Sound source segregation. Development of the ability to separate concurrent ... Diotic = 2 ears, same sound in both (0) Dichotic = 2 ears, different sound in each (p) ...
Dynamic Aspects of the Cocktail Party Listening Problem. Douglas S. Brungart ... Cherry's 'Cocktail Party Problem' Dichotic masking is pure informational masking ...
Workshop on Wideband Speech Quality in Terminals and Networks: Assessment and Prediction ... Handling of binaural signals compared to classical handset? ...
Binaural hearing and spatialization Perfecto Herrera Psicoac stica La natura ha prove t l sser hum amb una llengua, per amb dues orelles, de manera tal que ...
Binaural Hearing. Or now hear this! Upcoming Talk: Isabelle Peretz. Musical ... Duality Theory of Directional Hearing. Frequency region determines salient cues ...
Speech Segregation Based on Sound Localization DeLiang Wang & Nicoleta Roman The Ohio State University, U.S.A. Guy J. Brown University of Sheffield, U.K.
This finding occurred even though, in principle, either cue was ... ramps' and damps' were the. same across the 3 conditions. Motion discrimination depended ...