Duncan Calder in Perth, Australia – China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder Ex-KPMG, China Specialist & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Calder Duncan - China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder - China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder - Duncan Calder Perth, Australia. Duncan Calder China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder - China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
DuncanCalder – China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
China Transactional Services and Deals of Duncan Calder - Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practicein 2002 and was a highly visible and approachable leader of the Australia China Business Council as National President (2013–2014) and Western Australian State President (2007–2013).
Calder Duncan, China Specialist & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan - China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder Ex-KPMG, China Specialist & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Duncan Calder in Perth, China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
Calder – China Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.
How to Avoid Getting Ripped off in a Divorce - Duncan Calder How to Avoid Getting Ripped off in a Divorce - Could your spouse be hiding assets? Hiding assets during a divorce is sneaky and unethical – but it happens much more frequently than most people expect. Concealing money, property, and liabilities is illegal, but that doesn’t always act as a deterrent.
Navigating China - Duncan Calder, Managing Director of Contour Capital has extensive experience and a high quality network of associates that bring businesses deep expertise in helping them to deal with the critically important market of China
Navigating China - Duncan Calder, Managing Director of Contour Capital has extensive experience and a high quality network of associates that bring businesses deep expertise in helping them to deal with the critically important market of China.
Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder KPMG - Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder China - Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder Perth - Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder Contour Capital - Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
Duncan Calder Perth - Duncan Calder is Managing Director of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia between 1997 and 2014. Duncan founded and led KPMG Australia’s National China Business Practice in 2002.
DUNCAN CALDER ON THE 2019 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION THAT GERALDTON WANTS TO HEAR - Duncan Calder - At this time of the year, we each tend to reflect on our lives and make resolutions about what we want to change in the New Year. The people of the Mid West Region of Western Australia may well be hoping that Western Australian Minister Alannah MacTiernan makes her 2019 New Year’s Resolution to be to “Make Oakajee Happen.
The recent disappointing IPO of Ganfeng Lithium which fell 20 per cent on its first day of trade on the Hong Kong Exchange has had some commentators arguing that the future is looking dim for those seeking to develop lithium, cobalt and graphite projects to meet the supply demands of the burgeoning Electronic Vehicle (EV) market. For more info, visit at http://contourcapital.com.au/duncan-calder-china-specialist-argues-that-lithium-cobalt-and-graphite-have-a-bright-future/
Duncan Calder - Specialist, Ex-KPMG, & Direct of Contour Capital in Perth. Duncan Calder is a qualified Chartered Accountant has extensive financial and commercial experience and Calder was a partner with KPMG Australia and deals transactional services in China.