Heterogeneous information system and resource Interoperability is a major ... Lewis Hart (AT&T) Marc Ehrig (University of Karlsruhe) Guest Speakers ...
Decided to work on resource collection and development for NE ... added tokenisation post-processing, new lexicon for POS tagger and new gazetteers ...
Unannotated Data 2. 250 Conference CFP. WWW. PASCAL. PASCAL. Annotation Slots. 100.0% 2.3 ... Same as Task1 but can use the 500 unannotated documents ...
Semantic Annotations in the Archaeological Domain Andreas Vlachidis, Ceri Binding, Keith May, Douglas Tudhope STAR Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources
Partial Dependency Parsing for Irish Elaine U Dhonnchadha & Josef Van Genabith Aims of the Research To be able to parse and/or chunk unrestricted Irish text To ...
added tokenisation post-processing, new lexicon for POS tagger and new gazetteers ... Used Hepple tagger but substituted Cebuano lexicon for English one ...
CSA3200: Adaptive Hypertext Systems Lecture 10: Evaluation Methods Dr. Christopher Staff Department of Intelligent Computer Systems University of Malta
If a test collection existed for AHS (like TREC) what might it look like? ... is one of the criticisms of the TREC collections, but it does allow systems to ...
Development of the collimator response of gas slit camera of MAXI ... of Japanese Experiment Module dubbed 'Kibo' of International Space Station (ISS) ...