Title: FuzzyNeuro System for Bridge Health Monitoring
1Fuzzy-Neuro System for Bridge Health Monitoring
- Lakshmanan Meyyappan (Laks)
2Birds Eye View
- Objective
- Overall System
- Experimental Setup
- Fuzzy Logic Decision System (Clustering)
- Neural Network Prediction System (BP)
- Research Findings
- Future Work
- The main goal is to develop a practical
real-time structural health monitoring system
using smart systems engineering concepts and
42. Overall System
53. Experimental Setup
- Data Type
- Data Acquisition Method
- Experiment
- Data Analysis
63.1 Data Type
- Acoustic or ultrasonic
- X-radiography
- Eddy-currents
- Microwaves
- Magnetic fields
- Thermal fields
- Vibration Signatures
- Many more
73.1.1 Real Time Analysis Requirements
- It must be a non-destructive evaluation (NDE)
technique - It should be able to monitor the structure on a
global basis - It must not cause any disruption to the normal
operation of the structure - The equipment used for collecting data should not
be bulky, must be easy to replace and must be
reliable - Initial and operating costs should not be very
high - It must be sensitive and must be able to detect
small damages
83.1.1 Vibration Signatures
- The basic premise of vibration based structural
health monitoring is that damage in the structure
or change in its physical properties (i.e.,
stiffness, mass and/or damping) will, in turn,
alter the dynamic response of the system
93.2 Data Acquisition Methods
- The Structure has to be excited by some means to
collect vibration data - Measured Input Excitation Methods
- Step Relaxations
- Shakers
- Ambient Excitation Methods
- Test Vehicle Method
103.2.1 Test Vehicle Method
- Advantages
- Realistic
- Easy to collect (not as tedious as the measured
input excitation methods) - Does not cause damage to the structure
- Normal operation of structure is possible
- Disadvantages
- The collected data depends on the type of test
vehicle, traffic on the bridge, speed of the
113.3 Experiment
123.4 Data Analysis
- Pre-Processing
- Feature Selection
- Signal processing
- Data Cleansing
133.4.1 Pre-Processing
143.4.2 Feature Selection
- Feature selection involves condensing the data
and finding out a distinguished feature that can
be used as an input to a tool, which would
analyze the data and detect damage. - Peak
- Mean
- Median
- Mode
153.4.3 Signal Processing
- Processing the raw data to get some useful
information (Also reduces the dimension of the
data) - Fourier Transform
- Sampling and Quantization
- Power Spectrum
163.4.3 Signal Processing
173.4.4 Data Cleansing
- Data cleansing is the process of selectively
choosing data to accept for, or reject from the
feature selection process. - Power Spectrum Peak Values
18Why Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks
- Fuzzy logic and neural networks are used to make
the predictions because of their inherent
robustness and their abilities to handle
nonlinearities and uncertainties in structural
behavior - Conventional decision making systems and control
systems rely on the accuracy of the modeling of
the system dynamics. A fuzzy system does not
require accurate dynamic modeling
194. Fuzzy Logic Decision System
- Damage Detection
- Goal
- Fuzzy Clustering
- Fuzzy Output
204.1 Damage Detection
- Interesting Facts on Extensive Analysis
- Vibration Value ( Power Spectrum Peaks) vary with
speed and mass of the vehicle, and few other
parameters like the temperature. - All these relations are non linear
- Even though vibration varies with a number of
parameters, the pattern, that is, its relation
with a different member remains the same
214.1 Damage Detection
- For simplicity of explanation the data collected
with the sensors attached to the above five
locations are used.
224.1 Damage Detection
234.1 Damage Detection
- Relationship between the members remains
the same that is member 3 has the highest power
spectrum value in all of the above cases followed
by member 1, 5, 4 and 2 respectively
244.1 Damage Detection
- At all different conditions the relationship
between the members remains the same that is
member 3 has the highest power spectrum value in
all of the above cases followed by member 1, 5, 4
and 2 respectively -
- This is true for any number of members
- Advantage
- Independent of all other conditions like speed,
mass, type of the vehicle.
254.2 Fuzzy Logic Decision System
- Goal
- To take power spectrum values of various members
as input and predict a possible damage -
- Method
- Fuzzy Clustering (Fuzzy C-Means)
264.3 Fuzzy Clustering
- Data Clustering
- Fuzzy Clustering
- Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)
274.3 Fuzzy Clustering
Input Data Power spectrum values obtained from
5 specific members Clusters 3 Clusters are
formed Output 5 members clustered in 3 groups
284.3 Fuzzy Clustering
- 90 Success
- Different Members
- Different test vehicle
- Different Speeds
294.4 Fuzzy Output
- Output
- The bridge is perfect
- The members 2, 3 may be damaged
- This output is fed to the neural networks.
305. Neural Network Prediction System
- Goal
- To make the final prediction on the condition of
the bridge - Inputs
- Fuzzy logic system output
- Speed of the vehicle ( Speed Gun output)
315. Neural Network Prediction System
- Input 100 Data Points (speed)
- Target 100 Data Points (Power
Spectrum Peak Value) - Algorithm Back Propagation (LM Method)
- Layers 2 Layers 15 1
- Transfer
- Functions Tansig Purelin
- Error Rate 1e-8
- Max Epochs 1500
325. Neural Network Prediction System
335. Neural Network Output
- The Member N is Fine
- The Member N has Small Damage
- The Member N has Medium Damage
- The Member N has Large Damage
346. Research Findings
- Real-time Health Monitoring
- Global Monitoring
- NDE Technique
- Simple, Low Cost and Reliable
357. Future Work
- Finite Element Analysis for simulating damaged
member data - Different Fuzzy Clustering Techniques