Alexander the Great (r. 336-323) Succeeded his father, Philip II at age 20 ... Alexander's army resisted further advance. Returned to Babylon, planned next ...
... great part by Rome's exposure to the concepts of the Epicureanism and Stoicism. The most renowned Roman supporter of Epicureanism was Lucretius (98-55 BC) who ...
Athenians still created plays, but the plays of the Hellenistic Era were about love and relationships II. Philosophy Epicurus, the founder of Epicureanism, ...
... by Greek leaders the new empires and their interest in commerce. New cities ring Mediterranean and become ... New trends: Epicureanism and Stoicism. ...
Will Durant said all civilizations inevitably move from Stoicism to Epicureanism ... In the fall you began Rosh Hashanah which is the Feast of Trumpets, the ...
Hellenistic Culture. Greek cultured blended with Egyptian, Persian and Indian influence. Koine was spoken language. Trade and Cultural Diversity. A. Alexandria ...
... was to be gained in withdrawal from the world. Often corrupted into hedonism. Stoicism. Based on Socrates' teaching. Taught. A. Simplicity=duty(Roman change) ...
Hellenistic Philosophy: Cynicism True freedom arises from realizing that if one wants nothing, then one will never lack anything. Isolation from the society
Pierre Gassendi and the Void ... Atheism, mortality of soul ... All of them have much that is of value and worthy of being learned once the errors are eliminated and ...
and it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living pleasantly. ... 'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' Paul's philosophy of ...
... Eratosthenes Measurement of the Size of the Earth Mathematics and Physics Euclid: mathematician who wrote Elements Basis ... 50 Named Alexandria Slide ...
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. by William Shakespeare. The Setting. Where? Ancient Rome ... Shakespeare uses Roman customs and superstition to create suspense ...
... Points 300 Name two of the famous Greek mathematicians Athens and Sparta Points 300 Euclid- geometry Pythagoras- Pythagorean theorem ... Jeopardy Philosophy ...
(323 BCE = Death of Alexander) (146 BCE = Conquest by the Romans) Alexander the Great ... The fragmentation of Alexander's empire into three kingdoms: Kingdom of ...
The Decline of the City-State & the rise of the Hellenistic Age The Peloponnesian Wars (431 404 BCE) Alexander the Great (r 336-323 BCE) I m indebted to my ...
334 Invasion of Asia Minor. Several major battles vs. Darius III ... Astrology became an organized system. Hellenistic Jews. Rejected syncretism and cults ...
... revolted against them The shared rule in Anatolia with Pergamum Egypt fell the Ptolemies, whose last ruler was Cleopatra These kingdoms warred against, ...
Chapter 5, Section 4 The Spread of Greek Culture Section Introduction This section describes the spread of Hellenistic culture in the wake of Alexander s empire and ...
... expanded the role of the Assembly and created the Council of Five Hundred, whose members were chosen by random or lot ... architects and sculptors ...
Art glorifies sport not warfare. Mediterranean Trade routes. Tidal ... 'Dark Ages' 300 Years of Post War Depression. No Unity. Age of Homer. Iliad and Odyssey ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Valued Customer Last modified by: lnd Created Date: 3/8/1999 4:42:31 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
What is the nature of creation/the physical universe? ... (11:114). Salvation by own effort (40:9 ... or did God plan all along for the Passion of the Christ for ...
Hellenistic Civilization. After Alexander's death his empire was divided into three parts. Each part was ruled by one of his generals or their descendants. ...
THE HUMAN JOURNEY. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON. Greece's ... Trade routes to China, India, Arabia. Women won new property rights, appeared more often in public ...
While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed ... Stoicism. Things we. believe in. common. Beliefs in Common. The pursuit of truth is virtuous. ...
Anti-intellectual, what could be known is available ... 'Occam's razor.' God's existence based on faith, not through nature. ... What is Occam's razor? ( p. 83) ...
Comparitive Theology and World View of Christianity and World Religions Key Theological Questions What is the nature of God? What is the nature of creation/the ...
Natural but not necessary (intercourse/aphrodisia distinguished from love/eros) ... The guide for the natural law' of the world. Zeno of Citium (334 - 262 BC) ...
Ayn Rand's View of Self-Development ... Rand's Productive Work. The means to self-development. Must be chosen ... enough to follow Epicurus or Rand? ...
Democracy and religion, from Aeschylus to Euripides. Dialectic between public and private religion, ... The Sophists were creatures of Athenian democracy ...
Nous ('mind' or 'higher soul'; later 'rational soul') Thymos (roughly 'will' ... The nous belongs to the intelligible world. The nous is able to remember that ...
Alexander the Great, and Hellenism Macedonia Macedonians were culturally and ethnically related to the Greeks Actually looked upon as sort of barbarian cousins ...
One of the grandest Roman structures was the Pantheon which ... wealth of information, but unfortunately much of it is based upon false scientific beliefs. ...
Latin and Greek Elements in English Lessons 1 and 2: Overview of Greek Civilization Prehistory Indo-European Invasions earliest known inhabitants are the mysterious ...
QC 3: What cultural changes marked the end of the dark Age of Greece? ... Darius invades Greece, 1st Persian War Battle of Marathon 490 BC, Leonidas and the ...
... asceticism Popes, cardinals, archbishops, etc. Apologetics and World Religions ARS ... philosophical essays ... Greek World Views B. Christianity: ...
Title: Roots of Western Philosophy Author: Karel Last modified by: XY Created Date: 7/23/2005 3:37:42 PM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Bell Ringer: Based on what you already know about the influences of Geography on people and the development of civilizations, be prepared to discuss how the following ...
... and during the Actium War, greatest naval battle of that time, Marc Antony was defeated. Antony and Cleopatra fled and committed suicide, twins were killed by ...
The 'modern' period in Western philosophy began in the seventeenth century ... and human nature in particular, to be understood as the creations of God? ...
The classic phrase still widely used to sum up utilitarianism is 'the greatest ... Cars are good for transport. Money is good for sustenance. Food is good for ...
The Life of James Bond Stockdale What we know as the Enchiridion of Epictetus can be a powerful consolation and support to people undergoing the severest trials.
Greece The Golden Age Agenda 6.3 Outline Outline A. Philip of Macedon 1. 359 B.C. he becomes king of Macedonia after being captive in Thebes as a youth.