Title: General Scan for DoubleHypernucleus
1General Scan for Double-Hypernucleus
- HAYATA, Masashi
- Kyoto Univ.
- 2006.9.22, JPS Meeting
- Double-hypernucleus Search
- Algorithm of General Scan
- Summary
3Double-hypernucleus Search
- Nucleus with S-2 (LLX, LSX, SSX, XX, HX)
- Research for Nuclear Structure,
- Hyperon-Hyperon Interaction, H-Dibaryon
- Short Range Decay Particles gtgt Emulsion
- Too Rare Event gtgt Hybrid-Emulsion (Limit by
4Detectable Stopped X- by Hybrid-Emulsion
of E373_at_KEK
Detector Acceptance 50
p(K-,K)X- n(K-,K0)X- 2050
1.66GeV/c K-
Detection Efficiency 30
X- in Target 65
Detectable X- 25
N(K-,K0)XLL ??
5Algorithm of General Scan
- Try all possibility
- Hough Transform (Nagoya Univ.)
- Pattern Matching_at_Neural Network
- (Tsunemi _at_ Kyoto Univ.)
- Huge Calculation, Simple Operation
- gtgt Hardware Easy, Effective SIMD Processing
- Select hopefuls
- Figure Parameter Cut (Hayata _at_ Kyoto Univ.)
- Smaller Calculation, Complex Operation
6Flowchart of General Scan
Grayscale Image
Convexity Cut
Sum and Binarize
Different Sum and Binarize
Convexity Cut
Vertex Identify
Eye Scan
Double hypernucleus
7Binarize with Maximum Method
Normal Binarize
Local Maximum
Normal Binarize
Local Maximum
Relative Grayscale
Relative Binarize
Relative Binarize
Relative Grayscale
8Figure Parameter Cut
- Grayscale Image
- Binarize Image
- Area, Perimeter,
- Figure Parameter Cut
- Convexity S / Sh
- Circle, Square, 1
- Vertex-Like ltlt 1
Convexity 1
Convexity 0.55
9Test of Figure Parameter Cut
- This test is to Biased Samples
- So I will test to more samples
10Summary and To Do
- General Scan can detect all LLX
- while Hybrid-Emulsion detects limited LLX
- We try General Scan for search of LLX
- To-do for next JPS Meeting
- Build up Sum-up Algorithm and Convexity Cut
- More Statistics for Algorithm Study
- Other To-do List
- Build 2nd Cut Algorithm (Hough Transform?)
- Estimate Efficiency (Compare to eye-scan?)
- Improve Microscope System
12Double-hypernucleus Events
13Cross section of K-p -gt KX-, K-n -gt K0X-
- If I(1) double K exchange or S resonance only,
- s1(K-n -gt K0X-) / s0(K-p -gt KX-) 4
- If I(0) L resonance, K-p is enhanced
- K-n-gtKX-, P1510, s1/22026
Phys. Rev. 147 p945
Phys. Rev. 179 p1262
14Hough Transform for Line
- r x cosq y sinq
- Non Infinite and Uniform
r x cosq y sinq
0ltrlt(X2Y2)1/2, 0ltqltp
15Evade Interlace and Binarize
- Refer even/odd line only when Binarize
- Binarize Method
- Simple Threshold
- Simple Mean
- Gaussian Weighted Mean
- Median
- Minimum/Maximum
16Light Adjust and Optimize Contrast
17Convexity Plot
Vertex Like
18Microscope System
- Standard System
- 100Hz CCD Camera
- 25x25cm2 Emulsion
- If x20 Lens and 5mm pitch for z
- gtgt 7day/emulsion
- Enable to analyze,
- but want Fast CCD
- and more Microscopes
19History of Image Processing
20Result of Figure Parameter Cut