Professor Ramaz Gakhokidze - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Professor Ramaz Gakhokidze


Application of New Ecologically Pure Bioorganic Methods in the Agriculture Professor Ramaz Gakhokidze Head of Department of Bioorganic Chemistry of Tbilisi State ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Professor Ramaz Gakhokidze

Application of New Ecologically Pure Bioorganic
Methods in the Agriculture
Professor Ramaz Gakhokidze Head of Department of
Bioorganic Chemistry of Tbilisi State
University, Georgia Academician of International
Engineering Academy State prize Winner E-mail
  • Providing by food the growing population of our
    planet demands to carry out the following
  • 1. Constant perfection of agricultural system
    management and technological processes.
  • 2. Intensification of soil cultivation by
    application of effective, complex factors.
  • 3. Reproduction growth and rational usage of
    soil fertility.
  • 4. Revelation of maximal potential facilities of
    the plants by using of bioorganic methods.
  • Nowadays the scientists are trying to solve the
    problem of world food supplies by help of the
    first three items.
  • We consider the fourth item suggested by us as an
    efficient way of productivity increase and
    augmentation of qualitative characteristics of
    agricultural produce.

  • A basic reason of ecological crisis is an
    imperfection of technology of agricultural
    production intensification. Agricultural
    production today is based on the application of
    fertilizers and pesticides which is one of the
    basic reason of environment pollution.
    Environment pollution causes a damage of genetic
    apparatus, to which are connected not only
    hereditary diseases, inborn deformities,
    malignant tumors, but such illnesses, as
    cardiovascular, neural, digestive system, immune
    and other ones. With the increase of pesticides
    application there were risen a number of mentally
    retarded children. By data of USA ministry of
    health explains the population death-rate
    increase, hypertension, cancer and cirrhosis by
    environment pollution with pesticides and other
    harmful substances. This is the greatest danger
    which threatens to mankind.
  • Unfortunately, today it is impossible to refuse
    the chemicalization in agriculture. The use of
    chemicals in agriculture nowadays does not
    guarantee the high quality and safety of the
    product. Foodstuff safety is duty of state.
    Improvement of existed situation from position of
    environment protection is possible by reduction
    till minimum of negative influence of
    chemicalization of agriculture.

  • One of the direction of solving of this problem
    is the application of bioregulators. Tens of
    billion of dollars are spent by the firms on
    creating of new regulators. In spite of this,
    these preparations are far from being perfect.
  • On the basis of a new scientific discipline -
    agrobioorganic chemistry, on the basis of natural
    products we created non-toxic bioregulators of a
    new type bioenergyactivators, which have no
    analogies. They enable to receive ecologically
    pure, rich harvest of high quality and increase
    immunity through the augment of vital potential
    in plants by minimal chemicalization and to use
    land to the maximum and efficiently, that is of
    special importance for countries having
    insufficient arable land. Nowadays, there is no
    remedy in the world which can increase
    productivity of agricultural crops and at the
    same time simultaneously grow green mass and
    qualitative indices.

  • Bioenergyactivators are regulators of a new
    generation, which principally differ from
    well-known chemical remedies and enable to manage
    endogenous (self) regulatory systems of plants.
    They have been used for cultivation of cereals,
    melons and vegetables. The crop capacity has been
    increased significantly yielding ecologically
    pure products. At the same time, composition of
    protein, limited amino acids, vitamins,
    microelements and other bioactive compounds
    grows in fruit. For instance, vitamin C in maize
    increases by 50 , lysine by 80 , iodine by 960
    , selenium by 200 .
  • Bioenergyactivators have been found to facilitate
    the rooting of grafts of toughly rooted plants,
    which demonstrated good results on silver spruce
    (picea pungens Engelman), kiwi, vine, nut,
    kazanlyk rose, geranium, gladiolus and other
    valuable plants. The obtained results
    significantly exceed all the known data obtained
    by other methods in this area.

  • Silver spruce is a valuable plant both from
    decorative and ecological point of view. It
    releases a large amount of phytoncides (which
    clear the air from microbes) and, in its turn,
    absorbs heavy metals, pesticides and other
    poisons available in the environment, i.e. it is
    a natural filter. It is difficult for silver
    spruce to strike root, therefore it is germinated
    by seeds which can yield fully-developed plant
    only within 10-15 years and with a small outcome.
    The use of bioenergyactivators allows for this
    unique wood genus to strike root by 90-85 and
    significantly accelerates its growth and

  • Rooting of valuable decorative plant silver
  • On the left nontreated grafts.
  • On the right treated grafts.

Silver spurce seedlings obtained by use of new
3 Year silver spruce rooted by use of new
technologies. The plant reached a height of 2
metres and 20 cm at the age of 7 years.
  • Using the new method it would be also possible
    for the tillers of actinidia-kiwi to strike root.
    Kiwi or yangtao actinidia is a subtropical berry
    culture. It is one of the richest plants in
    biologically active substances. It has from
    ancient time been used both as food, so for
    treatment. In China it has long been used to
    prevent quite a number of diseases, including
    cancer. As demonstrated by our research, the use
    of bioenergyactivators results in a substantial
    increase in the plants content of bioactive
    substances enhancing strongly its pharmacological
    and therapeutic activity.

Effect of bioenergoactivators on rootage of
kiwi graft (after 60 days). On the right
nontreated (control version). On the left
  • Vine grafting has a long-term history. In spite
    of this, the yield of the first quality grafted
    saplings is rather low. Bioenergyactivators have
    a high effect on the yield of saplings. They
    promote rooting and provide active performance of
    current vital processes resulting in their
    full-fruitage development within a short period
    of time.
  • At present, considerable attention has been
    focused upon artificial immunization of plants
    which can be considered a powerful means in
    increasing nonspecific resistance against
    diseases and various unfavourable influences.
  • This innovation is a strong remedy to increase
    stability of plants towards diseases and other
    unfavorable conditions. Some compounds acquired
    in our laboratory show strong immunologic effect
    on the lemon sorts growing in Georgia, against
    Mul secco diseases, caused by fungus Phoma
    tracheifila, which causes drying of lemons,
    oranges, and the rest of citruses and damages
    crop of citruces. It should be noted that the use
    of new biopreparations sharply increases frost
    resistance and promotes fruiting by several

Influence of the new preparation on lemon (New
Georgian variety) resistance On the left
Mal secco indusing fungi (Phoma tracheifila)
inoculated plant (nontreated). On the right
Mal secco indusing fungi (Phoma tracheifila)
inoculated plant (treated).
  • New preparations strengthen the plants resistance
    against outside factors and diseases, which
    provides the means of getting ecologically pure
    agricultural crop without polluting ground by
    poison. They penetrate into the plant cell, play
    a role of inductors of general unspecific
    durability, and stimulate protection function of
    the plant by activation of reserved mechanism.
  • Plant mycoplasmic diseases are wide spread and
    cause considerable damage to agriculture.
    Mycoplasmic as well as virus diseases, because of
    specificity of pathogenic microorganisms and the
    widespread of infection, belong to plant diseases
    with a practically impossible cure. As it is
    known, recently, leaf rugosity a mycoplasmic
    disease of the mulberry-tree had a serious
    negative influence of the nutrient source of
    sericulture. For restoration of the sericulture
    it is very important to restore the nutrient
    source, namely to conduct some activities
    against the leaf rugosity diseases.

  • We have demonstrated that the treatment of
    mulberry-tree by energyactivators the resistance
    of the plant to the mycoplasmic disease
    increases. The processed plant could recover its
    immune system on account of utilization of
    reserve substances. Growth and development of
    the plant is stimulated, active elements of their
    anatomic structure and of productivity indices
    are improved, and spreading of the mycoplasmic
    disease is decreased all of these can be
    considered as increasing of general resistance of
    the plants to the disease, as well as to
    unfavorable environment factors.

As it is seen from Table 1, the number of
diseased plants was decreased by 70, and
progression of the disease decreased by 60.4,
in comparision with the control data.
Table 1 The Effect of Bioenergyactivator on
Resistance of Mulberry Tree to the Leaf
Rugosity Disease (an old plantation)
Variant Number of experimental plants Number of infected plants Percentage of infected plants Disease development,
Control Test 20 20 18 4 90.0 20.0 67.5 7.1
leaf rugosity of mulberry tree (nontreated).
The dried tree because of leaf rugosity
revived within 2 months after pouring of
bioenergoactivator (2L) into its roots and even
gave fruit (no disease is noted).
  • Germination energy and sprouting capacity of the
    mulberry seed are quite high in comparision to
    the control variant (Table 2).
  • Table 2
  • The Effect of Bioenergyactivator on Germination
    Energy and Sprouting Capacity of the Mulberry

Variant Soaking method Soaking method Spraying method Spraying method
Variant Germnation energy, Sprouting capacity, Germination energy, Sprouting capacity,
Control Test 81.3 96.6 89.3 98.0 80.6 86.6 89.3 94.0
Roots of saplings grown from mulberry tree
seeds (4 months later after sowing) On the left-
control version. On the right- treated.
  • Proteins carry out a huge role in the ability for
    plants to live. A feed of silkworm with highly
    nourishing leaves increases the average weight of
    cocoons and quantity of an unwinding string.We
    determine influence of bioenergyactivator on
    protein content in leaves of mulberry (in spring
    and autumn) and in haemolymph of caterpillars of
    silkworm. Quantity of proteins both in leaves of
    a mulberry and in haemolymph increases
    considerably because of influence of
    bioenergy-activator. In particular, in
    experimental spring leaves the quantity of
    proteins increases by 3.6 more than in control
    variant, and in autumnal leaves - by 88.5
    (Table 3).
  • Table 3
  • Influence of Bioenergyactivator on Protein
    Content of Total, Non-Protein and Protein
    Nitrogen in Control and Experimental Leaves of

Variant In spring leaves In spring leaves In spring leaves In spring leaves
Variant Total nitrogen, Non-protein Nitrogen, Protein Nitrogen, Quantity of proteins,
Control 3,09 0,48 2,61 16,3
Test 3.26 0.56 2.71 16.9
In autumnal leaves In autumnal leaves In autumnal leaves In autumnal leaves In autumnal leaves
Control 1.68 0.3 1.38 8.62
Test 2.9 0.3 2.6 16.25
  • Quantity of proteins in haemolymph of fifth age
    of test variant for 3rd day increases by 10.4,
    and for 8th day by 21.5, to surpass a control
    variant (Table 4).

  • Table 4
  • Influence of Bioenergyactivator on Quantity of
    Proteins in Haemolymph

In haemolymph of fifth age Day Quantity of proteins Quantity of proteins
In haemolymph of fifth age Day Control Test
In haemolymph of fifth age III 9.48 10.47
In haemolymph of fifth age VIII 10.21 12.41
  • As a result of influence of bioenergyactivator
    the quantity of proteins in leaves of a mulberry
    and in haemolymph caterpillars of silkworm, we
    see significant changes in biotechnological
    indices. Application of the bioenergyactivator
    increases the total weight of silk, improves the
    type of silk, the thread and the average length
    of the thread (Table 5).
  • Table 5
  • The Effect of Bioenergyactivator on
    Technological Indices of the Cocoon

variant Total weight of living cocoon, g Kind of sericulture, Outcome of thread, Aaverage length of thread, m
Control Test 2.30 3.70 41.07 45.79 36.61 43.75 1390 1580
  • Bioenergyactivators are ecologically pure and
    safe. They provide natural normalization of
    plants. They enable preservation of homeostasis
    through activation of physiological regulatory
    mechanisms, providing adaptation to the extremal
    conditions. They influence on the various system
    of metabolism breath, photosynthesis,
    biosynthesis of proteins, carbo-hydrates and
    secondary substances. They cause sharp increase
    an activity of some enzymes, for example
    katalases, peroxidases, change physical and
    chemical properties of protoplasm and
    penetrability of cellular membranes for water,
    mineral and organic substances.
    Bioenergyactivator stimulates the nitrate
    assimilation and protein levels in the bean
    primary leaves by using nitrate as single
    nitrogen source at the early stages of
  • There are two ways of adaptation of human with
    environment. The first improvement of
    environmental preservation, the second increase
    the stability of organisms towards the action of
    harmful factors.

  • Adaptation of living organisms to the different
    conditions is possible through the usage of
    bioenergyactivators. They reveal strong
    antioxi-dant properties which give the means of
    reduction of negative influence on human being
    caused by chemicalization of agriculture.
  • In the laboratory mice antimutagenic and
    anticytotoxic effect of bioenergyactivators
    (biorag, ragozan, ematon and ragil) have been
    studied during mutation and cytotoxicity induced
    with the fertilizers and the pesticides.
    Experiments showed that tested bioenergy-activator
    s exerted highly effective antimutagenic and
    anticytotoxic action.
  • By obtained results it is possible to increase
    the quantity as well as quality of agricultural
    products, and at the same time, to reduce
    negative influence of agricultural
    chemicalization on the environment, which will
    give great economic, ecologic and social effects.

Examples of using new biotechnologies
On the right- sunflower obtained by use of new
technologies (seed oiliness increased 1,5
times ). On the left- control version.
examples of using new biotechnologies
Vegetable marrow On the left nontreated.
On the right treated.
1,5 Year apple tree treated by
examples of using new biotechnologies
Herbal plant (kalanhoe) 8 months after sowing.
On the left nontreated.
On the right treated.
Sugar beet On the left nontreated.
On the right treated.
examples of using new biotechnologies
Effect of new technologies on cucumber and
dwarfish pomegranate.
examples of using new biotechnologies

On the left- control
version (unripe).
On the right- treated (picked 5 times).
examples of using new biotechnologies
Mexican cucumber (chaiot) obtained by use of new
technologies .
Potato obtained on the marshy soil by use of new
technologies. On the left- control version. On
the right- treated.
On the left control version. On the
right treated.
examples of using new biotechnologies
Exsperiments in the conservatory of Tbilisi
State University
examples of using new biotechnologies
One plant of the maize sort Kartuli krugi
usually gives 1 corn-cob only 1-6
characterized by 2 corn-cobs. The use of new
biopreparation 70 of plants give 3 corn-cobs,
and 30 from 4 to 7 corn-cobs.
examples of using new biotechnologies
Maize crop yielded with the use
of new biopreparation.
Effect of bioenergoactivators on the maize roots
examples of using new biotechnologies
Chickens of the same age. On the right- control
version. On the left- chicken fed with new
biopreparation during 20 days.
Non-castrated,10 months old pig (species
landras) grown to 320 kg by use of
Results achieved by use of new biotechnologies in
farm household
Results achieved by use of new biotechnologies in
farm household
Results achieved by use of new biotechnologies in
farm household
Results achieved by use of new biotechnologies in
farm household
Improvement of chemical composition of
agricultural crops by use of new technologies
Agriculture crops Indices Type of treatment Type of treatment
Agriculture crops Indices Untreated sample Treated sample
Maize Protein, 9,20 10,76
Maize Fat, 3,56 4,75
Maize Lyzine, g/kg 3,24 6,42
Maize Tyrosine, g/kg 1,32 3,21
Maize Iodine, mg/kg 0,06 0,58
Maize Selinium, mg/kg 0,36 0,74
Sugar-beet Sucrose, 10,3 22,5
Wheat (sort Dolis Puri) Wet Gluten, 25,6 43,2
Grape (sort Izabella) Sugar content, 12 24

The agricultural products obtained by the use of
bioenergyactivators due to their ecological
purity and high nutrient content (protein,
limited amino acids, vitamins, microelements)
are valuable for babies nourishment. Based on
current research of physicians and hygienists
the crop obtained with bionergyactivators is a
good means for preventing goitre, cardiovascular
and other diseases.
  • to receive biologically pure harvest non
    polluting environment
  • to significantly increase crop capacity
  • to speed up development of plants (to abridge
    ripening terms, to receive early harvest)
  • to improve quality of harvest (increase content
    of microelements, protein, carbohydrates, limited
    aminoacids, vitamins and other bioorganic
  • to increase green mass
  • to intensify stability towards diseases and
    unfavorable conditions of environment
  • to increase effectiveness of fertilizers, which
    enables economy of mineral fertilizers
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