggests that
some models may be underestimating the sulfate
forcing by about 30 - Aerosol radiative properties exhibit considerable
variability, in both upscatter fraction and
single-scattering albedo, which is not included
in current models