new information is required to be retrieved from a new backend application? Integration Concepts ... Batch Processing Integration. Batch Processing Benefits ...
The precision (error in position) epos after a particle has undertaken track length s ... The minimum ratio of epos / s along particle's trajectory ...
is an evolving metadata standard intended for the exchange of ... Cambridge, USA. MIT. Spectral, eulerian. T42 L26. CCSM-CAM3. Boulder, USA. NCAR. N96 L38 ...
Si is oxidised by oxygen or steam at high temperature according to the following ... Wafer cleaning station. Wafer load station. Process automation. Vertical ...
New reader to mix HIJING and PYTHIA. Based on UA1 cone finder algorithm ... 2 algo comparison in JETAN. 100 GeV Gamma/Jets simulated. Jets in EMCal acceptance ...