Title: Jet reconstruction with neutrals from full simulation
1Jet reconstruction with neutralsfrom full
Magali Estienne IPHC Strasbourg
EMCal Meeting - Frascati March 13. 2007
2The actual jet finder package JETAN
More information on JETAN see M. L. Noriegas
talk in Bologna June 2006
- Pythia events
- New reader to mix HIJING and PYTHIA
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
3Role of EMCal in jet reconstruction
Case of a monochromatic 100 GeV jet generated by
PYTHIA Cone size for reconstruction Rc 0.4
In the EMCal acceptance
- - Improves the resolution for jet reconstruction
- Trigger jets
Monochromatic 100 GeV jets
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
4Physical information from EMCal
- AIM merge TPC/ITS and EMCal information
- In TPC/ITS information from particle tracks
(px, py, pz, E) - gt Previously filled in a fMomentumArray
- In EMCAL information from digits or clusters
(eta, phi, Eintegrated) - gtTPC and EMCAL information filled in a SAME
ARRAY fUnitArray
- Limited to EMCal acceptance - Extended to work
on all the TPC acceptance
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
5The jet finder in practice
- Previously, the philosophy of the code was the
following - for each new event in the system (ITS/TPC), a
fMomentumArray TLorentzVector object was filled
with px,py,pz and E - all the track information per event was then
stored in a ?-? grid which was a Lego plot
TH2D object - then, the information was dumped from the histo
into cells. These cells were then given to the
UA1 jet-finder
- To merge the (ITS/TPC) and EMCal information,
creation on a new TObject called fUnitArray which
is directly filled with all the particle
information per event. Should avoid - 1 to use an intermediate
fMomentumArray - 2 to use an intermediate histogram
- 3 (maybe) to loose information
because of possible detector dead-zones - Given the particle ID in a Grid, ?, Dh, ?, Df, E,
flags, px, py, pz can be stored for all
particles in both TPC and EMCal per event
- Main modifications/additions
- In the reader
- 1 new class to set the desired grids only one
time at the beginning AliJetGrid - new classes of TTask type to read information
from tracks or digits or clusters - AliJetFillUnitArrayTracks, AliJetFillUnitArrayEMC
ALDigits, AliJetFillUnitArrayEMCALClusters - In the finder
- Two technics kept
- 1 class added to use Selector structure
AliJetSelector Analysis framework
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
6Class relationships
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
7Set an initial grid
New/modified classes (I)
- AliJetGrid
- 2 types of grid can be setted to deal with
different binnings - extended to include detector dead-zones
- Functions included
// Getter Int_t GetMatrixIndex(Int_t iphi, Int_t
ieta) Int_t GetIndexIFromPhi(Double_t
phi) Int_t GetIndexJFromEta(Double_t eta) Int_t
GetIndex(Double_t phi, Double_t eta) Void
GetIJFromIndex(Int_t index,) Void
GetEtaPhiFromIndex(Int_t index, ) Int_t
GetNEntries() Int_t GetIndexFromEtaPhi() //
Binning given by the function
TowerIndexFromEtaPhi() or by an other grid
Binning given by the grid initially declared
- In progress fill two full grids and then think
how to merge them - Effect of different cell sizes on finder
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
8A fUnitArray object
New/modified classes (II)
- AliJetUnitArray (AliJetFinderTypes)
- - All the quantities stored from different
detectors are in the same units - Its size number of EMCAL towers TPC bins
- (gt Recently extended in order to work on
all detectors) - The following quantities can be setted in or
taken from the Array - - Digit(/Cluster)/Track h
- - Digit(/Cluster)/Track f
- - Digit(/Cluster)/Track Energy
- - Digit/Cluster/Track ID
- - Detector flag, Cut flag, In/Out jet flag
- - Bin Size Dh, Df
- - Track label
- -
- With the functions
- SetUnitEta(), SetUnitPhi(), SetUnitEnergy(), etc.
- GetUnitEta(), GetUnitPhi(), GetUnitEnergy(), etc.
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
9For hadron correction
New/modified classes (III)
- In order to avoid double counting between TPC
tracks selected and EMCAL digits or clusters gt a
hadron correction has to be applied. - The following classes have been added
- AliJetHadronCorrection, AliJetHadronCorrectionv0
and AliJetHadronCorrectionv1
Study with simulations in progress -
Simulation of p/- and p/p in precise (eta,phi)
locations - Eta/Energy mapping and
parametrisation of the detector phase space -
After track matching, extract correction factor
to be applied - Can be improved with PID
- Try other technics
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
10Fill charged neutral information
New/modified classes (IV)
- Flag added to choose the detector configuration
- 2 alternatives
- switch in the function FillMomentumArray() which
calls the functions FillUnitArray directly
included in the class AliJetESDReader - switch in the function FillMomentumArray() which
calls objects of TTask type where the object
fUnitArray is filled
// Fill information from TPC tracks from
ESDs void FillMomentumArray(Int_t event) //
Fill information from TPC and EMCAL from
ESDs void FillUnitArrayFromTPCTracks(Int_t
event) void FillUnitArrayFromEMCALHits(Int_t
event) void FillUnitArrayFromEMCALDigits(Int_t
event) void FillUnitArrayFromEMCALClusters(Int_t
event) void InitUnitArray() // Correction of
hadronic energy virtual void SetHadronCorrection(I
nt_t flag) virtual void SetHadronCorrector(AliEMC
ALHadronCorrectionv1 corr) // For EMCAL digit
calibration Virtual Float_t Calibrate(Int_t amp,
Int_t cellId) Void Exec(Option_t option)
New classes
M.E. 13/12/2006
11Other comments
New/modified classes (V)
// Find jets functions void FindJetsTPC() //
Previous FindJets() which is using the
fMomentumArray //
filled to fill then dump a fLego plot.
// It has to be called when
looking for jets in TPC/ITS
// acceptance void FindJets() // New
function which is directly using a fUnitArray to
give // the jet finder
code the desired values
other minor changes in classes
- For the moment, fMomentumArray kept but I will
not use it anymore to fill the fUnitArray object
to gain time - fUnitArray technics takes more time than
fMomentumArray but in PbPb it should diminish - fUnitArray more convenient to store information
flags, eta, phi, P, E, in/out jet - AliJetSelector structure implemented as well as
the Andreis Analysis framework.
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
122 algo comparison in JETAN
100 GeV Gamma/Jets simulated Jets in EMCal
acceptance Pythia pp evts _at_ 5.5TeV Jet finder
parameters Pt cut 2. GeV R 0.4 MinCellEt
0. Et seed 4. GeV MinJetEt 14 GeV Fake jets
Good agreement
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
13W/o and W EMCal
- Gamma-jet simulation - Jets in EMCal
acceptance - Fake jets removed
Mean energy increases compared to TPC alone BUT
RMS increases !!!
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
14Resolution still too bad
Energy (GeV)
Energy (GeV)
Emean 64.2/-0.6 Resolution 47
Emean 67.8/-1.1 Resolution 42
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
15Reasons for bad resolution and mean energy
I am trying to identify possible sources of
- Related to my code and the way I fill the
fUnitArray - Step by step check of the code from the digit in
Reco to the ESDs - Related to the way digits are stored in ESDs
there was a problem (digit ID higher than the
number of digits in EMCal). Aleksei has worked on
it. - AliRoot HEAD installed and production of 10000
Gamma-Jets (100GeV) events and 10000 100 GeV jets
events. - Bug fixed but worth resolution than before !!!
- Related to hadron correction
- Should have minor effect
- Related to the physics itself ?
- Strategy start to understand what is going on
on simple cases - gt Simulation of 100 GeV p0 in EMCal acceptance
- gt Simulation of 100 GeV g in EMCal acceptance
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
16100 GeV g in EMCal acceptance
Too high energy Counted twice ?
Simulation of 2500 events with 1 g emitted inside
the EMCal acceptance Reconstruction of 2370 gs
No more double counts
EMCal only
Tracks responsible for double energy count
TPC only
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
Small differences !
Charged electron from double decay or conversion
? Double count of electrons ?
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
18Remove (true) matches
- True match if track label cluster primary
index - Remove matches by looking at true matches
- It removes high pt  jets reconstructed
All particles
Matches removed
- How to proceed in true life ?
- 1 Do track matching
- Test of Alberto's track matching code
- 2 Identify electron with p/E cut g
invariant mass ? - 3 Remove their double energy contribution
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
19My to Do list !
- Questions to be solved
- Improve the resolution and the mean jet energy
reconstructed - - Check the code step by step
- - Identify problems with simple event cases
- - Cut on electrons
- Hadron correction to be correctly done with
the new EMCAL geometry - gt in progress but need to obtain first good
resolution - Make the code independent on AliEMCALGeometry
- gt class AliJetGeoDummy will be implemented if
possible using TGeoManager. - Run on the coming Jet-Jet, Gamma-Jet productions
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
21The cone algorithm
1. Estimate ETbkgd per cell from all cells 2.
Sort cells in decreasing ET 3. Until change in
Ebkgd between 2 iterations is smaller than a set
threshold - Clear the jet list and flag
cells outside a jet - jet-finding loop for
each cell, from the highest cell energy. If
Ei-Ebkgd gt Eseed and if the cell is not flagged
as being inside a jet
From Mercedes Lopez-Noriega
- Set the jet-cone centroid to be the center of
the jet seed cell - Using cells with ?(hi-h)2(fi-f)2 lt Rc of the
initial centroid, calculate the energy weighted
centroid - Repeat until difference between iterations
shifts less than one cell. - Store centroid as jet candidate.
- Recalculate background energy using information
from cells outside jets.
- Parameters
- - Mininum pT for tracks or energy for digits
- - cone radius Rc, Eminseed for the seed, Eminjet
for a jet
- Input list of cells in an h-f grid sorted in
decreasing cell energy Ei
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
22Background estimation methods in the cone
Statistical method an average background energy
is obtained from N jet-free events Cone method
the energy in all grid cells outside the jet cone
is added and scaled with the inside/outside cone
area ratio Ratio method ratio of the average
energy in the grid with a pT-cut to the one
without a pT-cut. Event by event, the background
energy is estimated by multiplying the average
background energy of the event without pT-cut
with the calculated ratio
Cone area
Background area
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
23Compare with the ALICE PPR II
Fake jets removed
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
24Simulation in full TPC Acceptance
Simulation in f2p and hlt0.5
Simulation in f2p and hlt0.5 BUT jets
reconstruction in the EMCal acceptance
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati
25Compare fMomentumArray/fUnitArray with TPC/ITS
In order to compare algorithms with a
fMomentumArray filled and a fUnitArray filled, a
cut on h (hlt0.5) and f has been introduced
before the candidate track selection to compare
quantities in the EMCal acceptance.
-gt 400 evts simulated -gt Only TPC -gt 104-125 GeV
Jet multiplicity
No lego
EMCAL acceptance in h
EMCAL acceptance in f
Jet energy
Need to generate more events for better comparison
M.E. 03/13/2007 EMCAL Meeting - Frascati