Title: UC DavisUSDA ARS Genomic Resources Center
1UC Davis/USDA ARS Genomic Resources Center
Mission To increase food and energy supplies by
intelligent manipulation of grass genomes
Focus Wheat and other Triticeae grasses,
switchgrass, Miscanthus and other grasses for
biomass production and the model grass
Brachypodium distachyon
Resources Human and technical resources at UC
Davis and USDA/ARS Western Research Center in
Expansion of the existing the UC Davis/USDA ARS
Wheat Genomic Center and Genomic Resources
2Research Objectives
1. Develop genomic resources for the model grass
Brachypodium distachyon
B. distachyon is a temperate, annual diploid with
a genome size of 0.36 Gb (wheat has a 16 Gb
2. Deploy B. distachyon in structural and
functional genomics of cell wall biology and
biomass production in grasses
3Targeted B. distachyon resources
- 500,000 expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences
- 100,000 T-DNA gene disruption mutant lines
4Other resources
- 2.5 million ESTs for switchgrass, Miscantus,
and three other grass species (to be selected)
relevant for bioenergy
- Genomic libraries for wheat and its diploid
- Physical map of one of the three wheat genomes
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