Title: Dredgeup efficiency and mass loss with Zeffect:
Gil-Pons, Jordi Gutiérrez Enrique García-Berro
We have computed and analysed the evolution of
primordial stars of ZAMS masses between 5 and 10
M?, with and without overshooting (OV), up to the
early TP-(S)AGB. The initial mass limits for the
formation of CO, ONe degenerate cores and
core-collapse SNe after the main central burning
stages have been determined. The possible final
fates of the considered stars have been explored
in the frame of the existing uncertainties.
- 5 M?ltMlt10 M?, Z 0
- No OV, OV
- Gil-Pons et al (2007)
Our more massive models
The carbon burning phase with and without OV
Higher degeneracy in the case of no OV more
flashes and more violent ?
Our treatment of overshooting
Situation at the end of the main central burning
Stars that do not become directly SNe develop
the TP-(S)AGB phase as stars with larger Z
- Stellar envelopes do not get much extra pollution
- stellar winds are weak
- and the cores grow
Our calculations yield no third dredge-up with or
without OV
Is there time enough for the stars to lose their
envelopes bef-ore their cores reach MCh?
Convection near the base of the H-rich envelope?
- Dredge-up efficiency and mass loss with
Z-effect - Reimers (1975) prescription for mass loss or its
variation by Schröder and Cuntz (2005) favour the
formation of SNI1/2 the stellar envelopes remain
relatively massive when the cores reach MCh. - Vassiliadis Wood (1993) -not in the figures,
favour SNI1/2 even more strongly, as primordial
stars appear relatively compact. - Blöcker prescription allows the formation of
SNI1/2... but only for the lowest values of ?,
where ? represents the dredge-up efficiency
Mass loss Reimers (1975)
Mass loss Reimers (1975)
- Effects of Overshooting (OV) during the late
evolution - Both with and without OV SNI1/2 can form from
initial masses of 6 M?. The calculations have
been performed with ?0.7. When ?0.5 also the 5
M? star also ends as a SNI1/2. - NB These results have been obtained using and
adaptation of the expressions for R and L by
Izzard et al. (2004), Karakas et al. (2002). The
authors are working on formulae specific for the
Z0 case!
SNI1/2 ?
SNI1/2 ? WD ?
SNI1/2 how would they look like?
- OV decreases the initial masses that form ONe
cores and CC SNe about 1.5-2.0 M?. - Our calculations lead to insignificant third
dredge-up during the early TP-(S)AGB. - We have explored the possible final outcome of
our stars considering the effects of OV,
different mass-loss prescriptions and different
third dredge-up efficiencies. - The formation of SNI1/2 cannot be discarded!!!
- Mechanism of explosion ? like SNeIa
- But with thick H envelopes (SNII)