Title: EECSE Elective Night Presented by Eta Kappa Nu
1EE/CSE Elective NightPresented by Eta Kappa Nu
OutlineComputer Hardware/SoftwareElectronic
PhysicsSignal and Image ProcessingCommunications
Space Systems and Remote Sensing
2Note New Course Numbers! Not now, but soon!
Computer Hardware/Software ?
Electronic Design x10 Optics x20 Electrom
agnetics x30 Semiconductor Physics x40 Sign
al and Image Processing x50 Communications x6
0 Space Systems and Remote Sensing x70
Eta Kappa Nu
3Computer Hardware/Software
Eta Kappa Nu
4CSE 331Computer Organization and Design
- What is this course about?
- How computers work conceptually (HW/SW
interface), 431 is more specific
- How processors are made out of lots of CSE 271
logic components
- How assembly code instructions are executed by
hardware to run higher-level languages
- Where every 1 and 0 goes
- What skills are needed for this course?
- You should have done well in and enjoyed CSE 271
- Basic programming skills
- What is the workload like?
- This is a core course for CMPENG, so it is made
to be more difficult
- A few challenging and time consuming projects,
but you do them in pairs
- Weekly homeworks and quizzes took very little
- What is the instructor like?
- CSE stands for On your own
- The TA I had wasnt so hot
- I hear that the professor (Irwin) teaches well,
but she made very hard tests
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- 4 / 5
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
5CSE 418Computer Graphics
- What is this course about?
- How to represent 3D objects (points, lines,
planes) in computers
- Texture, lighting, shading
- Recent computer graphics research
- What skills are needed for this course?
- matricies!
- Multivariable calculus (Math 231)
- Programming C, Matlab
- What is the workload like?
- Homework every 2-3 weeks (moderately difficult)
- 4 Programming assignments time consuming but
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Yanxi Liu is very willing to help and show
the math behind graphics
- Interested in Research and showing students where
graphics is going
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Hw fairly easy only 1 midterm and 1 final but
programs can be challenging
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
6CSE 431 Computer Architecture
- Taken Fall 2005 with Dr. Irwin
- Great complement for those who enjoyed CSE 331
- Currently, the course covers all of the CSE331
- Focuses on pipelining, multiple processors, IO
systems, memory hierarchy and other topics in the
331 text not previously covered or in more
depth. - Currently requires projects on the SimpleScalar
Tool to study the effects of branch prediction,
limited resources and other issues when
programming for a processor. - About 6 homework assignments from the textbook,
midterm examination and a final on top of
programming projects (mentioned above)
- MUST understand CSE331 before preceding into this
- Is a mandatory undergraduate/graduate class in
- Difficulty ? ? ? ½
Eta Kappa Nu
7CSE 455 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
- What is this course about?
- This course covers basic floating point
arithmetic, matrix computation methods and
interpolation methods
- The point of this course is to learn efficient
algorithms for the above methods of analysis
- What skills are needed for this course?
- The required prerequisites are MATH 220, MATH
- Not much 230 is needed but there is a lot of
linear algebra (220)
- Should be comfortable in programming small
programs in MATLAB
- What is the work load like?
- HW depends on the instructor but can range from
once per week to 5 assignments over the entire
- Most homework assignments contain at least one
MATLAB problem
- Lectures were usually all in theoretical terms
but homework and exams were applied
- Typically 2 in class midterms and a final (all
open book and note)
- What is the instructor like?
- Different professors teach different semesters
and some can be more valuable than others.
- Some instructors prefer more programming
assignments than others
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Putting some time and effort into this class can
get you a B or A
- Difficulty rating ½
Eta Kappa Nu
8CSE 472 Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
- Taken Spring 2006 with Dr. Coraor
- Great complement for those who enjoyed assembly
programming in CSE 331
- The course covers the hardware and software
behind embedded systems.
- The class is taught around the Motorola 68HC12
- All programming and homework assignments are done
in a TExaS program. (Test Execute And Simulate).
This allows for easy coding, assembling,
debugging, and testing. The use of I/O devices
allow for easy interaction. - About 6-12 homework assignments (20), 2 midterm
examinations (25 each) and a final (30) make up
your final grade.
- Honors Section usually available in the Spring
- Dr. Choi also teaches the course, usually having
students work with a real microcontroller chip
that you must interface with, debug, and code
programs for. - Prereq for CSE 473
- Difficulty ? ? ? ½
Eta Kappa Nu
9CSE 451Numerical Computations
- What is this course about?
- How computer programs solve math problems (How
MATLAB works)
- Matrices, interpolation, ODE solutions
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Programming skills (primarily MATLAB)
- Comfort with MATH 140/141 Calculus topics
- What is the workload like?
- Homework assignment every 2-3 weeks, involves
- Work is very doable if you listen in class
- 1 Exam
- What is the instructor like?
- Ludmil Zikatanov is very good and helpful (from
MATH dept.)
- Name comes up in 70 papers on the topic, but
still very good at explaining
- Sometimes too theoretical
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- 2 / 5
- Difficulty Rating ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
10CSE 481Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1
- What is this course about?
- What is human intelligence and how can it be
emulated in a computer?
- Different types of knowledge models are studied.
- Different types of artificial intelligence
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Programming in C
- What is the workload like?
- Reading assignments due every class from one of 2
text books.
- 4 programming projects
- Quizzes which are almost weekly
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Steve Shaffer has a Ph.D. in Education and a
Masters in Computer Science.
- He knows information well and is successful at
making it real.
- He is very thought provoking and entertaining.
Leads good discussions
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Class, quizzes, and readings are easy. Programs
are challenging.
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
11Electronic Designx10
Eta Kappa Nu
12EE 311Electronic Circuit Design II
- What is this course about?
- Transistor circuits such as the current mirror,
differential amplifier, current sources, etc. in
both BJT and MOSFET configurations
- Some frequency response analysis
- Amplifiers (Class A, B, AB), op-amp analysis
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Familiarity with the basic operation of
transistors and MOSFETs (EE 310)
- Very small amount of PSpice
- What is the workload like?
- Weekly or bi-weekly homework sets
- 2 Midterms and a final
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Professor Wharton in Spring 2006
- 30 years experience in industry teaches about
practical things
- Nobody can out-tech his tablet PC
- Very, very organized
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Homework was fair, midterms were fair, final exam
was rough!
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
13EE 423/413Power Electronics
- What is this course about?
- This course introduces a number of different
converter configurations for AC-DC and DC-DC
- It also covers different Power Electronic Devices
and Semiconductor Devices.
- The course gives students a really good
understanding of Pulse Width Modulation
techniques and why they would be effective
- What skills are needed for this course?
- The ability to do double integration of given PWM
signals in order to find RMS and DC values.
- Some understanding of semiconductor devices does
- Good knowledge of EE 210/EE 310 is important for
this class, specifically diode analysis.
- What is the work load like?
- Dr. Hofmann has no midterms an optional final, 6
or 7 quizzes and homeworks throughout the
- Homework is very challenging and usually requires
visiting office hours.
- Quizzes get more and more challenging as the
semester goes on.
- There are 3 or 4 labs in the semester that are
fairly straight forward.
- What is the instructor like?
- Prof. Hofmann gives out notes and has students
fill in the examples that are worked in class.
- Concepts are introduced first and then a number
of examples are done. Learning on your own and
being able to apply concepts to unfamiliar
examples is a must. - Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Homework and quizzes tend to take a long time to
get back which can affect your performance.
- Getting all the points on the homework will
require frequent visits to office hours.
Eta Kappa Nu
14EE 447/416 Digital Integrated Circuits
- What is this course about?
- EE 447 covers the analysis and design of digital
integrated circuits.
- This course is a continuation of the last topics
in EE 310
- You will learn about the design factors and
constraints for a digital integrated circuits
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Knowledge of CSE 271/275 is helpful
- PSPICE is used to evaluate different types of
- What is the work load like?
- There are 2 exams and a final, with three
homework assignments and multiple labs
- The homework was collected at the end of the two
exams and final
- Labs were assigned every other week and completed
at your own time and will
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Riggio reads from the book for equation
details, but adds a lot of real world experience
to his lectures and to the topics.
- Dr. Riggio likes to make exams questions that are
from topics he has covered in class and not in
the book!
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
15EE 448/410Linear Electronic Design
- What is this course about?
- Detailed analysis of the 741 op-amp, current
feedback amps
- Non-ideal effects of bandwidth, slew rate,
temperature effects, etc.
- Study numerous application notes from industry
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Analysis (gain, input/output impedance, etc.) of
diff-amps, current mirrors, and various
transistor configurations (common emitter,
emitter follower, etc.) - Small signal transistor analysis including the
hybrid-pi model and Miller Effect
- Comfortable working in the frequency domain
- What is the workload like?
- Optional bi-weekly homework
- Bi-weekly quizzes (open-book) no midterms, one
final exam
- Weekly lab component NOT shown on eLion
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Professor Wharton in Spring 2007
- 30 years experience in industry teaches about
practical things
- Nobody can out-tech his tablet PC
- Very, very organized
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
16CSE 471 Logical Design of Digital Systems
- Taken Fall 2006 with Dr. Kyusun Choi
- Course is a fast paced version of CSE271 going
- Focuses on gate level implementation of logical
- Starts with K-maps and algorithms for K-maps
- Transistor level circuits of combinatorial logic
- Multiplexer and Decoder design in logical
- State machines, flip-flop design and primitive
gate design for sequential circuits
- Requires 6 VHDL projects (best 6 out of 7 marks
count) given about 2 weeks on each.
- Focuses wiring designs and creating test benches
for timing analysis
- Some of the later projects can require some
serious time for coding and debugging.
- Project build on each other to construct a simple
- Projects are done on your own PC so you dont
have to go to 218 IST!!!
- Periodic homework requires only a day for each
- Careful and correct work are emphasized on
homework and exams
- The exams come straight from the homework,
projects, and past exams. He will post a sample
exam which helps tremendously.
- There are pop quizzes but if you put your name on
the paper you will receive an 8/10
- Good course for the computer folks and those who
enjoyed CSE271
- 2 midterms and a final combined for 50 of the
Eta Kappa Nu
17CSE 477 VLSI Digital Circuits
- What is this course about?
- Learn how to build logic gates and elements
(NAND, NOR, Decoders, Memory) out of
- Gain experience using industry standard VLSI
layout tools
- Learn about the various trade-offs for digital
circuits such as speed, power, area, and cost
- Also discuss some contemporary topics in this
area 3D chip design, Silicon-On-Insulator,
High/Low-k Dielectrics
- What skills are needed for this course?
- You will need to use CSE department UNIX systems
for this class so some knowledge of the UNIX
operating system is helpful
- Knowledge of CSE 331 and CSE471. EE students can
petition to get into the course.
- Good CSE 271 and EE 310 skills are essential
(especially the EE 310 knowledge of MOSFETs for
digital logic).
- What is the work load like?
- The projects for this class take a bit time so
make sure you start them early or you will be
working long hours the night before the project
is due. - There is a semester long project where you work
in a team of 2. It is essentially a long
homework assignment which they break up into
pieces to make sure you dont procrastinate too
much. - What is the instructor like?
- Taken Spring 2007 with Dr. Xie. He has industry
experience (IBM) and relays relevant information
back from conferences he visits.
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
18EE 478/417Digital Design Using Field
Programmable Devices
- What is this course about?
- What are FPGAs and when to use them
- How to implement and optimize FPGA solutions
- The future of FPGAs
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Good understanding of digital design basics
(FSMs, FIFOs, Memory)
- HDL experience (Verilog is used in the course)
- What is the workload like?
- Labs are very hands on
- Plan on spending a lot of time in the lab
- Some reading
- What is the instructor like?
- Very knowledgeable
- Makes himself available for questions / eager to
- Provides many resources to expand on the course
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- No scheduled lab, but does require time outside
of class in the lab
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ? (4)
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu
20EE 320Introduction to Electro-optical Systems
- What is this course about?
- This course covers the basics of optical systems,
focusing on the interaction of waves with
- Lenses, lasers, diffraction, and other types of
interference are covered.
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Pre-requisite EE 330
- Phys 214 is extremely useful
- Non-complex math. Usually recognizing the correct
equation. Always aloud an equation sheet on
- What is the workload like?
- Weekly HW assignments
- No labs
- 3 exams and a final
- What is the instructor like?
- Multiple instructors teach class. Difficulty
varies with professor. Professor Zhang is easy to
listen to and has a lot of random outbursts to
keep you entertained and awake. - Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Homework assignments arent too time consuming.
Zhang prints all notes out for you and exams are
very straight forward. Interesting class and
worth taking to understand optics. - Difficulty Rating ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
21EE 412/421 Fiber Optic Communications
- What is this course about?
- This course covers the analysis of Fiber Optics.
- Topics include Communication (data rates, etc.),
Light propagation, Power Loss, and System
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 320, EE 350 and ESCI 314 are prerequisites.
Knowledge of EE 320 is very helpful
- The math is not very difficult, but covers a lot
of topics.
- EE 351 or 367 is helpful for some of the
communication topics.
- What is the work load like?
- Typically, weekly HW assignments (kind of long)
- Covers a lot of topics, and can get hard to keep
all together.
- Attendance and extra credit quizzes
- Typically 2 midterms and a final
- What is the instructor like?
- Not sure if there are several instructors. Dr.
Guo was very organized and knew the course
material well.
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Like most classes, if you are willing to put the
work in, you should be able to earn an A or B.
Not an easy class to blow off. Some of the work
took longer than expected.
Eta Kappa Nu
22EE 414/424 Principles and Applications of Lasers
- What is this course about?
- Design of lasers and optics used for lasers
- What skills are needed for this course?
- E E 330, E SC 400H, or PHYS 400 required
- Maxwell's equations, wave theory, complex
- Other optics courses helpful (EE 320, 412, 420)
- Math gets complicated, but usually simplifies
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly homework assignments
- Typically 2 midterms and a final. (Open
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. I.C. Khoo is currently teaching the course.
He is generally an easy grader. And most of the
grade is determined from exam scores.
- Dr. Andres Diaz has taught this course in the
past. His style is similar, with open-everything
exams and short homeworks, but grading is a
little tougher. - Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Theoretical parts can be difficult to understand
Eta Kappa Nu
23EE 420 Electro-Optics Principles. and Devices
- What is this course about?
- This main topics covered are Fourier Optics and
Diffraction Theory
- What skills are needed for this course?
- E E 320 is the only prerequisite, but knowledge
of EE 350 is very helpful.
- No circuits, but difficult math. The math can be
very complicated, but often there are patterns in
the math that make it easier.
- Good prep for EE 422 and other optics courses
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly HW assignments
- Typically 1 midterm and a final.
- What is the instructor like?
- Not sure if there are several teachers. Dr. Liu
is very knowledgeable on the subject material. He
doesnt put stuff on the tests that will catch
you off guard. He grades more on effort than
correctness. - Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- I think that most people that took this class did
well, but the material can be difficult to
understand. Essentially the course expands on EE
320 topics with mathematical reasoning. - Difficulty rating ? ? ? ½
Eta Kappa Nu
24EE 422 Optical Engineering Lab
- What is this course about?
- This course provides hands on experience with EE
320 and 420 topics.
- What skills are needed for this course?
- E E 320 is the only prerequisite, but knowledge
of EE 420 is very helpful.
- No circuit analysis, and the math is pretty easy.
- Lab writing is key
- What is the work load like?
- 6 Homework assignments
- 12 total labs, (about an hour each)
- Weekly lab report (not Graded) and 1 final lab
report of all labs
- Typically 2 midterms and a final.
- What is the instructor like?
- There are several teachers. Dr. Guo was very
organized and knew the course material well.
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- The topics covered are real easy to follow and
the labs move pretty fast, but there is a lot of
group work that needs to be done to be
successful. If youre willing to put the effort
in, the class is real easy and fun
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu
26EE 411/430Principles of Electromagnetic Fields
- What is this course about?
- Theory course covering electric and magnetic
fields, induction, transmission lines, waves and
a tiny bit on antennas
- Sort of a more in depth version of EE 330
- A must if you have a strong interest in
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Strong knowledge of vector calculus (MATH 230)
- Understanding of Maxwells Equations
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly homework
- Weekly quizzes (depending on instructor)
- Two midterms and a final, occasionally take home
(depending on instructor)
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Mathews talks a lot about Arecibo and drinks
Diet Pepsi
- Dr. Narayanan ?
- Dr. Pasko ?
- Difficulty assessment and rating
Eta Kappa Nu
27EE 432 UHF and Microwave Engineering
- What is this course about?
- This course covers the analysis and design of
transmission lines, amplifiers and antennas.
- The most important topic covered is the use of
S-Parameters and Smith Charts in the analysis
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 310 and EE 330 are prerequisites. Knowledge of
EE 330 is very helpful
- The math is not difficult, but there is some
circuit analysis.
- You learn to use a new program, Microwave Office
- Provides good experience for EE 402W
- What is the work load like?
- weekly HW assignments
- Lab by appointment with minimal write-up
- Design and presentation of an amplifier
- Typically 2 midterms and an optional final (open
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Carpenter usually teaches this course. He
provides a lot of past exams and homework
solutions for reference. As far as teaching goes,
he is best when answering specific questions. - Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
- What is this course about?
- The analysis of radiation from antennas and the
design of antenna arrays
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Strong knowledge of vector calculus (MATH 230)
- Understanding of Maxwells Equations
- Be comfortable with some complicated
- What is the work load like?
- Occasional homework (once every 2 to 3 weeks)
- One midterm (easy)
- One Final (harder)
- Two computer simulation projects
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Werner A bit absent minded, but puts a
stronger emphasis on mathematical detail
- Dr. Breakall Easy going, but leaves out a lot of
- Difficulty assessment and rating
Eta Kappa Nu
29Semiconductor Devicesx40
Eta Kappa Nu
30EE 418/441 Solid State Device Technology
- What is this course about?
- The course discusses the fabrication techniques
- This is a good course to take if you are
interested in learning about fabrication of
electronic devices and want to work in a clean
room, probably not a good course if you arent
interested in circuit fabrication - This course has a lot of material.
- What skills are needed for this course?
- ESC 314 and EE 310 are prerequisites for this
- There is a large lab component to this course, so
good lab note taking skills and report writing
skills are helpful
- What is the work load like?
- Homework assignments are graded and take some
- The lab portion of this course requires a lot of
- If you keep up with the material, the first exam
shouldnt be too bad, but the final is
comprehensive and by the end of the course there
will be a lot of material to know for the exam - What is the instructor like?
- The instructor and lab instructor for this course
are good.
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- The lab reports are graded tough
Eta Kappa Nu
31EE 419/442 Solid State Devices
- What is this course about?
- The course discusses the physics behind diodes,
- Derive equations for the different modes of
operations of these devices
- More in depth discussion than was covered in ESC
- What skills are needed for this course?
- ESC 314 is the prerequisite for this course, but
some EE 310 knowledge may be helpful too.
- I would take this course if you liked ESC 314 and
EE 310 and may also be interested in taking EE
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly homework assignments are not
- There are two quizzes through the semester and a
final. Quizzes count for 40 of your grade.
- Two special assignments worth 20 of your
- It is not required to do the homework, but it can
help. Keeping up with the course by doing the
reading and the homework is a good idea.
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Tadigadapa taught the course when I took it
and he was pretty good. Better at explaining the
material the instructor I had when I took ESC
314. - Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
32Signal and Image Processingx50
Eta Kappa Nu
33EE 351Discrete Time Linear Systems
- What is this course about?
- This course is similar to EE 350, except instead
of working in continuous-time, you work in
- It covers the Z-transform and the Discrete-Time
Fourier Transform. They are analogous the
Laplace transform and the Fourier Transform.
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 350 is a prerequisite. If you did OK in EE
350, you will succeed in EE 351.
- Involves a LOT of math
- You should know some MATLAB
- What is the workload like?
- Generally, there are weekly HW assignments, which
are challenging, but not like EE 350
- No labs, no recitations!!!!
- 2 midterms and a final
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Dr. Nickel in Spring 2006
- Very helpful, involves the class, excellent
ballroom dancer
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Homework was time-consuming, but exams were very
Eta Kappa Nu
34EE 453Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing
- What is this course about?
- The design of digital filters, the conversion of
analog filters to digital filters, some practical
implementation considerations and the Discrete
Fourier Transform - Details of a few FFT algorithms
- What skills are needed for this course?
- 351 material all of it!!!
- Discrete mathematics, and lots of it
- Strong MATLAB background
- What is the workload like?
- Weekly homeworks, all involving MATLAB in some
- 3-4 evening lab sessions
- 2 Midterms and a final (option to drop one
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Dr. Nickel in Fall 2006
- Much tougher than he was in 351, but still a good
prof, and still an excellent ballroom dancer
- Very helpful in office hours use them!
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Intense level of discrete mathematics and MATLAB
made the class very difficult
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ? 1/2
Eta Kappa Nu
35EE/CSE 485/454Digital Image Processing 1
- What is this course about?
- Image Processing techniques
- Smoothing and filtering images
- What skills are needed for this course?
- MatLab programming
- Simple Fourier transformations
- Matricies
- What is the workload like?
- Written Homework Assignments (every 2 3 weeks
or so)
- 4 Programming Assignments
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. William Higgins is very approachable and
willing to help.
- Offered me an internship working with his grad
students on Medical Imaging
- Offered for me to work with him in Grad School
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Material is visual - not some obscure theoretical
- Difficulty Rating ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
36EE/CSE 486/455Computer Vision
- What is this course about?
- Techniques in computer vision
- Stereo pairs (3d scene reconstruction)
- Video Tracking, Pattern Matching
- What skills are needed for this course?
- MatLab programming
- What is the workload like?
- Relatively Easy HW assignments (maybe 4 5 )
- 3 Programming Assignments (tough but rewarding)
- Exams manageable (Take home exam was difficult)
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Robert Collins also very approachable and
- Shows cool examples of how computer vision is/can
be used.
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Material can get very difficult but it is
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu
- What is this course about?
- The course covers the basics of both analog and
digital communication
- Topics covered Signal transmission, digital
communication systems (Sampling theorem,
quantization, bit rates, etc), analog
communication amplitude modulation (AM), angle
modulation (FM and PM). - What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 350 is a prerequisite
- Good math skills
- Knowledge of Fourier analysis
- What is the workload like?
- Heavy on theory no circuit design or labs.
- Two midterms and a final.
- Homework every week (at least with my
- Textbook written by Lathi (watch out for typos!)
- What is the instructor like?
- There are multiple instructors for the course.
- Dr. Wen (my instructor) was hard to understand
(language-wise) basically just copied the book
onto the board.
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- The course can be difficult if you have a bad
instructor. With some effort, it is definitely
- Difficulty Rating 3.5/4 ?s
Eta Kappa Nu
39EE 459/460 Communication Systems II
- What is this course about?
- Analysis of Communications Systems (AM, FM, PCM)
In Presence of Noise
- Combination of EE 367 Stat
- Great if you like the theory behind EE 367
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Good Working Mathematical Knowledge of AM, FM,
Digital Systems from EE 367
- Probability/Statistics (Reviewed Briefly)
- Laplace Transforms, EE 350 Concepts
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly Assignments Typical Lathi
- Heavy on Mathematical Theory
- What is the instructor like?
- Several Instructors. Doherty, Others
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Heavy on Theory Definitely Requires Some
Eta Kappa Nu
40EE/CSE 458/362 Communication Networks
- What is this course about?
- Introduction to the ins and outs of Communication
- Basic introduction to network engineering and
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Memorization
- Probability
- CSE 271 and EE 350/EE317 are Prerequisites
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly HW only a few problems usually taken
from the book
- 2 Exams and Final
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken Spring 2006 with Dr. Guohong Cao gives
good examples although lectures are straight out
of the book
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Exams can be hit or miss, but overall this course
is one of the least difficult 400 level CSE
electives Ive taken
- ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
41EE 497AFundamentals of Wireless Communication
- What is this course about?
- Statistical modeling of communication channels
and performance evaluations.
- Design of transmitters and receivers along with
digital modulation schemes.
- Standards in wireless communications (e.g.
802.11x and Cellular standards G2 and G3 ).
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 367 is a required prerequisite. However it
isnt overly dependent on it.
- Completion of Stat 418 is a definite plus but is
not a formal prerequisite (EE 459 covers both
- Mostly math and statistics, not much if any
circuit theory.
- What is the workload like?
- Homeworks come at random assigned times and can
take some time to complete but the professor
gives plenty of time to do them.
- One midterm exam and no final.
- The bulk of the course is a semester long
research project with a partner that can be
overwhelming if not kept on top of.
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Aylin Yener teaches from a strong
mathematical standpoint. With no official text
her office hours were a good place to go for help
with questions and assignments. - Lectures can be a little long but the material is
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Dont procrastinate and this course has no
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
42Space Systems and Remote Sensingx70
Eta Kappa Nu
43EE (AESP) (Nuc E) 490/471Introduction to Plasmas
- What is this course about?
- Particle motions
- Fluid description of plasmas
- Waves in plasmas
- Diffusion and resistivity
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Basic math (differential equations)
- What is the workload like?
- 10 homeworks (1 p. week)
- 4 Lab assignments
- 2 Mid-terms
- What is the instructor like?
- Very rigprous and knowledgeable
- Formal and available
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Intensive work load, but efficient learning
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ? 1/2 (4.5)
Eta Kappa Nu
44EE (AESP) 492/472Space Astronomy and
Introduction to Space Sciences
- What is this course about?
- Particle motions
- Plasma physics
- Solar physics
- Ionosphere
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Nothing special, but basic E-M and plasma physics
is useful
- What is the workload like?
- 4 homeworks
- 1 mid-term
- 1 final
- 1 project
- What is the instructor like?
- Informal, knowledgeable
- Not always able to make the class interesting
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Each homework is long and requires self driven
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? (3)
Eta Kappa Nu
45EE 433/473Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
- What is this course about?
- The course discusses remote sensing
- Learn about radar and lidar systems for mainly
determining information about the atmosphere
- Several applications to other fields such as
medical imaging, oceanography, geography, etc
- This course focuses more on the system aspect as
opposed to theory
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 330 is the pre-requisite however since
Meteorology majors take this course, there will
not be a large emphasis on EE 330 material
- Interest in the applications of EE 330 material
- If you have also taken EE 367, EE 320 or are
interested in taking EE 438 or EE 439 this course
should complement those well
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly HW assignments requiring quite a bit of
time some research required outside of class but
they are worth 50 of your grade
- A literature review / research paper / project is
worth 15 of your grade and you can do it on
anything you have an interest in. Can use
something similar from another class if it
applies - Two quizzes one during mid-semester and one
towards the end of the semester. Open
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Kane teaches this course and this is his
research area. He enjoys the material and wants
his students to enjoy it too.
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- This homework for this class is time-consuming,
but the quizzes are not too difficult if you
understand the homework.
- Difficulty rating ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
46EE 497F/474 Satellite Communications
Instructor Ellwood Brem Fall 2004
Semester Text Dr. Dennis Roddy, Satellite
Communications, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
2001. Price 100 Grading Po
licy Homework 10 / 5, Quizzes (announced)
15 / 10, Two Period Exams 50 / 30, Term
Project 25 / 20, Optional Comprehensive
Final Exam 0 / 20 Homework Average 6 Book Pro
blems every two weeks Took only about 1
2 hours to complete Quizzes Usually closed book
10 true/false/short answer or problem
Exams Open Book in class (50 minutes)
Final Did not take it, and t
rust me, you do not want to take it
Format 10 true/false/short answer or
problem, 3 workout problems Projects 3 or 4 pe
rson Groups - STK Software simulation and oral
or written report About 15 20 hours to
complete Lectures Half PowerPoint Presentation
with lecture notes posted online and half
board presentation Overall The lectures, home
work, and exams did align The course is
easy, interesting, and fun
Eta Kappa Nu
47Power Systemsx80
Eta Kappa Nu
48EE 365/387Energy Conversion
- What is this course about?
- This course serves as an introduction to
evaluation of real, reactive and apparent power.
- There is a heavy emphasis on three phase power
systems, and the evaluation of 3-phase lines and
- The course also introduces models for different
motor and machine configurations such as DC and
Induction motors.
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Basic understanding of circuit models is the only
real skill needed.
- If you did well in EE 210 and you enjoyed circuit
analysis this course should be enjoyable as
- What is the workload like?
- Workload depends on professor.
- Heath Hofmann has no midterms an optional final,
6 or 7 quizzes and homeworks throughout the
- Jeff Mayer has 2 midterms and a final and weekly
homework assignments.
- Guanghui Wang has approximately biweekly homework
assignments and occasional quizzes, with a
midterm and final.
- What is the instructor like?
- Prof. Hofmann gives out notes and has students
fill in the examples that are worked in class.
- This class is also taught by Jeff Mayer. It
is only offered in the spring
- This semester also taught by Guanghui Wang
Gives a copy of lecture notes, but no examples
are worked out in them
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Almost 50 of the students that take this course
are Architectural Engineers which gives EEs an
advantage. If you understand the homework and
put in the time this class can be really
rewarding. The homework is challenging and time
consuming however. - Difficulty rating ? ? 1/2 with Hofmann. ? ? ?
? with Mayer. ? ? with Wang.
Eta Kappa Nu
49EE 479D/487 Electric Machinery Drives
- What is this course about?
- Study of Variable Speed AC Drives, DC-AC
- Good Companion Course to EE 365, EE 423
- Very Practical if interested in Power Systems /
Energy Conversion
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Generally only Algebra (Maybe some Laplace) on
- Knowledge of 3 Phase Power, Machine Types,
Control Systems Helpful
- What is the work load like?
- Almost Weekly Assignments of practical nature
- Several labs using actual DC-AC Converters, 3
phase motors
- Open Book / Open Note Exams
- What is the instructor like?
- Hofmann Well Prepared Lectures, Very
- Prepared Handouts
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
Eta Kappa Nu
50Control Systemsx80
Eta Kappa Nu
51EE 428/380Linear Control Systems
- What is this course about?
- Classical control and feedback theory
- P, PI, PD, PID control systems
- Root locus and bode plot techniques using MATLAB
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Basic familiarity with MATLAB
- Prerequisites EE310, EE350 (though almost no EE
310 material is used)
- Laplace transforms, matrix algebra, results from
EE 350
- What is the workload like?
- Weekly homework assignments were very time
- 2 midterms and a final exam
- 3-4 labs over the semester
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Dr. Schiano in Fall 2006
- Usually late but makes up for it by talking and
chalking faster than anyone.
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
52EE 429/482Digital Control Systems
- What is this course about?
- This courses covers classical digital control
- What skills are needed for this course?
- EE 351 and 428 are prerequisites.
- Understanding basic control theory (429),
Z-transform, difference equations
- You should be familiar MATLAB/SIMULINK What is
the workload like?
- There are weekly HW assignments.
- 2 labs throughout the semester. In lab about 3-4
weeks of the semester.
- 2 midterms and a final
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Sznaier is really good (no longer at Penn
- Rumor has it Dr. Schiano teaches this class now
so it should still be a good class from my past
experiences with him.
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- Completing and understanding homework is a must
to pass this course.
- Difficulty rating ? ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
53Statistics Elective
Eta Kappa Nu
54Stat 418Probability
- What is this course about?
- Calculating probabilities
- Statistical calculus
- Moment Generating Functions (still dont know
what they are)
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Calculus!
- Logical Operations (intersection, unions)
- What is the workload like?
- Weekly homework - difficult
- Very difficult exams
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Richards is helpful if you approach him and
he wants you to do well.
- Very smart but not very good and getting our
minds to follow his.
- Difficulty Assessment (0-5)
- 5
- Difficulty Rating ? ? ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
55MATH 414 Intro to Probability Theory
- What is this course about?
- Mathematical theory underlying Probability,
derived combinatorics, discrete and continuous
random variables, derivation and use of
probability distributions. - What skills are needed for this course?
- Math 230 or 231 required, but hardly used (double
- Interest in games of chance helpful (poker,
craps, roulette)
- Good for Math minor Math 415 follow-on is
- Matlab stats or Minitab useful, but not required
(or HP 48/49)
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly homework assignments, fairly easy
- Typically 2 midterms final. (Calculator
Equation sheet)
- What is the instructor like?
- Prof. Yu Zhang
- Sometimes grad students, but quite knowledgeable,
good examples
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Takes a little more thinking, less number
crunching, not too difficult
Eta Kappa Nu
56PHYS 410Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- What is this course about?
- The basics of quantum mechanics (uncertainty
principle, operators, wavefunctions)
- Counts as a statistics elective
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Knowledge of differential equations and linear
- Willingness to work with counterintuitive
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly homework assignments (pretty challenging)
- 2 midterm exams and a final exam
- What is the instructor like?
- Dr. Mizel horrible when he taught PHYS 211,
supposedly excellent for this course
- Dr. Owen wears crazy tie dyed shirts
- Difficulty assessment and rating
- Difficulty rating
Eta Kappa Nu
57Senior Design
Eta Kappa Nu
58EE 403W Senior Project Design
- What is this course about?
- Project oriented design course
- Basically, you choose something you want to
- Funded by YOU!
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Ability to give presentations and write reports
- Any practical knowledge (programming
microcontrollers) helps
- What is the work load like?
- One cookbook lab and report
- Two quizzes
- Numerous design presentations and reports
- Outside of class meetings with your group
- What is the instructor like?
- Taken with Dr. Riggio in Spring 2007
- Only moderately helpful has a thing for
padstacks and gerber files
- Difficulty assessment and rating
59EE 402W Senior Project Design (Electromagnetics)
- What is this course about?
- Project oriented design course with focus on
- Basically, you design some sort of patch antenna
- Good complement to 432 or 497C
- What skills are needed for this course?
- Ability to give presentations
- Prior knowledge of antennas is helpful but not
- What is the work load like?
- Four homework problems
- One exam
- Two group design presentations
- Two labs
- What is the instructor like?
- Taught by Dr. Carpenter
- Doesnt really go into theory, less emphasis on
grades, really likes to talk about Zen and the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Difficulty assessment and rating
Eta Kappa Nu
60EE 403W Senior Design Project
Industrial Strength
- What is this course about?
- An industry sponsor needs something interesting
- Design a solution, follow the plan, meet the
specs, present it
- Make regular reports, focus on designing then
- What skills are needed for this course?
- English 202C
- At least two EE electives
- Self-starter mentality
- What is the work load like?
- Weekly status reports
- Original design plans
- Presentations (Powerpoint, final presentation at
- What is the instructor like?
- Lots of flexibility
- Emphasis on professionalism
- Difficulty assessment and rating (0-5)
- Time consuming
- Difficulty of project depends on approach and
team members
- ? ? ?
Eta Kappa Nu
61Thanks for coming!